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Viral vaccines

What are Viral vaccines?

Viral vaccines contain either inactivated viruses or attenuated (alive but not capable of causing disease) viruses.

Inactivated or killed viral vaccines contain viruses, which have lost their ability to replicate and in order for it to bring about a response it contains more antigen than live vaccines. Attenuated or live vaccines contain the live form of the virus. These viruses are not pathogenic but are able to induce an immune response.

List of Viral vaccines

View by  Generic | Brand
Drug Name Avg. Rating Reviews
zoster vaccine, recombinant systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Shingrix
628 reviews
influenza virus vaccine, inactivated systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Afluria, Afluria Preservative-Free Pediatric Quadrivalent, Afluria Preservative-Free Quadrivalent, Afluria Quadrivalent, Fluad, Fluad Quadrivalent, Fluarix, Fluarix Preservative-Free Quadrivalent, Fluarix Quadrivalent, Flublok, Flublok Quadrivalent, Flucelvax, Flucelvax Preservative-Free Quadrivalent, Flucelvax Quadrivalent, FluLaval, FluLaval Preservative-Free Quadrivalent, FluLaval Quadrivalent, Fluvirin, Fluzone, Fluzone High-Dose, Fluzone High-Dose Quadrivalent, Fluzone Intradermal Quadrivalent, Fluzone Preservative-Free Pediatric Quadrivalent, Fluzone Preservative-Free Quadrivalent, Fluzone Quadrivalent
76 reviews
human papillomavirus vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Gardasil 9
52 reviews
COVID-19 mRNA (Moderna) vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine, Spikevax
32 reviews
COVID-19 mRNA (Pfizer) vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Comirnaty, Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine
17 reviews
influenza virus vaccine, live systemic (Pro)
Brand names: FluMist, FluMist Quadrivalent
15 reviews
yellow fever vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Stamaril, YF-Vax
5 reviews
rabies vaccine, human diploid cell systemic
Brand name: Imovax Rabies
4 reviews
hepatitis b adult vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Engerix-B, Heplisav-B, PreHevbrio, Recombivax HB Adult, Recombivax HB Dialysis Formulation
4 reviews
smallpox and mpox vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: ACAM2000, Jynneos
1 review
sars-cov-2 (covid-19) nvx-cov2373 vaccine, recombinant systemic (Pro)
1 review
rsv vaccine pref3, recombinant systemic
Brand name: Arexvy
1 review
rabies vaccine, purified chick embryo cell systemic
Brand name: RabAvert
1 review
mumps virus vaccine systemic (Pro)
1 review
varicella virus vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Varivax
No reviews
tick-borne encephalitis (inactivated) vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand name: TicoVac
No reviews
tick-borne encephalitis (inactivated) pediatric vaccine systemic
Brand name: TicoVac Pediatric
No reviews
smallpox vaccine systemic (Pro)
No reviews
sars-cov-2 nvx-cov2373 vaccine, recomb (cvx 313) systemic
No reviews
rsv vaccine, pref a-pref b, recombinant systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Abrysvo
No reviews
rsv vaccine, mrna systemic
Brand name: mRESVIA
No reviews
rotavirus vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Rotarix, RotaTeq
No reviews
poliovirus vaccine, inactivated systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Ipol
No reviews
measles virus vaccine systemic (Pro)
No reviews
japanese enceph vacc sa14-14-2, inactivated systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Ixiaro
No reviews
influenza virus vaccine, h5n1 systemic
Brand name: Audenz
No reviews
hepatitis b pediatric vaccine systemic
Brand names: Engerix-B Pediatric, Recombivax HB Pediatric / Adolescent
No reviews
hepatitis a pediatric vaccine systemic
Brand names: Havrix Pediatric, Vaqta Pediatric
No reviews
hepatitis a adult vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand names: Havrix, Vaqta
No reviews
dengue vaccine systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Dengvaxia
No reviews
chikungunya vaccine, live (cvx 317) systemic (Pro)
Brand name: Ixchiq
No reviews
adenovirus vaccine systemic (Pro)
No reviews
For ratings, users were asked how effective they found the medicine while considering positive/adverse effects and ease of use (1 = not effective, 10 = most effective).

Further information

Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.