I apply antifungal cream and powder daily also triple antibiotic when the blisters pop but nothing seems to give. When they pop the blisters fill up with more fluid and then more blisters appear. One blister popped and as I lifted up the skin to see inside it was like a deep cutt. I cant afford to go to the doctors to go for lab tests, I cant take this issue happening for Im affraid it could spread let alone give it to my children or spouse. I need help and advice of what to use and or do.
Blisters on the bottom of my foot that itch, hurt and ooze clear liquid. Whats happening?
Question posted by L0813 on 19 May 2013
Last updated on 5 February 2020 by Chrissmile
21 Answers
My son got that. It's eczema and it itches like crazy and it gets red when you scratch it and get these blisters. I think he used Lotrimin.
It's reminds me of my son that use to get the same thing in the side of his feet blisters that it' itched like crazy he use to use a fork. A old one if course to scratch it. He would get it twice a year. I still do not know what caused that. I use to tell.him to use hydrocortisone cream and then put a thin layer of desenex on over it.it seemed to help
I never got it, nor did my other family members. We. Called it Florida crud. It's not athlete's feet because I've seen that and that's not what this is it's little bumps there's a bunch of rum and they do if you scratch them have liquid coming out of them
I was dealing w that. I used blue star ointment at night and first thing in morning. No more symptoms unless I go a couple of weeks w out using it. It took about a week but everything cleared up.
You have eczema as I do too. I have studied this thoroughly. Don't use creams, they add moisture therefor making more bumps. Sweat and moisture is your enemy. Work boots guarantee a break out for me before the day is over. You have to wear breathable shoes and if you have a breakout, sandals and the air will heal it faster. This is not contagious and when you pop a blister, the fluid won't cause more bumps. If you feel the itchy bumps coming on, you need to pop the blisters asap. If you wait they get bigger, deeper, more painful. Once you have a breakout, soak either in epsom salts or bleach water to dry them out. Witch hazel works too. Your main tool is what shoes you wear by far and being vigilant draining bumps sometimes multiple times. I hope this helps because I use to want to scratch them till they bled. Good Luck
My feet were always perfect and I had no problems at all. Now since I started working in May 2017 I've had these symptoms you mentioned. The health and safety regulations insist on wearing safety shoes and I definitely know that this is the problem. I work 10 hours each day with these shoes and I cant seem to find a better alternative.
If they itch there might be something else wrong. I have little blisters that have been on my feet since I was a baby (as young as 2 months old according to Doctors reports), I am now 24 years old and still do not have an answer with diagnosis of: Eczyma, psoriasis, athletes foot and everything in between. I am uneasy about sharing or trying on foot wear when it "flares up" but other than that it is fine. But they do not itch. As of yet they have not spread to anyone else, but there are very few people whom i share footware with but i am usually 90% always barefoot as well. What helps for me is to keep my feet as dry as possible (so socks, no shoes, sandals most of the time, making sure that i do not wear those in the house) Creams make it WORSE from nothing on my feet to the sole of my foot between my pad and heel full of them.
The only way i found effective is to do a control break of the "blister with fluid in it" to let it dry out (because it is SO painful to the point of not being able to stand or walk if they break open) usually i do the control break before entering the shower or bath, or a foot soak. And they are dried up and peeling in as little time of 3 hours. The ones that present that are darker in colour and dry, i just pick those off (preference). It is something that i have been living with my entire life and that is the best advice (i had one break open in the shower when i was 6 and i thought that i had actually sliced my foot open it hurt so bad). Just keep your feet dry and you should be fine (winter and shoes are the enemy).
Hi there, after unsuccessful treatments attempted via my GP, as well as being in slight disagreement with the diagnosis of dermatitis, I found purely by chance, a cure!! Perhaps stupidly, I started to take a herbal remedy a few years ago to aid with weight loss and whilst that didn't work (no surprise) my skin cleared up after about 3 weeks. I forget the main ingredient but the second main ingredient was green tea. Not liking green tea as a drink, I popped along to my local Holland and Barratt and found green tea capsules. Hey presto, within 3 weeks it had almost disappeared. As long as I take one high strength tablet each day it never reoccurs. Be warned though, miss more than a few and in my case it came back with a vengeance.. I initially thought like previous posters that it was related to my footwear and was an allergic reaction. I have however, through keeping a diary, found out that it is definitely stress related in my case.
In addition, I have suffered heat rash/allergy since the age of 14 and I am now able to stay in the sun (with factor 50) without a rash erupting. I don't know how or why it works. I am told it is an anti oxidant although it is marketed more as a dietary aid. Hope this may help some of you who might like to try a more natural remedy. Just remember to give it time, it's not an overnight cure. Since reading your posts I have finally found out I have Dyshidrosis - pictures, symptoms etc all fit perfectly. In my case I only get it on my feet although I have had a few mild ones on my palms and fingers in the past.
Thank you to all for previous posts - it's great to know what it is even if I found a cure that works for me beforehand! :)
To add my two cents worth I started to get these blisters (I've heard some call athlete feet) about 15 years ago after wearing someone else's boots at work. The blisters come and go and when popped with a needle ooze clear & sometimes cloudy discharge. Once popped they tend to dry up. They appear often on the bottom of my feet on the soft parts and usually in a group or straight line. I am more likely to get them after wearing shoes for long periods of time during the day and when my feet are hot or slightly sweaty. Best treatment for me is to over powder my shoes with Gold Bond and to keep my feet aired out as much as possible.
I have had the same thing for years treating like it was athletes foot with no results. From what I've looked up and found on the Internet, it could quite possibly be Dyshidrotic eczema. Pick up some Epsom Salt with magnesium flakes in it. Soak your feet every day for a week then continue once a week after that. It should start to show improvement by day two if not even day one. I had the same thing among a whole list of other problems, but once I got rid of the others, I kept wondering why I couldn't get rid of it. After some digging online I found Dyshidrotic eczema and I then looked up natural ways of treating it. They're are more, but I already had Epsom salt with magnesium in the house and decided to give it a try. I'm so glad I did. It's almost 100% cleared up and with Epsom salt being so cheap and readily available it was a no brainer to at least give it a shot. I hope this helps if you haven't already found a way of getting rid of those itchy, nasty, painful, little feet demons.
melaleuca or tea tree oil, neat, purest form you can get your hands on. use daily, several times a day. keep hands/feet dry in-between.
I just recently found one on while I was in new york. I decided to try and pop it because it was verry eritating, clear liquid came out. A week later I found one on my toe closest to it so clearly you shouldn't pop them and I also had started wearing new shoes if thas anything to do with them thing.
Sounds like you have Dyshidrosis, my husband has this skin condition, that affects his feet and hands. He was prescribed a steroid to put on but doesn't seem to help much. Unfortunately they don't really know what causes the condition. Good luck and hope you find some relief!!!
Hello i have the same eczema. I visited a genuis derma. proffessor and he gave me an old school solution, it will change your lives BELIEVE ME:
Order from the pharmacy BURROW'S SOLUTION. its an old formula, a young trainee in the pharmacy might not know it. You put water in a buckle and 2-3 spoons of Burrown Solution, and you put your feet in that for 40 min. Twice a day (morning and night).
It will dry them off from the first time just like magic!! but its better to continue the cure..
Also u have to wear open shoes/flip flops that are not made out of rubber/plastic... in the heat.
Never wear socks unless they are 100% cotton. NO NYLON
Good luck!
It is commonly called Domeboro now instead of Burrow's Solution. I am sure you can still get a Pharmacist to order Burrow's solution but it is the same and most pharmacy's carry it OTC.
Hello, this is a condition called Pompholyx eczema, use a good steroid cream and it will go soon afterwards. I get it normally after feeling stressed. It's important that you change your socks regular when the blisters show up. It can be very severe when you look at the photos on Google but don't be alarmed by some of the photos in most cases it is more annoying than anything else.
It took me ages to get a result on this even after several doctor trips, it can also appear in between your fingers and that was the breakthrough for me and my doc.
Good luck
Can we get the cream Ofc?
I have had this all my life... I found out it's called dyshydrotic eczema. It's an allergic reaction I get only on my left foot. Usually my arch area, sometimes toes. Small itchy blisters that ooze clear serum. I wanted to respond because I know how irritating the itch is and maybe I can spare it for someone. People are gonna tell you this isn't good advice, but it is the ONLY thing I've found to work. I sanitize the area on my foot, then sanitize a pair of toenail clippers. I clip off the top layer of the blisters and wipe the serum off with a tissue. Then I pour hydrogen peroxide on it and let it air dry. If serum still comes out, I repeat. You will feel instant itch relief, and the blisters will dry. I do this as soon as I see one or two of them and it stops them from growing huge or multiplying. Any doctor will tell you not to break them for risk of infection.
That's true, but if you don't break them, they only seem to get worse and spread. Just be sure to use peroxide after you break them. When they dry out if you're still afraid of infection, keep the area clean and wear a bandage. Again, I'm no doctor, but this always works for me. If the area is large, I wouldn't recommend this, but if they are small, you can nip it in the bud yourself.
This is exactly what I've had for at least the past 10 years. I break mine as soon as they appear. It's the only thing that immediately eases the severe itch. Cleaning with an antibiotic soap and wearing clean socks helps a lot.
I agree with the shoe theory. I had this twice while wearing cheap shoes. As soon as I got rid of the shoes the problem went away. In my case, Im guessing it's a chemical burn or irritation from the shoes materials or glues that disolve with heat and sweat... the two pairs of shoes that causes the problem were both made in China.
I was just wondering, does this condition also resemble poison ivy? I had 1 blister like thing on the arch of my left foot, then itch the hell out of it and it looked like a light colored blood blister. Then, 2 more blister like things came and continue to itch but hurt, somewhat, at the same time. But it feels so good to itch!!! Started with 1 blister now I have like 4!!! Wondering what this could be
Never thought about the Shoes when I get them..but... its usually when I wear these thick white socks( probably NOT Cotton)..and these Cheap hiking boots I use for work... my feet get Sweaty so I think that's the Cause... but I'm high stress as well so that could add to it as well??
I only have been having symptoms of this for the last 12 years after walking through some stagnant water but I like you have told do the same or it will itch me too death then I put rubbing alcohol on it but they were on the bottom of my feet now it has moved today the top of them and have went from tiny blisters today about the size of a pencil eraser n now one of them looks like a ringworm it's sides are red n raised up n nothing I do is stopping the itch ready to put bleach on them to see if that helps it I have never been allergic to poison Ivy or oak but thought it was that at first has anyone has this happen wish I could post a pic of it they look gross u went n asked a Dr once about 7 years ago about the little ones n he said athletes foot I treated it for that n of course didn't work
I think that I have answered you before about this, but this sounds like a condition called Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB). My son has this condition and it is a hereditary condition! He get's the same blisters that you are talking about on the bottom of his feet and between his toes. They usually happen during warm weather and if he is on his feet for long periods of time or if his feet get over heated. IT IS NOT AN INFECTION AND YOU CAN NOT SPREAD IT BECAUSE IT IS NOT CONTAGEOUS SO PLEASE DONT LISTEN TO ANYONE WHO TRIES TO TELL YOU THAT IT IS AN INFECTION!! I have dealt with this with my son since he started walking and he is now 21.
His biological dad, half brother on his dad's side, grandmother, aunt and great aunt on his dads side all have it too!! I know that you can't afford to go to a doctor, but do what you can to go to a dermatologist that is how I was able to get my son and the rest of his family diagnosed!! His family just lived with the blisters for many years because most doctors have no idea what it is because it is a rare condition. I knew that my ex-husband and members of his family had these blisters and they had no idea what caused them so when my son started getting them when he was a baby I decided to find out what it was. I took him to a dermatologist, (after many, many, many, other specialists!!! ) and he knew exactly what it was as soon as he looked at it!! My son was actually in an EB study at the University of Maryland where his doctor is so that they could find a way to treat and maybe someday cure EB. As of now, it is a chronic condition with no cure. But there are medications that can help treat the symptoms. YOu and my son are actually lucky because the blisters on the feet are the mild form of the disorder... it has many different ranges and the most severe can cause death!! When I took my son to the study at the University of MD I say kids there who had the blisters all over their bodies and they usually don't live to see adulthood and if they do, they are severely deformed because of the scars. The good thing is that if this is what you have, you do have the least severe form like my son and it won't change, you will always get the blisters on your feet and you may even get them on your hands from time to time, but you will never get the fatal form of the disease! But PLEASE do what you can to get to a dermatologist and look up the information on EB and print it out and take it to the doctor with you just in case they have never heard of it . I wish you luck and please contact me if you have any questions about this. Like I said, I have been dealing with this condition with my son for 21 years!
prevention is THE best cure. i have responded to this before and will do so again! try BODYGLIDE. product was developed for marathon runners and does help in preventing blisters due to EBS. it reduces friction which causes heat thereby producing blisters. this is worth a try!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE try it!!! I am now 45 and work outside in the heat and while I do get blisters it typically is in 85 degree weather or hotter. I wear mesh style running shoes purchased from a sporting goods store. And socks I bought from Wal-Mart that wick away moisture and heat. These combined have helped me greatly. please consider this option and give BODYGLIDE a try. Dicks sporting goods carries bodyglide and they have a website bodyglide.com.
I'm a 71 year old woman, active and still working. Every spring around mid-May I would get several itchy "blisters" beneath my right arch and along the outside of my foot that swell, break, ooze, then dry and peel off. Never on my left foot. Sometimes I would get numerous, smaller blisters on each hand, especially my fingers, which would react the same. Because my hands were in water so much, my fingers would get very red and raw appearing. As I've gotten older, this situation occurs earlier each year; this year it was late March. But each time, it only lasts a few weeks. Anyway, one time I told my (late) father about it and he said, "The old people in the family used to call this 'tetter.'" Afterwards I went to a well-respected dermatologist to find out the cause, although compared to your son, happybrandee, my condition is very, very minor (thankfully).
The dermatologist apparently didn't know what caused it other than to say, "It's probably stress." He'd never heard the term "tetter," btw. Odd that this stress always occurred in mid-May each year! One day I heard about "Blue Diamond" ointment on a television commercial and it listed conditions that it was good for... "tetter" being one of them! Now when I have an outbreak, I wash the area carefully, dry, and apply Blue Diamond ointment; it clears up a lot faster and keeps it from getting infected as it would sometimes. Just wanted to pass this on to those like me who seem to have this hereditary condition in its minor form. This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone else experiencing this except for a former sister-in-law who suffered from it beneath both her feet. Her granddaughter inherited it even worse on her feet, becoming debilitating for the child to participate in summer camp or like activities.. Neither her brother (my ex husband), nor their other two siblings received the gene(s) though.
happybrandee, I have had the blisters for almost 3 months now and I cant stand it. I am 61 and have never had anything like this. No family history of it ether. I will be going to a good dermatologist in about 4 days. Your calling it Epidermolysis Bullosa (EB), I have not heard of this until reading this Q n A form. I thought I had it nailed down as real sever Dyshidrotic Eczema. I think EB is closer to what I have. I keep reading how rare this condition is yet I am seeing that many people also have these symptoms. My symptoms seam to have started after buying a pair of low end shoes from WSS. I am wondering if all the crap we get from China could maybe be one of the things that set this off. Like I said no family history and I have never been allergic to anything. cant wait until I can walk normal again!
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