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Posistac 6% Premix (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Phibro

(salinomycin sodium drug premix)



Active Ingredient

Salinomycin sodium, 60 g/kg

Posistac 6% Premix Indications

Broiler Chickens: For use in broiler chickens as an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria acervulina, E. mitis, E. necatrix, E. maxima, E. tenella and E. brunetti.

Swine: (1) For increased rate of weight gain in growing-finishing swine fed meal or pellets. (2) For improved feed efficiency in growing-finishing swine fed pellets.

Steers: For the improvement of feed efficiency in steers fed in confinement for slaughter.

Feedlot Heifers: For improved growth rate and feed efficiency, and as an aid in suppression of estrus in heifers being fed for slaughter. Note: This claim only applies when salinomycin sodium is administered concurrently with melengestrol acetate at 0.40 mg/head/day.

Rabbit: (1) As an aid in the prevention of coccidiosis in weaned and growing rabbits on farms with a confirmed history of coccidiosis caused by Eimeria spp. (2) For the reduction of coccidia shedding in weaned and growing rabbits.

Mixing Directions

Broiler Chickens: Thoroughly mix 1 kg of Posistac 6% with 999 kg of complete feed to obtain a medicated feed with a salinomycin sodium concentration of 0.0060% (60 mg/kg). The medicated feed can be prepared in the form of meal or pellets.

Swine: Thoroughly mix 417 g of Posistac 6% with 1000 kg of complete feed to obtain a medicated feed with a salinomycin sodium concentration of 0.0025% (25 mg/kg). To ensure proper mixing, the premix should first be diluted in an intermediate blending step prior to adding to the final blend.

Steers and Feedlot Heifers1:

Complete Diets: Medicated complete diets (complete feeds plus roughage calculated on a 100% dry matter basis) that will provide an approximation of the recommended dosage of 100 mg of salinomycin sodium per head per day, are to be prepared as per the following table:

Weight of Steers/Heifers

Estimated Daily Dry Matter Intake (kg)

Recommended Salinomycin Sodium Diet Concentration (mg/kg)

Amount of Premix to Mix with 1000 kg of Complete Diet (g)

220 to 300




301 to 400




Over 400




To ensure proper mixing, the premix should first be diluted with grain concentrate or supplement in an intermediate blending step prior to adding to the final blend of complete diet.

Feed Supplements: Medicated feed supplements that will provide an approximation of the recommended dosage of 100 mg of salinomycin sodium per head per day, are to be prepared as per the following table:

Supplement Feeding Rate

Amount of Premix to Mix with 1000 kg of Supplement (kg)









The medicated supplement can be prepared in the form of meal or pellets. Thoroughly mix the medicated supplement in the total daily diet or in the grain portion of the ration before use. Do not feed undiluted.

1.For feedlot heifers, salinomycin sodium must be fed concurrently with melengestrol acetate. Salinomycin sodium by itself is not effective in heifers.

Rabbit: Thoroughly mix 333g of Posistac 6% with 1000 kg of complete feed to obtain a medicated feed with a salinomycin concentration of 0.0020% (20mg/kg.


Broiler Chickens: The medicated feed is to be fed continuously as the sole ration up to marketing.

Swine: The medicated feed is to be fed continuously as the sole ration from approximately 25 kg body weight to market weight.

Steers: The medicated feed is to be fed continuously to steers during their entire confinement period.

Feedlot Heifers: Feed the medicated feed containing melengestrol acetate and salinomycin sodium to beef heifers 220 kg and over being fed for slaughter such that each animal receiving 0.40 mg melengestrol acetate and 100 mg salinomycin sodium per head per day.

Rabbit: The medicated feed is to be fed continuously as the sole ration.


No withdrawal period is required for chickens, swine and steers when this drug product is used according to label directions.

Feedlot heifers treated concurrently with Posistac 6% and MGA 100 in feed must not be slaughtered for food for at least 24 hours after the latest treatment with these drugs.

Do not use in laying hens.

Treated rabbits must not be slaughtered for use as food for at least 5 days after the latest treatment with this drug.

Operators handling the concentrated product should wear a face mask, gloves and protective clothing.

Keep out of reach of children.

Posistac 6% Premix Cautions

Do not allow dogs, horses or turkeys access to this drug as it is known to be toxic to these species. Extra care should be taken to avoid contamination of feeds for these animals.

Do not administer tiamulin to animals receiving this drug.

Do not use in feeds containing pellet-binding agents with the exception of Lignosol and Agri-Colloid.

Broiler Chickens:

(1) A weight gain reduction may occur in cockerels fed this drug in the absence of coccidial exposure.

(2) Do not use this drug for the treatment of coccidiosis.

(3) Consult a veterinarian or poultry pathologist if losses exceed 0.5% in a 2-day period.

(4) Do not feed to replacement or breeding chickens.

Swine/Steers/Feedlot Heifers:

(1) Do not administer to breeding swine.

(2) Do not administer to breeding or replacement cattle, to calves below 220 kg body weight, or to lactating dairy cattle.

(3) The efficacy for improvement in feed efficiency in swine has not been established with mash feeds.


(1) Do not administer to breeding rabbits or pregnant does.

(2) This product should only be used in rabbits infected, or likely to be infected, with Eimeria spp. Indiscriminate use of salinomycin, or at doses higher than the label dose, may result in decreased feed intake, weight gain, and feed efficiency.

(3) Efficacy of salinomycin treatment during clinical outbreaks of coccidiosis in rabbits has not been demonstrated.

(4) Ensure homogeneous mixing in feed.


Store in a cool, dry place below 30°C. Keep from freezing.

Keep bag closed when not in use.

Posistac is a registered trademark of Phibro Animal Health Corporation.

Manufactured By: Phibro Animal Health Corporation, Glenpointe Centre East, 3rd Fl, 300 Frank W. Burr Blvd, Ste 21, Teaneck, NJ 07666, USA

Distributed by: Bio Agri Mix LP, P.O. Box 399, Mitchell, ON N0K 1N0

DIN 00603724




25 kg



CPN: 1180006.7

Distributed by BIO AGRI MIX LP
Telephone:   519-348-9865
Order Desk:   800-265-1763
Technical Information:   226-303-2503
Fax:   519-348-4100
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