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Invokana for Diabetes, Type 2 User Reviews (Page 2)

Invokana has an average rating of 5.8 out of 10 from a total of 231 reviews for the treatment of Diabetes, Type 2. 47% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 35% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Invokana

  • caring...
  • June 30, 2015

"My brother was prescribed Invokana almost three years ago and developed a cancerous tumor in his kidney. It was a very complicated surgery because of where the tumor was located, and because of that, the entire kidney had to be removed. He was taking 300 mg. Upon diagnosis, the surgeons instructed my brother to stop the medication immediately. My brother never had any kidney problems in his whole life. Let this be a warning."

1 / 10
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67 Report
  • darkc...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 5, 2013

"I just started taking Invokana exactly 2 weeks ago. I have lost 4 lbs so far (great). My fasting sugars went from 274 down to 206 (nice improvement so far). I still need to get them under 100 though, and I feel the longer I take this medication, the more improvement I will see. The only side effect so far is the frequent urination, which is caused by dehydration. This makes me drink more water, of course, but since that is the only issue I have, I really can't complain. I personally think this new medication is a 'winner'."

8 / 10
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75 Report
  • Nals
  • March 25, 2014

"Went on Invokana last year. Never lost weight, but my readings were phenomenal. HbA1c went from 7.3 to 6.2. I have to go off of it now because it has caused an extreme yeast infection I've had since last November."

8 / 10
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72 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • rosie
  • January 1, 2016

"After 24 years as an insulin-dependent diabetic, my specialist put me on Invokana, and it has changed my life! My insulin intake (Humalog and Lantus) is less than 50%. My A1C is much better, and in 7 months, I have lost 30 pounds. My sugar cravings are completely gone, I feel fantastic, and I just love this medication! It does not make you feel strange at all, and it really works! I have recommended this medication to other friends, and they also love it! I am actually shocked to see others commenting negatively on this."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • Redhe...
  • September 14, 2015

"I was on Metformin 1000 mg twice a day and 70 units of Lantus insulin. I started Invokana and immediately lost 5 lbs. After a few months on the same dose, I have lost about 15 lbs. Yes, I admit there are some side effects, such as frequent urination and some yeast issues. However, this is to be expected. Being on this medication, we are told we need to drink over 100 ounces of water every day. I agree and then some. It keeps things flowing, but this is the way it works. I have no GI issues from this medication, however, Metformin does cause some GI issues when skipping a dose or two. Remember, too, that this—or any—medication is not for everyone. We need to try different ones to find the one that's right for our body. I think I have found mine!"

8 / 10
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63 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Me Ha...
  • February 25, 2015

"I've been on Invokana for about 6.5 weeks and I am totally impressed. I need to lose weight, and with my use of insulin, it was impossible to lose weight as insulin will cause you to gain belly fat. I also take Metformin HCL ER slow release, switched to that 2 years ago because regular Metformin caused diarrhea. So far, in the 6 weeks since I started, I have lost 16 to 17 pounds. I've had to order new clothes as everything is feeling like a sack. I still take Metformin HCL ER, Glimepiride, and insulin, but have cut my daily use of Lantus by more than half. Yes, I drink a lot of water as it's important to avoid dehydration. Yes, I can get a yeast infection and find that if I use Vaseline on my little toot toot, that it prevents the infection."

9 / 10
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65 Report
  • braty...
  • November 6, 2013

"I have been taking this medication for almost 2 weeks. I was lucky to be referred to an endocrinologist who prescribed it to go with Metformin, glipizide, and Tradjenta meds. It's working wonders!! My readings have gone from 300's to 115 after lunch, etc. I was also referred to a dietitian, so I've been keeping track of my meals and watching my carbs. I've lost 7 lbs since I started the meds 2 weeks ago! Love, love, love this med. Can't wait to see if my A1C has dropped, at last check before I started the meds, it was at 9.8%."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Snydg...
  • December 1, 2013

"I, too, have had great results with this medication. It's almost too good to be true. Some weight loss, my readings dropped significantly. I now wonder if it is helping my psoriasis. As after many, many years, it has disappeared from my right leg altogether."

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • Jill...
  • September 12, 2013

"I have been on Invokana for two weeks now and I love it. My sugars went from the 300s to the 90s. I feel great exercising again and losing weight, but I am having vaginal infections. I hope that as my body adjusts, this will go away. I have been diabetic since 2009 and have tried many medications. Invokana has been the best for me. I would recommend anyone to try it!"

10 / 10
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68 Report
  • andre...
  • June 21, 2016

"I've been on Invokana for two years. I never lost weight on it; however, my A1c had finally gone to normal after 20 years of being a diabetic. However, I had to stop taking it today after I put two and two together about the symptoms I am having: hair loss, severe muscle and joint pain, severe muscle cramps and contractions of legs at night that I would literally cry, and hands cramping and contracting day and night; frequency and urgency to urinate (I unknowingly peed in bed several times and peed on myself during the day uncontrollably); brain fog, severe tiredness; constant yeast infection; bladder infections; constant thirst; and eye infections when I never had them before. This medication needs to go off the market. Pray for me!"

2 / 10
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54 Report
  • Sudar...
  • December 15, 2015

"My doctor just put me on this medicine today. I haven't started taking it yet. After reading all of the comments, I'm kind of afraid to take it. The way she explained it to me was you HAVE to diet and exercise with it or you will have problems. She gave me a pill for yeast infections and told me that I would be peeing a lot and would need to drink plenty of water to flush out sugar. She said it's basically like peeing sugar, which in turn causes the yeast to grow. I think some of you that are having serious issues with yeast might be trying to eat whatever you want and expecting the pill to take care of it. She said stop eating junk food and let the pill get rid of all of the excess sugar, and you won't have to deal with yeast."

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55 Report
  • Mick
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • August 21, 2020

"Was put on Invokana in March of 2016. Previously had an A1c of 10.6. Did a good job in knocking down my high numbers but was losing a lot of weight, but next A1c was 6.4. Became sicker and sicker, losing more weight. Ended up in the hospital getting dialysis with renal failure. They immediately suspended Invokana. Invokana almost finished me off!"

1 / 10
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31 Report
  • imnur...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 17, 2015

"This has worked great for me. I've been on it for 5 months and my A1C is 6.1 (down from 7.2). It is expensive, but if you go to their website, you can sign up for a card that will pay your copay for 1 year (up to $3900). Basically, I get the medication for free for a year."

10 / 10
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54 Report
  • Lester
  • June 3, 2020

"I've been on Invokana for about 6 months now. It helps with my sugars, but the vaginal itching is so intense I thought I was going to have a mental breakdown! I've been off it for almost a week now, and still the itching won't go away! In fact, it's worse. After reading some stories here, I now know that it's also probably the reason I've been itchy everywhere, which in turn has caused me to scratch so much, and I've got cuts everywhere! Plus, I never had the extreme numbness and pain in my feet until I started using it! Calling the doctor in the morning because this is all scaring the crap out of me!!!! DON'T USE THIS DRUG!"

1 / 10
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29 Report
  • TAT
  • December 26, 2015

"I started Invokana three months ago after an A1C of 12. I was nervous but wanted to try it. I luckily didn't have the side effect most have: yeast infections. Strange because I'm very prone to them. I did develop a rash, which still comes and goes. Not horrible though, I use a prescription cream, if needed. My A1C after 3 months on Invokana: 6.7! Still high, I know, but a huge decrease from 12. I also have lost 40 lbs! I take it with Metformin and Glipizide. I also am following a low-carb diet most days. But prior to Invokana, my sugar levels were high with Metformin and Glipizide and a very low-carb diet. So, for me, it's working. Hoping to get closer to 6 in the next 3 months, then under 6 by a year. Plus, so far, it's been FREE! Big time plus."

9 / 10
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49 Report
  • Josh0Q
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 22, 2014

"I have been a diabetic for 10 years. I have been on Metformin 2000 mg, sitagliptin 100 mg, and 80 mg gliclazide. My numbers have always been 12 mmol after food, 10.5 to 12 mmol always in the morning. Seven days ago, I was prescribed Invokana 100 mg once daily. At first, nothing happened for 6 days. Then, since yesterday, I was shocked, to be honest, as my after-meal reading was 6.2 mmol. What was most welcome was my morning sugars, yesterday they were 7.2 mmol, and then today they were 7.4 mmol (I had an apple crumble), which I never would have had before bed! I have just checked my sugar again before my evening meal, and it is 7.5 mmol. I've never been this low in years. I have been drinking 500 ml of water every two hours for a long time, even so, I've never seen these numbers."

10 / 10
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53 Report
  • SD Ma...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 3, 2013

"I have only been on this new medicine for two weeks, but have already noticed a significant drop in my daily readings. When I found out my co-pay for this medicine, I was ready to drop it. Now I will use up my first free month of medication, and if the effectiveness continues, I will spring for the co-pay. So far, no noticeable side effects."

8 / 10
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58 Report
  • UT Mom
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 21, 2014

"I've been taking 300 mg for 4 months. I've lost 4 pounds, but most importantly, my A1C is 5.8. That's the best it's ever been in 7 years. Recently, I've noticed my sugar levels drop to 66, so I may need to stop taking this medication. I weigh 159 pounds, and I'm 42 years old. I take a weekly injection of Bydureon, and I think that is enough for me. I'm always at 90-110 fasting. For me, it's difficult to exercise because my sugar levels drop dramatically. If I diet, my sugar levels drop a lot as well, so I'm having a hard time losing weight when I have all these problems."

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56 Report
  • t00ts
  • September 14, 2014

"Started Invokana (300 x 1) and Janumet (1000 x 2) 1 week, my A1C was a 15.2. I am not overweight, 5'6, 123 lbs, but I have a hypothyroid issue. I am not sure which one or even both are causing the side effects, but any help with regards to the nausea and stomach pain would be greatly appreciated. My numbers are better, I was in the high 400's, and now in the last week I haven't gone over 149."

5 / 10
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53 Report
  • Anonymous
  • October 23, 2015

"I just got diagnosed with type 2. My doctor prescribed Invokana and metformin from the beginning. My sugars went down to normal by the second week. I am losing so much weight. No side effects yet. Miracle medicine for me."

9 / 10
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48 Report
  • Carole
  • October 21, 2015

"Been on it about 5 weeks. 300 mg. No yeast infections. Yes, peeing more, but for me, it is a more normal amount. Before, I had to force myself to drink, rarely felt real thirst, and always felt I retained water, especially from eating carbs. Now, I drink more and pee more, but manageable. Once at night only. The best thing I noticed is more energy and slow but sure weight loss on a more normal amount of food. Lost 8 lbs so far, and waking up in the morning is easier. More energy means more exercise too. So far, so good. Love it, feel more normal like I did when I was younger."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Thehe...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • March 22, 2015

"I have been taking this drug for about a year. I have lost 60 lbs. I made changes in my diet, but I am in no way deprived! I feel great. My fasting blood sugars went from about 150 to... 96!!! I highly recommend this drug. I found a coupon online that makes it free with my insurance. Do a Google search and talk to your pharmacist to see if you can find one."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • Mari...
  • August 10, 2015

"This medication works perfectly for me. I am taking 300 mg/day since day 1 because my H1C was 10.8, and after 3 months, it is 6.3. I lost 30 pounds, eating better but not on a hard diet and exercising 2 times a week. Of course, I feel thirst, some issues with yeast infection, but it's all worth it!"

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Moke
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 1, 2016

"Been on Invokana for 2 years now, and A1c went from 8.8 to 6.5. Weight loss was the best part of taking this medication. Really no side effects, except having to pee more often if I eat too much. Was advised by my doctor to drink more water than usual to avoid a yeast infection. So far, so good. I hope my insurance continues to cover this medicine."

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44 Report
  • DrugE...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 6, 2015

"No side effects. Lowers my A1C. Take it with Victoza. Do not have to use Humalog anymore. Highly recommend it, but it is expensive, the only downfall, and when I first started taking it, the places I went to get it filled said I was the very first person to use this."

10 / 10
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49 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.