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Panacur Paste 10% w/w (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Merck Animal Health

fenbendazole paste 100 mg/g

DIN 02113163


Horse Dewormer


Each gram contains:

Active Ingredients

100 mg Fenbendazole


Panacur Paste 10% w/w Indications

For the treatment of infections caused by the following internal parasites in horses: Large strongyles (adults): Strongylus vulgaris, S. equinus, S. edentatus and Triodontophorus spp. Small strongyles (luminal adults and fourth stage larvae): Cyathostomum spp., Cylicocyclus spp. and Cylicostephanus spp. Ascarids (adults): Parascaris equorum. Pinworms (adults): Oxyuris equi. This product is also indicated for the treatment of equine larval cyathostomosis induced by the encysted early third stage (hypobiotic EL3), late third stage (LL3) and fourth stage (L4) larvae of cyathostomes (small strongyles).

Dosage and Administration

Administer orally to horses at the following dosage: the routine recommended dosage is 5 mg of fenbendazole per kg of body weight. This is equivalent to one syringe per 500 kg (1100 lb) of body weight. In cases of larval cyathostomosis, administer this product at a daily dosage of 10 mg of fenbendazole per kg of body weight during five consecutive days. This is equivalent to two syringes per 500 kg (1100 lb) of body weight per day, administered during five consecutive days. Foals and young horses under 18 months of age require a dose of 10 mg of fenbendazole per kg body weight for the treatment of ascarid infections. At this dosage, the contents of one syringe will treat a 250 kg (550 lb) foal.

Directions For Use

1) Remove syringe tip.

2) Turn the dial ring until the edge of the ring nearest the tip lines up with zero.

3) Depress plunger to advance paste to tip.

4) Determine the weight of the horse.

5) Set the dial ring at the graduation nearest the weight of the horse, adjust for selected treatment (do not underdose).

6) Horse’s mouth must be free of feed.

7) Insert nozzle of syringe through the interdental space and deposit the paste at the base of the tongue by depressing the plunger.

CAUTIONS: Certain species of small strongyles have become resistant to most anthelmintics belonging to the benzimidazole family of compounds, including fenbendazole. In suspected cases of larval cyathostomosis, the prognosis is usually guarded since the underlying pathology can be severe without the animals showing marked clinical signs. Consult your veterinarian regarding the diagnosis, treatment and control of parasitism in horses.


This drug is not to be administered to horses that are to be slaughtered for use in food. Keep out of reach of children.


Store at room temperature, below 25°C. Keep from freezing.

How Supplied

Available as 25 g syringes.

Intervet Canada Corp., subsidiary of Merck & Co., Inc., Kirkland, Qc H9H 4M7


® Intervet International B.V. Used under license.

Version 4 June 2024

CPN: 1208149.4

Intervet Canada Corp.

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