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Pantoprazole for Stomach Ulcer User Reviews

Brand names: Protonix, Protonix IV

Pantoprazole has an average rating of 5.9 out of 10 from a total of 38 reviews for the treatment of Stomach Ulcer. 50% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 39% reported a negative experience.

Pantoprazole rating summary

5.9 average rating out of 10

38 ratings from 43 user reviews.

Compare all 67 medications used in the treatment of Stomach Ulcer.


Reviews for Pantoprazole

  • Eva
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 3, 2020

"The doctor prescribed this drug to heal my stomach after having nausea and no appetite. After taking this drug, I have experienced really bad side effects which have affected me so much. Depression and extreme crying, anxiety to the point of having chest pains and a tight chest feeling, joint pain, pins and needles, fever, gas and bloating, extreme nausea and no desire to eat, abdominal pain, brain fog, weakness and tiredness, insomnia, headaches. This has made me go to the ER thinking something serious was wrong with me. Being off of this medication for 2 days and symptoms are subsiding but still present. I was finally able to regain some appetite and eat again. I am sharing my story to let others know of the serious side effects of this medication."

1 / 10
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175 Report
  • Mano
  • April 4, 2020

"Currently taking pantoprazole 40mg twice daily for a bit over 2 months now, for treatment of a possible ulcer and as prophylaxis while on extensive anti-inflammatory medications for another condition. Works great as far as I can tell, and I can't think of any side negative effects except some very mild stomach upset within ~20 minutes to an hour after taking it. I'm unfortunately very prone to side effects from medications, so I figured I'd write this review to help reassure people who might be seeing all the negative reviews on here."

9 / 10
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119 Report
  • Suzette
  • February 8, 2014

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Had the most excruciating, painful ulcers that would wake me up in the middle of the night, and be so bad that I would double over from the pain. The doctor gave me Protonix, and I swear after just taking the first pill that first night, the symptoms were gone! The pills were so effective, I only took them for 5 nights in a row, (even though he told me to finish the bottle) and just saved the other pills in case I might need them in the future. So far the pain has only come back once, from eating too much Tabasco sauce one night, but other than that, I've not been woken up with the pain since I've taken the pills. These pills were a godsend for me. Extremely effective."

10 / 10
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163 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Jenks...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • September 4, 2013

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Spent two and a half years vomiting everything but coca cola, ramen, and mashed potatoes. Had tried numerous ulcer medicines, all failing miserably. Protonix made life bearable again! It actually ceased the pain!"

10 / 10
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87 Report
  • lllkk...
  • April 9, 2008

Protonix (pantoprazole) "I was taking an acid reducer called Ranitidine quite often over a 3-year period. Doctor prescribed 40mg Protonix for 28 days, and my stomach felt so much better. Now going without the medication for 10 days, it feels as if my stomach is not doing so well. Doctor advised that I take 20 mg when needed. Bottom line - it worked for me."

10 / 10
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94 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • May 18, 2011

Protonix (pantoprazole) "After a couple of days using Protonix, I felt relief in my stomach of the full feeling I would get whenever I ate. I used to feel very bloated and uncomfortable after I ate a meal. I wasn't overeating either. I had to watch what I ate, such as spices, onions, etc. Most of those symptoms have gone away."

8 / 10
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72 Report
  • Mimi
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 5, 2022

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Prescribed this for stomach ulcer with possible bleeding. This medication has been a miracle for me since the first dose. Immediately eliminated abdominal pain from the ulcer and although I am still not able to eat much, I am able to eat solid foods again. This medication did have side effects and made me nauseous but this stopped after the first three doses which was also helped with zofran. However the side effects were minimal compared to the pain and weakness I was feeling before being prescribed this medication. I go for an endoscopy in a few days and I’m very hopeful that it has helped to heal the ulcer (not fully of course as I haven’t finished the medication yet). I hope this review helps someone!"

10 / 10
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17 Report
  • Catlo...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 19, 2020

"Pantoprazole was prescribed for a bleeding ulcer and severe anemia. Do not have GERD or acid reflux. I have never taken a med that has caused me so much pain. First in abdomen and then spasms in neck and back. No energy and look and feel like I'm 100 years old. Everywhere I have arthritis is burning. Most days heating pads are my best friend. Just hope the side effects go away when I go off it. Apparently, these side effects are listed on several websites. Just hope that it's healing the ulcer. Can't rate it for healing but for side effects."

1 / 10
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26 Report
  • Lica
  • August 21, 2020

"I took Pantoprazole first time for a month. It gave me very bad headaches, every day. On top of that I felt very depressed. Initially I didn't connect these symptoms to Pantoprazole. But 2 days after I stopped taking it those symptoms were gone. I felt so relieved! As for ulcer, it took care of pain, but ulcer didn't heal. I assume taking Pantoprazole only is not the cure. Very particular diet and very small portions together with treatment is the right approach. But my doctor told me I could eat anything I wanted. So I did. I had to start Pantoprazole again for a month. And headaches and depression came back . Both were very bad. It took care of pain again, but didn't heal the ulcer again. I am taking it now again. Headache is coming back. Ulcer hurts more. I have to watch now what I eat. I begin to think that eating small portions and very gentle food is a better treatment than Pantoprazole."

4 / 10
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21 Report
  • Mel
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 18, 2019

"I started taking pantoprazole about 3 weeks ago. Saturday morning I my head woke me up throbbing, not being able to get out of bed like serious migraine I never experienced no pain like this in my life. Sunday and Monday I was ok dizzy but my head seemed ok. Tuesday came around and that awful headache was back it turns out 10 percent of people get migraines from this. I have to say it did help my ulcer but I definitely will never forget that headache pain. Now I have to be on muscle relaxers and anticonvulsants till this drug leaves my system to deal with the headaches - just an FYI."

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19 Report
  • Jewel...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • May 26, 2016

"I gave it a 1 because the side effects for me were so severe. I can't tell yet whether it helped my stomach but I knew instantly I had to get off it. Further reading and other people's experiences sealed the deal for me. I went deaf, instantly jaundice face and eyes, eye sight went some days...some days not. I was taking other drugs that were compatible with it but the side effects I'm certain came from this one. Once I went off of it (I tapered down over a week while upping my diet based on my condition's needs) I had a severe headache for a couple of days, heart raced and a bit of nausea. Feel much better now and the jaundice is gone and after almost two months of not being able to hear, I hear a bit better today. I was taking 80mg"

1 / 10
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22 Report
  • cant...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 18, 2017

"* hopefully it will cure the ulcers and torn up stomach caused by antibiotics due to infection from kitten bite. The side effects are awful tired, burps, insomnia, fever, headaches, loss of appetite, belching, bloated, fatigue, drowsiness, tired feeling, and stomach on other meditations and it's my depression is worse but not sleeping or feeling well add to it. Not sure if it's connected but I have so many canker sores on my tongue my throat hurts."

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14 Report
  • Danny
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 28, 2021

"Be very careful with this drug, it has horrible side effects. I took it for 4 days and gradually got more and more tired to where I couldn’t hardly move when awake, yet I still couldn’t fall sleep. First time ever feeling like this. It made me go crazy and end up in a mental ward. After a day of not being on it I felt almost perfect and had no more issues. I took pepcid for a couple weeks and my stomach ulcer caused from too much NSAID’s was better. My advice, stick with over the counter meds like Pepcid and watch out for the mental effects of this."

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8 Report
  • Lee
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • January 24, 2022

"Been taking pantoprazole since 2018 I've had nothing but bad depression, anxiety, sore stomach bone aches, weird pain on my left side all the time doctors don't know what's causing it. The chest pains, pins and needles, headaches, brain fog, blurry vision, diarrhoea, bloating, loss of appetite nausea and insomnia. I did stop taking them for about 3 weeks and felt great but that yuk acidy taste came come so I thought I'd take them again now feeling like rubbish again. Now I'll stop taking them for good"

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6 Report
  • trish
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 13, 2016

"Starting taking this med after bleeding duodenal ulcer put me in hospital-Took for 2 weeks but my sugars started spiking near 400 no matter what I ate. This is not the drug for me or possibly any other diabetics out there with sugar control issues."

4 / 10
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14 Report
  • Neede...
  • May 12, 2019

"I had GERD causing a sore throat, it started after a pregnancy in which I threw up a lot. Took Zantac didn’t really help. Was also having stomach problems and so eventually a scope was done and several small stomach ulcers were found. Took this PPI Pantoprazole because I was still breastfeeding. For a while it was really helpful, (did make me flatulent though). Stopped for a while for a pregnancy, went back on after 18 months maybe had shaking leg syndrome ( twitching legs at night probably magnesium deficiency) And was having interstitial cystitis or an irritation of the bladder actually had it scoped for ( expensive procedure with camera and general anesthetic) But it was the pantaprozole . It all went away when I stopped taking it. Unfortunately my throat got so bad I started retching at the table when eating and gaining weight because I would eat continuously to keep down the pain. Anyhow went back on different PPI, and after a year my bladder is starting to bug me again."

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10 Report
  • Panto...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 1, 2022

"I thought pantoprazole was a miracle at first. It worked fantastic for my stomach issues. However, I soon started having strange problems. I had COVID previously and thought it was long COVID. I was experiencing brain fog, unreal levels of insomnia, it felt like gallons of adrenalin was flowing through my body. I slept less than 4 hours in 5 days. Utter exhaustion, dizziness, headache. Racing heart beat for no reason. High blood pressure. I never had high blood pressure before. Nausea. Weight loss. ringing in ears that won't stop. Panic attack. When I was convinced I was going to die if I closed my eyes, I got off this horrible drug. I've never had a panic attack before. I'm very slowly improving from the side effects but they are still there after a week off. I was on pantoprazole for about 2 months, it feels like this horrible drug has ruined my life."

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6 Report
  • c00lb...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 12, 2019

"I took pantoprazole for two days. It took away some of the symptoms but I still have issues in the bathroom. I delayed taking the dose today just to see how I was doing because for the most part I felt alright while on it. But now I realize that it is just a bandaid to mask the symptoms so that I'll just think that it is working on the stomach when really nobody knows (yet) what my problem is and that medication is not guaranteed to help me get things sorted out. I can belch and fart if I'm lucky to get rid of the trapped gas that is there. I have gone for days without having to do anything except pee and then I get lucky after I start to hear gurgling. The pain is constant of course and it travels. Sometimes nothing relieves it. I refuse to take anything for pain management. Would I recommend this? Only if you have a proper diagnosis. Other than that nope."

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8 Report
  • kgg
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 5, 2022

"This medication worked for the stomach ulcers, I stopped throwing up and having the pain that came with them. HOWEVER I stopped taking this medication after 5-7 weeks twice a day due to severe anxiety, body aches to where I went to the hospital three different times because they were that severe. I am now 2 weeks off of this medication and things have already improved but still have the random spurts of anxiety as well as the muscle aches (legs, groin/pelvic area, hips). I have just been taking tums when I feel like I have something stuck in my throat. Before taking this medication I was on omeprazole and had similar problems. Going to research how I can help my self naturally. I would not recommend these medications to anyone. Especially if you are a parent, spouse, employee and have a life to live outside of your house."

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4 Report
  • Acidic...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • December 1, 2023

Protonix (pantoprazole) "Amazing life-saver when I wasn't able to eat anything without pain, which caused back pain. Was on Protonix, 2 tabs daily, for too long. The doctor prescribed this for over 20 years. Since Protonix removes 100% of stomach acid, it works like a charm to reduce pain from stomach ulcers, excessive acidic levels, and medications that cause excess stomach acid. However, it is recommended to take it for a shorter time as it removes too much stomach acid, which we need for bone density. I was recently switched to Pepcid, and I was scared the pain would resume - it did, but I'm getting through it. It's a must when medication can adversely affect important needs of your body. Protonix was a great management tool for me. Highly recommend for shorter-term needs."

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • Alex
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 6, 2022

"After the diagnosis, I received a recommendation to take this preparation in a stronger dose for two months. After a couple of weeks, I started having anxiety attacks and I linked it to the recently contracted covid. The attacks were very unpleasant, with rapid heartbeat and sudden jumps in blood pressure. I didn't even think it had anything to do with this medicine. I accidentally didn't take the medicine for a couple of days because I didn't buy it on time, and I noticed that the anxiety level decreased. I accidentally linked it all. After that, I stopped taking the medicine and the anxiety completely disappeared within a few weeks, the other unwanted symptoms as well."

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3 Report
  • Cute...
  • January 4, 2020

"All my life I have dealt with ulcers never ate much but had them. I was first put on rapabrazole then after quite a few years that wasn’t working so I was switched to pantaprazole. But now I need to change to something stronger."

7 / 10
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5 Report
  • LadyM...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 27, 2017

"It only worked for a week properly. Although, I don’t have heartburn anymore, I feel nauseous, bloated, and gassy, constantly. During the second week I developed pneumonia in one lung and pleurisy in the other. After being on antibiotics for 10 days, the affect of Pantoprazole seemed to wear off. Would antibiotics cause this to happen?"

2 / 10
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6 Report
  • Jay
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 2, 2021

"I've only been on this medication for a week now but I've been having black specks in my stool due to stomach bleeding and since I’ve started taking this medication I barely see any specks in my stool anymore. It helps with my GERD as well besides the bleeding definitely would recommend for people with stomach/GI issues!"

10 / 10
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2 Report
  • Indigo
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 17, 2021

"I had never had any pain or issues with my stomach and I ate and continue to eat spicy and hot foods. I was put on this medication after my doctor saw a small spot in my stomach. I started the medicine the last of February. I took it until March 7 when I had a jet ski accident which broke my femur and gave me a basilor skull fracture. I spent 8 days in the hospital, (5 in ICU), then 4 weeks in rehab. I restarted the medicine the 2nd week of April. I see my doctor again next February and there are enough refills to last until then. Last week my gynecologist told me my B-12 and iron was extremely low. I have to take 4 iron infusions and monthly B12 shots at his office. I am trying to decide if I should stop this medication before anything else happens. I have always been extremely healthy and I am sure this medication caused this. If I had no pain and was able to eat whatever I wanted with no problems why would I keep taking this drug another 7 months?"

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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