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What is a Botox lip flip?

Medically reviewed by Carmen Pope, BPharm. Last updated on May 30, 2024.

Official answer


Botox lip flip is a way to make your lips appear fuller and larger by using Botox (botulinum toxin) instead of dermal lip fillers. During a lip flip, your appearance medicine specialist injects Botox into parts of your upper lip which relaxes the muscles around your upper lip, which makes your lip “flip” upward a tiny bit (eversion) and appear larger than normal.

Within a week, your lips should look fuller or “poutier” without adding any volume to your lips. Lip flips generally look more natural than dermal lip fillers.

What is the difference between a lip flip and lip fillers?

A lip flip is when a healthcare provider injects Botox into your upper lip to make your lip appear fuller or “poutier”, without adding volume. It generally takes up to a week for results to be seen.

Lip fillers are when you’re your healthcare provider injects hyaluronic acid (HA) into any or all your lips to add volume and make them look fuller and more “poutier”. Results are seen immediately after the procedure.

How long does a lip flip last?

A lip flip typically lasts between two to five months.

Where do you inject Botox for a lip flip?

For a lip flip, Botox is injected the corners of your mouth (oral commissures) and the edges of your lips (vermillion border).

How much Botox is needed for a lip flip?

On average, your healthcare provider will insert about 2 to 4 units of Botox into your upper lip and 2 units into your lower lip.

  • Lip Flip. Cleveland Clinic.,your%20lips%20(vermillion%20border).

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