Daklinza for Hepatitis C User Reviews
Daklinza has an average rating of 9.8 out of 10 from a total of 9 reviews for the treatment of Hepatitis C. 100% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 0% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Daklinza
- Iva...
- October 18, 2015
"I had Hep-C genotype 3a, took Daklinza 60 mg per day and Sovaldi 400 mg per day together, and after 27 days of 27 tablets each, I had blood work and was cleared of Hep-C. I'm finishing it all just in case of the 12-week program of 3 scripts of 28 pills each. I had a few headaches and itchy skin, and at first felt weak when I took them in the morning, so I changed it to the evening and everything was fine. I was approved to take Benadryl, 2 in the morning and 2 at night, and it helped the itching, could not take any pain medicine for the headaches. My health insurance covered all but my one-time deductible of $6,000, and after that, I paid nothing. My nurse found a company to pay my deductible."
- jul...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- August 9, 2016
"I have completed four weeks of Sovaldi and Daklinza, and my one-month blood work shows the virus is undetectable. I have had very few super mild side effects, and if I wasn't sort of looking for them, I might not even notice. I feel like my heart beats hard sometimes and have had some episodes of palpitations, which gives me anxiety, but that's it. It's a dream compared to what I've heard about past treatments, and I'm so glad it's available and that my insurance finally approved it!"
Frequently asked questions
- Sun...
- May 19, 2016
"I take Savodi and Deklenza together once a day and genotype 3A. I've had a few side effects that are listed, but nothing that I can't deal with. The most bothersome side effect for me is it feels like my insides are slightly burning. I can hold my hand an inch from my body, especially over my tummy area, and I can feel heat radiating off of my skin. Two weeks after taking these medications together, my RNA came back less than 15, so I'm completing this course. I'm very excited."
- Pri...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 3, 2017
"I am now Hep C cured After being on Dakinza and Solvadi For 12 weeks July 2016 finished September 2016 Only side effects was not sleeping well some nights but my experience using these drugs was positive. My last blood test was in December 2016 my doctor said no hep c detected and my liver enzymes are all normal. He advised me to be vaccinated for hep A and B Hopefully soon there will be a vaccine for hep c. I'm thankful to be cured and thankful my insurance covered the drug costs."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Jet...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- September 13, 2017
"I guess I am the black sheep amongst the flock. I took Daklinza and Sovaldi which made my HepC undetectable, but since taking those I have a hand and lower forearm problem. Started on the hepC meds around May of 2016. Hand issue started May of 2016. I would get scabs on different places on my hands. Sometimes the spots would bleed...looked like severe dry skin. Went to 3 dermatoligists, a top notch liver doctor, my family Dr, and the Gastro Dr that got me on the HepC meds. None of the above can figure out what is going on. It is now Sept 2017 and basically the same symptoms are going on. Now I have a severe rash on the lower part of my forearms, so severe you could strike a kitchen match on them. No one seems to be able to help."
- bra...
- November 24, 2015
"Sleepy, sleepy mental things. Mostly no complaints. I'm grateful, Gtype 3A, and on my way, regardless of any side effects. I'd recommend to anybody in need."
- don...
- February 15, 2016
"Little to no side effects, Geno 3A, 324,800 viral load undetected, 4 weeks! 6 weeks left."
- Mys...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- December 13, 2015
"Just finished dosaging, I waiting for results"
- Ant...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 6, 2017
"Severe nighttime muscle cramps and terrible pain in the muscles off my left leg. Regular pain killers such as tylenol are ineffective so need something stronger for the pain"
Learn more about Hepatitis C
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More about Daklinza (daclatasvir)
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- During pregnancy
- FDA approval history
- Drug class: NS5A inhibitors
- Breastfeeding
"With Hep C genotype 1, liver cirrhosis, and earlier treatment with Pegasys, Copegus for 48 weeks, and initially also Olysio for 12 weeks, I was free from the virus during treatment, but only 2 weeks after completing the course of treatment, viral content was again present. In October 2014, I started a 6-month viral treatment consisting of Sovaldi and Daklinza, and I'm happy to let you know I am still virus-free. Had no side effects during treatment, and my doctor calls the new antiviral drugs a real cure for 9 out of 10."