Moxicloprid 18 (Canada)
This treatment applies to the following species:
(imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution)
Topical parasiticide for cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older, weighing 4.1 to 8.2 kg.
DIN 02523639
Each 0.8 mL tube contains 80 mg imidacloprid and 8 mg moxidectin as a colorless to yellow solution. Imidacloprid is a chloronicotinyl nitroguanidine insecticide. The chemical composition of imidacloprid is 1-{(6-Chloro-3-pyridinyl)methyl}-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine. Moxidectin is a semisynthetic macrocyclic lactone endectocide derived from the actinomycete Streptomycetes cyaneogriseus noncyanogenus.
Moxicloprid 18 Indications
Moxicloprid™ 18 is indicated in cats and kittens, 8 weeks of age and older, for the prevention of cardiovascular dirofilariasis (heartworm disease) caused by Dirofilaria immitis, and for the treatment and control of parasitic infestations caused by the adult stage of the common flea, (Ctenocephalides felis) and due to ear mites (Otodectes cynotis). Moxicloprid™ 18 is also indicated for the treatment and control of parasitic infections caused by the developing L4, the sexually immature adult and the adult stages of hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and ascarids (Toxocara cati).
Apply the entire contents of one tube to the skin of cats and kittens 8 weeks of age and older, weighing between 4.1 to 8.2 kg, once a month. This will deliver at least the recommended minimum dose of 9.7 mg of imidacloprid and 0.9 mg of moxidectin per kg of body weight.
1. Remove one unit dose tube from the package.
2. Administer the entire contents of a unit dose applicator tube of Moxicloprid™ 18 topically. Cats over 8.2 kg should be treated with the appropriate combination of Moxicloprid™ tubes.
3. While holding the tube in an upright position, twist off the cap.
The cat should be standing for application. Part the hair on the neck at the base of the skull until the skin is visible. Place the tip of the tube on the skin and squeeze the tube twice to expel the entire contents directly on the skin. Do not get this product in your pet’s eyes or mouth. The product is bitter tasting and salivation may occur for a short time if the cat licks the product immediately after treatment. Treatment at the base of the skull will minimize the opportunity for the animal to lick the product. A wet “paint brush,” oily appearance of the hair, or a slight powdery residue may be observed at the site of application for a short period of time in some animals following treatment. Until Moxicloprid™ 18 dries, keep pet off furniture and away from hardwood floors.

Treatment and Control of Flea Infestations:
For the treatment and control of flea infestations, Moxicloprid™ 18 should be administered at one-month intervals throughout the flea season. If the cat is already infested with fleas when the first dose of Moxicloprid™ 18 is administered, adult fleas on the cat will be killed. However, existing pupae in the environment may emerge for 6 weeks or longer after treatment is initiated, depending upon climatic conditions. Therefore, it may be necessary to combine Moxicloprid™ 18 treatment with environmental treatments aimed at breaking the flea life cycle in the surroundings. This can result in a more rapid reduction in the household flea population.
Cats treated with Moxicloprid™ 18 including those with pre-existing flea allergy dermatitis have shown clinical improvement as a direct result of elimination of fleas from the cat.
Treatment and Control of Ear Mite Infestations:
For the treatment and control of ear mite infestations, administer a single dose of Moxicloprid™ 18. Administer a second monthly dose if the cat remains mite positive at 4 weeks or in the case of re-infestation. Monthly use of Moxicloprid™ 18 will treat any subsequent ear mite infestations.
Heartworm Disease Prevention:
Cats in areas endemic for heartworm, or those which have travelled to endemic areas, may be infected with adult heartworms. For prevention of heartworm disease, Moxicloprid™ 18 must be administered at one-month intervals during the time of the year when mosquitoes are present. Administration of Moxicloprid™ 18 should start one month after the first expected exposure to mosquitoes and should continue at monthly intervals until one month after the last exposure to mosquitoes. When replacing another heartworm preventative product in a heartworm prevention program, the first treatment with Moxicloprid™ 18 must be given within one month of the last dose of the former medication.
Moxicloprid™ 18 may be safely administered to heartworm infected cats. However, cats six months of age or older in heartworm endemic areas may be tested to determine the presence of existing heartworm infections before beginning medication with Moxicloprid™ 18.
Treatment and Control of Intestinal Nematode Infections:
Moxicloprid™ 18 will remove the adult, the sexually immature adult and the developing L4 stages of intestinal hookworms (Ancylostoma tubaeforme) and ascarids (Toxocara cati). Monthly treatment with Moxicloprid™ 18 will control the development of these intestinal nematode infections.
Do not administer orally. (See the Animal Safety section for more information).
Use with caution in sick, debilitated, or underweight animals.
The safe use of Moxicloprid™ 18 cats used for breeding purposes, during pregnancy, or lactation has not been evaluated. Brief contact of the animal with water on one or two occasions between monthly treatments is unlikely to significantly reduce the efficacy of the product. However, frequent shampooing or immersion of the animal in water after treatment may reduce the efficacy of the product.
Keep this product, and all drugs, out of the reach of children.
May be irritating to skin and eyes. If contact with eyes occurs, flush eyes copiously with water. If eye irritation persists, contact a physician. Wash hands after use. If contact with skin occurs, wash skin immediately with soap and water. If ingested, contact a physician immediately.
Adverse Reactions
Use of the product may result in transient pruritus in cats. Rarely, greasy fur, erythema and vomiting can occur. These signs disappear without further treatment. The product may, in rare cases, cause local hypersensitivity reactions. If the animal licks the application site after treatment, transient, self-limiting neurological signs such as ataxia, generalised tremors, ocular signs (dilated pupils, little pupillary reflex, nystagmus), abnormal respiration, salivation and vomiting may occur infrequently.
The product tastes bitter. Salivation may occasionally occur if the animal licks the application site immediately after treatment. This is not a sign of intoxication and disappears within some minutes without treatment. Correct application will minimise licking of the application site.
The product may in very rare cases cause, at the application site, a sensation resulting in transient behavioural changes such as lethargy, agitation, and inappetence.
In case of accidental oral uptake, symptomatic treatment should be performed by a veterinarian. There is no known specific antidote. The use of activated charcoal may be beneficial.
If you notice any serious effects or other effects not mentioned in the leaflet, please inform your veterinarian.
Post-market experience:
Although all adverse reactions are not reported, the following adverse reaction information is based on voluntary post-approval drug experience reporting from a similar product. It is generally recognized that this method of reporting results in significant under-reporting of adverse drug reactions. It should be noted that suspected adverse drug reactions listed here reflect reporting and not causality. The categories of adverse reactions are listed in decreasing order of frequency by body system:
Application site disorders: erythema, alopecia, scab, irritation, pruritus
Digestive tract disorders: hypersalivation, vomiting, diarrhea
Systemic disorders: lethargy, inappetence, hyperthermia, hypothermia, shaking, pale mucous membranes, malaise
Behavioural disorders: agitation, vocalization, disorientation
Neurological disorders: ataxia, tremor, twitching, mydriasis, paresis, nystagmus, hyperesthesia
Skin and appendage disorders: pruritus, erythema, alopecia, dermatitis, lesion, pyoderma
In a clinical field safety study, imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution was used safely in cats concomitantly receiving other classes of veterinary pharmaceuticals including anticonvulsants, antimicrobials, and progestins. In cats treated with imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution, owner observations classified as non-normal included: behavioral changes (including fright, irritability, isolation, nervousness and/or restlessness), coughing, head shaking, salivation, vocalization, scratching, and somnolence. No other reactions were reported.
Tolerance in Kittens:
In a formal tolerance study, an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution was applied topically at 1, 3 and 5 times the recommended dosage in 8-9 week-old kittens, once every two weeks for 12 weeks, for a total of 6 consecutive treatments. A control group of kittens received dermal application of mineral oil at 5 times the recommended volume of the imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution.
The most common clinical signs occurring in kittens during the pre-treatment period (Day - 14 to Day - 1) included soft/loose stools and/or diarrhea, vomition, and occasional mydriasis and eye discharge. The most common clinical signs occurring in kittens on the first three treatment days (Days 0, 14 and 28) included rough hair coat appearance at application site (all kittens, including controls), soft/loose stools and/or diarrhea, and occasional pruritus, mydriasis, depression, eye discharge and salivation; similar observations were made during each following 13-day post-treatment period. The most common clinical signs occurring in kittens on the last three treatment days (Days 42, 56 and 70) included rough hair coat appearance at application site (all kittens, including controls), and occasional soft/loose stools; similar observations were made during each 13-day post-treatment period. Clinical signs were distributed in the various treatment groups, including controls, without any pattern indicative of treatment relationship.
Due to the apparent ingestion of the drug shortly after the second dosing on day 14, one kitten treated at 5 times the recommended dosage reacted violently. Major clinical signs of moxidectin toxicosis including mydriasis, salivation, depression, unsteadiness and respiratory distress (slow or rapid, difficult breathing) were observed on several occasions, i.e. at 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12 hours after treatment administration. In addition, anorexia, vomiting and generalized tremors were observed on Day 15. Finally, additional signs of dehydration and nystagmus were observed on Day 16, at which time the animal was euthanised.
Collectively, the results of this study indicate that the topical administration of imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution to 8-9 week-old kittens, at 1 x, 3 x or 5 x the recommended dosage, applied at 2-week intervals over a 12-week period does not pose serious safety concerns to kittens; however, oral administration must be avoided.
Tolerance in juvenile cats:
The topical administration of an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution at 10 x the proposed dosage to 4-5 months old juvenile cats did not result in any significant local or systemic toxic changes in the parameters examined, i.e. clinical observations, dermal irritation at application site, physical examination, body weight, food consumption, haematology and clinical biochemistry.
Effect of inadvertent oral administration:
In a safety study designed to investigate the potential misuse of an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution by oral administration, 24 adult cats, 11 to 16 months of aged, were randomly allocated to two groups of 12 cats, each consisting of equal numbers of each sex. The test article at 1 x (Group A) the unit dosage or control article (Group B, water), were administered by oesophageal feeding tube on study Days 0 (study duration = 14 days). No reactions of any kind were observed in the control cats. Three of 12 cats administered the drug had excess salivation within 1 hour after treatment; four vomited within 1-24 hours after treatment; one cat vomited twice, 5 and 7 days after treatment.
Safety in heartworm infected cats:
A controlled, laboratory study was conducted to evaluate the safety of an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution administered topically at 1 x or 5 x the recommended dosage, to cats artificially infected with Dirofilaria immitis. Abnormal clinical signs noted during the post-treatment observation period included: salivation within 2 hours of treatment administration in 1 of 12 cats in the 1X group and in 7 of 12 cats in the 5 x group; skin irritation in 2 of 12 cats in the 5X group (from 0 to 12 hours after the second dose in one cat and for 25 days after the second dose in another). The data generated in this trial indicate that the administration of imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution as per label recommendations should not pose serious safety concerns in heartworm-positive cats.
Clinical safety under field conditions of administration:
A controlled, double-blind, multi-centered, field study was conducted in four veterinary clinics/hospitals, in client-owned cats randomly assigned to two treatment groups: animals in Group 1 (principals) were treated with an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution, and animals in Group 2 (positive controls) were treated with a topical parasiticide approved for sale in Canada.
Treatments were administered once monthly, for three consecutive months, by pet owners according to instructions provided by the attending veterinarian.
Scoring of post-treatment clinical observations was defined as:
(1) Animal normal, no observation;
(2) Definitely no relationship between observation and treatment;
(3) Probably no relationship between observation and treatment;
(4) Probable relationship between observation and treatment;
(5) Definite relationship between observation and treatment.
Animals were found normal (score of 1) in 96.9% of the cases. No observations with scores of 4 and 5 were noted. Forty-two post- treatment observations with scores of 2 or 3 can be summarized as follows:
- Post-treatment behavioral changes including fright, irritability, isolation, nervousness and/or restlessness, were the most frequently reported observations: 15 incidences in 7 principals; the modified behavior was transient in duration.
- Cats may react rather vigorously following oral administration of an imidacloprid and moxidectin topical solution. In this study, owners described 13 post- treatment responses in 9 cats (11 incidences in 8 principals and 2 incidences in 1 control cat) that were consistent with oral exposure to an unpalatable substances; the observed signs included coughing, head shaking, bursts of hyperactivity (pacing, running, spinning), salivation and vocalization. All signs were transient in duration and resolved without intervention.
- In 9 observations involving 5 principals, owners described post-treatment attempts by cats to scratch or rub the application site. Most attempts (7 of 9) occurred within 30-60 minutes post-treatment and all were transient in duration. Neither owners nor attending veterinarians observed visible lesions at the application site of any cat participating in the study.
- Five incidences of post-treatment somnolence were described in 3 geriatric principals (13 to 15 years of age at the time of treatment). These cats experienced an extended period of sleep that began approximately 60-90 minutes after the first treatment and persisted for the next 30-40 hours, after which they returned to normal. Clinical signs of somnolence/lethargy did not recur in conjunction with the 2nd and 3rd treatments.
Store at temperatures between 15°C and 30°C.How Supplied
Applicator Tube Size |
Applications Per Package |
Box Colour |
0.8 mL |
6 X 0.8 mL tubes |
Purple |
Manufactured for:
Modern Veterinary Therapeutics, LLC, Miami, FL 33186 - USA
Imported by:
Modern Veterinary Therapeutics Inc, 261065 Wagon Wheel Way, Bay 3, Balzac (Rocky View County), AB T4A 0T5
Revision date: 6 December 2021
CPN: 1354031.0
Telephone: | 407-852-8039 | |
Toll-Free: | 888-590-9839 | |
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