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Differin for Acne User Reviews (Page 4)

Differin has an average rating of 6.0 out of 10 from a total of 323 reviews for the treatment of Acne. 52% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 37% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Differin

  • Soqui...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 20, 2017

"This stuff is AWESOME. Admittedly it itched like fire for three days until I slacked off and used a good moisturizing cream. But my face is CLEAR for the first time in YEARS. I recommend Carmex to heal the dry flakes and Aveeno after that. If you have another breakout, go back to Differin. I can't recommend this stuff enough. It's worth it to itch and burn for a day or two; it's WORKING. Just deal with it. Thank you, makers of Differin!!! Screw makeup. I'm FREE."

10 / 10
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  • Laura...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • December 1, 2016

"DO NOT use differin. As a result of using this lotion I developed a horrible red rash on my neck and face. 2.5 months later I am still have to apply hydrocortisone cream twice a day to keep it at bay and can't use any nice foundation or makeup. I have read several other reviews where it has happened to people and spoken to other GP's who have said they wouldn't prescribe it. IT IS NOT WORTH IT! Try anything else, but don't use this product."

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  • rebmc
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 24, 2019

"I am on my 15th week of differin currently and my acne and scars are really clearing up. I still get some occasional pimples but not a massive amount. Even at week 12 I had a ton of acne from when my skin was “purging” and the scarring was unreal. I never got massive amount of acne on my cheeks before using this product but besides the scars left behind which continue to clear up by the day. I’m very happy with how my face is looking even though it took 14 weeks to be happy and see good results. Stick with it because I came on this website all the time and always heard bad reviews but also good ones saying to stick it out and I truly agree to just stick it out. Or try something else if you can’t/won’t be able to deal with the possible 14 weeks of unbelievable amounts of acne and scars."

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Frequently asked questions

  • tiff
  • September 27, 2011

"The first topical treatment I used was Duac, and I didn't see a change in my skin. I switched to Retin-A, and I peeled so badly I couldn't use it at all. My doctor switched me to the generic adapalene gel 0.1%, and I've been using it for a few months now. It works amazingly. I can use it every night, and I've never peeled, and I was even able to stop my antibiotic. I LOVE it!"

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  • Anonymous
  • June 4, 2020

"My acne returned when I turned 19 (I’m 29 yrs old now ) . Since then I’ve had mild /moderate acne . I was just sick of having acne , so I gave Differin a go. First 2 weeks my skin didn’t form any new pimples it was clear ,with small spots but my skin was very dry and irritated . By week 4/5 I had massive red irritated break outs , my purge has begun . Several infected pores turned into a big spot. My routine : Use hydrating serum ,then applied an oil to my sensitive areas such as around eyes and nose. Followed by a pea size amount of Differin , would wait for that to dry , then applied oil all over, then a moisturiser . Used low ph cleanser . Week 6/7 my skin started to clear up , my forehead was clear. Week 8 , had a huge break out on my chin and mouth . Some are reoccurring spots, I’m not sure if this is a 2nd phase of purging or ones that didn’t surface until now . I will continue with it ,up until the full 12 weeks , hoping this is the last of the purge !!"

5 / 10
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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Mizy
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 10, 2017

"I started using differin 0.1% in November 2016, fast forward to January 2017 and I couldn't be happier! I'm 26 and have been battling with acne since I was around 13. I have tried all sorts of products and regimes and sometimes had success but it never lasted long. I had tried differin before but never stuck it out long enough to see its full benefits, this time I did and my skin is thanking me for it. I've kept my skin care regiment very simple. I use a very gentle cleanser in the morning then a benzyl peroxide 5% gel then a moisturiser on top. In the evening I use the same cleanser then the differin cream, I always allow it to soak in for at least an hour then follow up with my moisturiser. This cream takes time to work but be patient."

9 / 10
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  • Jessi...
  • August 31, 2011

"This summer, I've broken out severely. I've tried Proactiv, AcneFree, and Clean and Clear Advantage. Proactiv didn't work at all, and AcneFree was very harsh on my skin! Clean and Clear did help, but not that much. I finally went to the doctor, and she prescribed Differin. I've been taking it for a couple of weeks now, and I am starting to see a difference. I've even noticed that my acne scars are healing and getting lighter. I haven't got any of those huge hurt-your-face pimples either."

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  • Forev...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 2, 2017

"I've been battling acne ever since I was a teenager, and now I'm 23, still battling acne until here recently. I had heard about Differin, and how adapalene can help stubborn acne. I purchased the gel about 2 weeks ago, and I must say my breakouts are almost gone. I dealt with dryness and a burning sensation the first few days, but my skin got used to it after that. What helps is washing your face, applying moisturizer, and THEN applying the differin. This makes it less harsh for the skin. I can't wait to see how my skin will look in 2 months. Don't give up on this stuff, it's a work in progress."

9 / 10
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  • Buzzie
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • February 18, 2017

"I used differen when it first arrived on the market. I'm a black woman btw. stopped cause it was making my face peel. Maybe five years later the derm told me use it again along with doxy pills and it cleared my skin up without flaking this time. Every time I stop using it for a while I get acne again I'm 25 and I still get breakouts depending on what I'm eating( I love junk). I think I will stick with It and not go long without using it even for tiny pimples. Only had the flaking and burning the very first time using so my advice to newbies is to not use as much when U r just starting it. And take care of your Insides. Stay hydrated Your skin must get used to it for it to work. No more doxy only this gel. Skin is supple again!"

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  • cmf
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 15, 2017

"(A little background on my skin, I get a pimple here and there and overall have pretty normal skin) I saw a commercial for Differin and immediately went online to buy it, I thought that the product sounded great for the price! After I purchased it I started looking into side effects and reviews on the product. They were pretty mixed with some people saying they loved it and others saying they hated it but the main thoughts were that it might make your breakouts worse for a few months then get better, and it can make your skin dry and sensitive. Well let me tell you I used this product as directed for 3 nights in a row and it gave me a chemical type burn on my face, my skin is flaking off and I am using a TON on moisturizer to try to keep it as hydrated as I can, and it hurts to even touch my face. And I don't mean like when your skin is dry type of flaking off, I mean like worse sun burn in your life type of flaking off. I also have a pretty high pain tolerance and anytime I touched my face, took my makeup off, put makeup on, or used my moisturizer it felt like 10,000 needles stabbing me in my face while getting burned by a hot iron. I have now stopped using the product and two days later my skin is still the same; flaking, red, and hurting like no other. Do NOT use this product unless you are ready for some serious pain and skin damage."

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  • Cwebs
  • June 16, 2017

"I've only been on Differin for about 3 weeks now but I've been noticing huge improvements. I am going through an initial breakout but haven't experienced any burning or drying, not even the first few days. I use a cerave foaming cleanser, rinse, and immediately apply my moisturizer to my wet skin in the shower (to avoid water loss). I then apply aquaphor to the skin around my lips, nostrils, eyes. My dermatologist refers to this as preparing the orifaces (to avoid any irritation or dryness). I then dot the differin around my face and rub it in. In the morning, I wash my face with a 0.5% salicylic acid wash from Murad and apply a physical sunscreen (I use cerave's)"

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  • kathr...
  • November 8, 2016

"I have had a horrible experience with this cream. my face is so painfully dry even in the spots I didn't put the cream. my eyes, the crease under my lip, my nose and the corners of my lips are so dry there is now even blisters developing. It hurts to put anything on besides coconut oil but that's not helping and I am at a loss."

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  • Getti...
  • June 4, 2017

"I have been using differin for 15 weeks and this is the best my skin has looked in years. And I am excited that it'll keep getting better from here. The Initial breakout phase was terrible! So for anyone going through that now... keep going, there's a bright light at the end of the tunnel!! Antibiotics won't hurt too!!!"

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  • Anonymous
  • December 7, 2008

"This medication helped to clear up my acne within the first couple of weeks of use. However, I think my body developed a resistance to the active ingredient, and some (not all) of the acne returned. The severity of the acne was much less than before treatment. One negative side effect I experienced was increased sensitivity and a red rash that extended down my neck. Whatever you do, do not get your eyebrows waxed while using this product. My skin was ripped off with my eyebrows when I had them waxed."

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  • Hilbean
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 28, 2019

"I wanted to share my experience with Differin as someone in the middle of the dreaded acne purge. I am coming into 6 weeks and I have to say this has been the worse my skin has looked since I first started breaking out 17 years ago. I am not only getting white head that seem to burst in the most inopportune time, I am also getting a lot of actual raised acne. It is all happening in the majority of problem area. The worst thing is that it is happening in clusters. It seems to be more painful than my normal break-outs since they come hard and fast. They also subside fast, but as of right now....more seem to be not far behind. Right now I can't help but giving this 1 star because this is pure awfulness...plain and simple. That being said, I am moving forward using the medication. I will update next week and week 8 when most of the purging is supposed to be at an end."

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  • Barbie...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • September 12, 2019

"Differin really works for acne, you just have to keep using it. I remember when I was in my late teens I started breaking out more than when I was younger. I went to a Dermatologist. At that time it was only available for prescription only. I remember her telling me to wash my face, and gently pat dry. Make sure your face is very dry before applying a small, thin amount on your face. She also told me that I would start breaking out even more after a couple of weeks after I begin using it. It gets deep in your skin and pushes all the oil to the surface. Your skin may get a little red and itchy. You will also start to see a little flaking on your skin. Don't give up. Keep using it. Eventually it will clear up acne. When I started breaking out more, I would apply my makeup to cover it up. I like to put it on at night time after I wash my face. Give it a try!"

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  • ahboy...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 8, 2020

"I have been on adapelene 0.1% for almost two months now. I had written a review previously so this is an update. My skin is now mostly clear and the quality of my skin is much better overall- I call it the "retinoid glow". I do still get one or two blemishes but they aren't as inflamed. ;The purge is real but for me it only occurred when I increased my usage frequency from every other day to every day and when I increased it from twice a week to every other day. My purging phase consisted of inflamed blemishes that go away in two to three days. I used azelaic acid 20% in the day (which I had been using one month prior to using adapelene) and a sunscreen which contain 3% that contains niacinamide. Moisturiser: Cetaphil lotion. Cleanser: Cetaphil Gentle Cleanser."

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  • K Mic...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 31, 2019

"I’m in my late 30s and deal with mild adult acne (mostly hormonal). After the first week or so I thought I was off to a great start and then everything changed. My face burned and peeled. Then the “purge” made me so self conscious, embarrassed and downright sad that I quit after week four. I had pimples popping up everywhere except my eyeballs. Seriously. There were pimples where I never break out. I finally searched online and read reviews NOT on the Differin website. Some said it cleared up after 12 weeks! I was never going to be able to deal with that outrageous skin for 8 more weeks! It’s not worth your money. No one should have to deal with weeks of extreme breakouts for a chance at clearing up acne 3 months later. I can’t believe they sell this. Please don’t buy this. I don’t want anyone else to feel as sad as I did."

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  • Teach
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 12, 2020

"This Differin stuff works soo well. My skin can't handle applying it every day so I do about every other day but it is AMAZING for cystic acne. It doesn't do much for regular acne, but if you have cystic acne it works. I use to get like 1-2 giant cystic spots on average a week and now they have completely stopped. It's amazing. I might start to get one around my time of the month, but it'll go away quickly with this stuff. Start slow. Apply once a week for about 2 weeks then 2 times a week for another 2 weeks then bump it up to 3 times a week and see how your skin does, but you have to give it about 2 months to work. I didn't have any "purge" like others have, but I also started incredibly slowly which helps a lot."

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  • Tee
  • October 22, 2016

"Started differin almost 2 months ago. I had some cystic on the chin and some pimples on the cheeks before starting differin (i.e, mild acne). 3 weeks after starting differin, I started to get a bunch of whiteheads on one side of my cheek. It wasn't that noticeable until 1-2 weeks (4-5 weeks in) that the whiteheads became incredibly noticeable - very raised, incredibly itchy. The whiteheads eventually became pimples, meaning that I had 5-6 pimples in this little patch. Worst acne I have ever had (I am assuming this is the initial breakout period). 8 weeks on differin now, and that one side and spot of my cheek that had all those whiteheads has cleared up >50%. Can't wait to see what happens in the next 2 weeks! Hopefully acne free!"

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  • Prisc...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 11, 2015

"I used Differin and the first month was HORRIBLE. I guess I needed to use moisturizer especially SPF.. Or lotion. I got sun burned really bad all over, my face was peeling and really scabby. I just looked crazy going to school. And my face hurt so bad so I started using it less. I even went to go get my eyebrows waxed and the wax was too hot for my face and sensitive skin it ripped and scabbed up really bad.. Ouch! But luckily after one month was suffering my face and especially my nose (where I got it) it was all clear, gone, and smooth! Seems like similar experiences where it starts off bad then ends up good. I now put Olay SPF moisturizer on everyday and use it every other day with Cerave face wash."

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  • Kristin
  • August 12, 2016

"This has worked wonders! A little rough for the first couple months, but even then my cystic acne lessened and the pimples I did have were raised and easy to get rid of. Stick it out for 3-4 months and you'll see!"

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  • Kitty...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 15, 2016

"I've had a great experience with Differin gel. I was prescribed Differin for acne that got worse as an adult. When I was 31, the acne was so severe that I felt like a teenager. The first week was hard. My skin was very dry to the point where flakes would fall off when I touched my face. I used moisturizer in the morning, and would still flake all day. After about a week, the dryness completely went away. I've been using this product for a few weeks now and have seen a HUGE difference in my skin. My acne is clearing up, and my skin has a smoothness that it has never had before. My skin is combination/oily, and it feels a little oilier now. I'm okay with that - with the smoothness of my skin, it looks dewy and clear."

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  • Bear
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 20, 2019

"My dermatologist prescribed this before it was OTC and it may have been a higher dose then, but it still works with the 1%. I do not have severe acne, but it is cystic especially around my menstrual cycle. What I have learned to use and what my doctor recommended was to only use dove sensitive soap with the product. I wash my face with it before I apply it. You want to be sure to use it on your entire face, not just particular spots here and there. Sometimes I could even wear it under my makeup, but at night is easiest for me, once a day. Anyways, when my skin did get really dry my solution is always Vaseline, all over your face for one night maybe two. It's messy and feels very gross but worth it. I always have baby soft skin without dryness and my wrinkles are less present after a night of this. Lastly, although I do still get cystic acne still on differin it's less often and they come out more easily if and when I do pop them. Hope this is helpful."

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  • Saman...
  • September 22, 2015

"A dermatologist (a different dermatologist than I usually see) recommended to start using Differin along with taking my Doxycycline. I have been using the topical gel for 3 days on my face and back and I only have negative things to say. My face is peeling badly and the skin is very red and irritated. I have tried different moisturizers and they just burn. The outer corners of my eyes are red and painful. My back broke out with large blister-like pimples. I do not have sensitive skin and my acne is not very bad. I feel this product has actually worsened my condition. I am going to stop using Differin immediately. I don't know how long it's going to take my skin to heal."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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