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Nature-Throid User Reviews & Ratings

Nature-Throid has an average rating of 7.1 out of 10 from a total of 72 reviews on 64% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 27% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Nature-Throid

  • undine
  • July 15, 2013

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "After decades on Levothyroxine, I was starting to feel really unwell: tiredness, memory lapses, hot flashes, inability to cope with hot weather, sleeping badly, verbal diarrhea, impulsive behavior, mental fog, and constant pressure which made me want to jump out of my skin. Got very isolated and depressed, lost all creativity, and felt I was barely existing. The changeover was very smooth and problem-free. Two days after I started, my eyesight seemed to improve drastically, as though a dirty filter had been removed. On day 5, I felt totally at peace. Mentally, physically, and emotionally, it was like going from monochrome to full spectrum HD. Lots of energy, no hot flashes or mental fog, sleeping well. I've got my life back!"

10 / 10
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307 Report
  • lotus...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 22, 2013

For Underactive Thyroid "This medicine has changed my life. After 3 courses of Levaquin for MRSA after surgery last summer, I thought that the extreme fatigue, muscle pain, mental fog, and joint pain that I've had were just part of aging (I'm 61), or side effects of the antibiotic. My TSH levels were in normal range, but my Naturopath saw that the free T-3 and T-4 were very low. We started Nature-Throid in late July, and by August, I was starting to feel human again. It's GREAT."

10 / 10
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240 Report
  • Rrrrr...
  • September 26, 2015

For Underactive Thyroid "Was on Synthroid for a year and noticed zero improvement. Got off it for a few years then started again and developed angina-like chest pain out of nowhere when exercising. I felt tired and miserable as always. Begged my doc to Rx Nature-Throid. After being on it 3 months, I realized how much better I feel. No more waking up feeling like crap, no more muscle aches, no more fatigue. Headaches have improved drastically. More energy to work out. No puffy, creased eyes when I wake up in the morning. Appetite is good again and I can eat what I want while maintaining my weight just fine. I am 5'8" and 135 lbs and only exercise twice a week but am able to eat 2000 calories a day, sometimes more, and have gained no weight. Just like old times!"

9 / 10
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191 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Farmer...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • May 10, 2015

For Hashimoto's disease "After being on Synthroid for years, I went to a wellness clinic and was put on Nature-Throid. I cannot believe the difference it made in my life. I finally have my life back! The head fog is gone, my energy level is back and the depression has subsided also. The only thing Synthroid did for me is change the numbers on my thyroid blood test, nothing else. I would NEVER take Synthroid again."

10 / 10
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174 Report
  • DeeCee
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 22, 2014

For Hashimoto's disease "I was on Synthroid or levothyroxine for over 20 years. Never ever worked. I lost my business because I was so exhausted and brain fogged. I finally switched to Nature-Throid. What a wonderful difference. Back in business and feeling great."

10 / 10
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180 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Raque...
  • December 16, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "This medication changed my life. I was diagnosed with subclinical hypothyroidism years ago, and for five years I was on levothyroxine. Despite taking it every day as recommended, I experienced no difference in my extreme fatigue, muscle aches, and constipation. I was sleeping all the time. Exercise was a nightmare. No longer the energetic person I used to be. I basically wrote that off as my baseline. Then I started reading about different hypothyroidism treatments and begged my doctor to put me on Nature-Throid. I now feel exactly how I am meant to - boundless energy when I get up in the morning and all throughout the day, and as a result, my mood has dramatically improved."

10 / 10
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144 Report
  • Sa gun
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • June 28, 2015

For Hashimoto's disease "Ditto all the positives written by other reviewers. I don't understand why it was nearly impossible to get the clinic to prescribe... I was so miserable on Synthroid, which I struggled with for 8 months, with worries of health issues growing. I quit. And for the next six years at every doctor appointment, I flat out refused Synthroid. I think one of the 20 plus fillers was the issue. Doing my own research, I began requesting Nature-Throid. I was told the clinic only prescribed Synthroid. 16 months ago, I won! And have been happy since on NT. UNBELIEVABLE then when I moved and my new doc in a different state suggested I change. No way. I'm very happy with Nature-Throid and think the medical profession is 75 years behind the times."

10 / 10
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159 Report

More FAQ

  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • April 11, 2015

For Hashimoto's disease "My experience with Nature-Throid has been very positive from the very first dose. Increased energy was immediately noticed. After 6 months of continuous use, I began to lose weight. The shoulder and neck pain associated with my thyroid disorder decreased tremendously. Nature-Throid alone is not enough. I must take vitamin and mineral supplements to further lessen my symptoms as well as avoid certain foods and drinks."

9 / 10
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160 Report
  • danal...
  • January 4, 2012

For Hashimoto's disease "I have been taking Nature-Throid for more than a year now and find it simply outstanding. I have had no allergic reaction, that I am aware of, as I had with Armour brand and synthetic thyroid (a rash). My blood test results have been quite stable. I have been able to stay on the same dose, 32.5mg, and now enjoy the peace of mind of simply taking the pill (which I crush with my teeth and allow to dissolve sublingually) and get on with my life. I should note that over the past several years I have made significant changes such as eliminating dairy, egg, and gluten from my diet, which I feel has greatly complemented any pharmaceutical benefit. An outstanding medication, Nature-Throid has helped me restore vitality to my life."

10 / 10
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199 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 27, 2010

For Underactive Thyroid "I had several side effects from Synthroid that I thought I just had to try and live with in order to treat my hypothyroidism. After starting Nature-Throid, the side effects were gone and I noticed an improvement with all of my symptoms. Today, I feel the best I have felt in 20 years. The difference is truly amazing to me. I didn't think I had any other options until Nature-Throid was suggested, I am so thankful for this medicine."

10 / 10
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210 Report
  • Teppie
  • April 19, 2017

For Underactive Thyroid "I have been on Levothyroxine for over 20 years. I had normal levels for years on my meds yet felt like crap! No energy, severe joint pain, almost debilitating at times, weight gain, hair loss, dry skin, trouble sleeping. I begged my doctor to change my meds. She switched me to Nature-Throid and only after a week, I feel so much better. Joint pain is almost totally gone along with feeling way more energy. I cannot wait to see what I feel like a month from now. I feel like I've gotten my life back!"

9 / 10
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110 Report
  • Jamey...
  • June 1, 2010

For Hashimoto's disease "I was on Synthroid and Cytomel for many years, but my symptoms were never alleviated until I started Nature-Throid. I'm most pleased that my depression and foggy-headedness were gone shortly after starting it. I continue to see improvements in my energy levels and weight loss."

10 / 10
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172 Report
  • Mammy
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • February 26, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "I have used Nature-Throid for 15+ years very successfully, that is until the 'Great Back Order of 2017'. I scrambled and panicked and found enough at other pharmacies until it came back in early 2018. My question is: WHAT DID THEY DO TO IT? Hypothyroid symptoms returned with a vengeance, I have gained 30 lbs since last January, have lost nearly all of my eyebrows, ache all over in my joints and muscles, can't think clearly half the time and on and on and on. It's so hard to have fallen into this hole, and the sad part is no one has any answers. Now Nature-Throid is on backorder again, but who cares, it doesn't work anyway. Run, don't walk in the other direction from this defective thyroid hormone (or whatever it is)."

1 / 10
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78 Report
  • LindaPB
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • June 29, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I had been on Armour Thyroid for about 15 years and always felt good. Somehow the formula must have changed when Forest Labs was bought out, although the new company denies that. I started feeling really jumpy and couldn't get my numbers right. I've been on Nature-Throid for about seven weeks. It took some time to adjust, but now I feel much better. I've read that they don't use the fillers Armour does."

10 / 10
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104 Report
  • Lisette...
  • February 2, 2015

For Thyroid Cancer "Nature-Throid seriously changed my life! I did so terrible on Synthroid; I was gaining weight despite the fact that I was working out and eating well, losing my hair, major brain fog, headaches with aura, and joint pain. I feel awesome on Nature-Throid and am losing weight even."

10 / 10
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108 Report
  • Rujo
  • January 23, 2019

For Underactive Thyroid "I had horrible fatigue and muscle cramping, and was diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). I have been sick for 20 years & tried various thyroid medicines over the years and they would make my hormone levels too high, but not help me at all. I took this because some doctors think this disease is caused by thyroid resistance. I was at my worst ever and very weak. Both my leg and arm muscles ached with no activity at all after minor exercise. I would be bedridden & more sore. I talked my doctor into giving me a trial of Thyroid again as my 'FREE' Thyroid was low in the range & close to abnormal. He prescribed Nature-Throid. Thank goodness. It's like a miracle for me after over two decades of trying everything under the sun and spending a small fortune. I am so afraid that my new doctor will take me off it & it has been unavailable at times at my pharmacy. My muscles don't hurt at all, I have much more energy, I am not short of breath & I feel much stronger, too. My foggy head is gone. It works absolute wonders on me."

10 / 10
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69 Report
  • Deans...
  • September 15, 2016

For Underactive Thyroid "I was on levo first for about 3 months. Blood test came back with good numbers. Only I still felt like crap. Doc changed me to Nature-Throid. I felt so much better. I needed the T3 (levo was not converting the T4). I take 195 mg a day. 2 pills in the morning, 1 midday. My insurance does not cover, but $40 gets me a 3-month supply."

10 / 10
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88 Report
  • mystl...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • April 16, 2016

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I had 1/2 of my thyroid removed. The Synthroid and Levothroid left a taste of aluminum in my mouth. I was nauseous and fatigued. I asked my doctor for Armour, but my insurance didn't cover that so he prescribed Nature-Throid. I love it. I thought it didn't work at first. I thought that you could eat with it, but come to find out, you have to take it 30 minutes before or 2 hours after you eat. I take it on an empty stomach with a full glass of water and have no problems at all. Very good medicine. 65 mg for me. My insurance just sent a notice they won't cover it anymore, but I will protest it or pay out of pocket. I cannot do the Synthroid or Levothyroid... never."

10 / 10
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79 Report
  • AmyPope
  • March 3, 2017

For Underactive Thyroid "Nature-Throid was a disaster for me. I was trying to switch from Armour Thyroid (since it was getting pricey), and had been taking NT for only about a week. The dosage differences were a little tricky, but from the major crash I experienced, you'd think I was taking a placebo. It was as if my body rejected it outright. Much as I hate having to take a more expensive medicine, my doctor advised that I go back to Armour, at least for now."

1 / 10
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71 Report
  • longt...
  • September 22, 2016

For Hashimoto's disease "I was on levothyroxine for over 30 years. This past year, I felt like I had been hit by a bus when I woke up in the morning. No energy to do anything, aches and pains in hips, legs, and shoulders. I went to my doc and asked her to change my medication to Nature-Throid after hearing about it from a friend who has Hashimoto's. Thankfully, my doc agreed and after a few days, my energy was back, the aches and pain are gone. I finally feel human again. I had no side effects. I wish this drug was available years ago. My levo was expensive for a 90-day supply with insurance ($40), now it is only $17 for the same 90-day supply of Nature-Throid."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Anonymous
  • March 12, 2010

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "Great med if you can get it. The back order struck right at the beginning of my treatment with it. I noticed right away relief in symptoms with it. I now take a combo of Westhroid and Nature-Throid. Synthroid, Levoxyl gave me hell with side effects! Cytomel gave me vertigo, the naturals are GREAT! (Hashi's/hypo) worked up to 4 grains now."

10 / 10
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110 Report
  • Zmijka
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 14, 2019

For Hashimoto's disease "Nature-Throid production is bad, batches' doses don't seem to be accurate, are some diluted, aka without any hormone. This medication should be off the shelf, it’s a hoax. The company should be liable!"

1 / 10
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53 Report
  • Loren...
  • June 11, 2016

For Hashimoto's disease "I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's in November. My peroxidase antibody was measured at 10 in a reference range of 1-59. I asked my doctor to put me on Nature-Throid after I could not take Synthroid. Synthroid makes my eye twitch constantly. I also went on an autoimmune paleo diet. I really liked the Nature-Throid at first. I lost weight and felt better. Then something started happening. My hips and shoulders got so stiff that I could barely move. They hurt so badly. I also noticed a vein on my forehead. I began to also get pinpoint headaches. It just kept getting worse. I went to my doctor, and he gave me prednisone shots in my right hip and shoulder. I asked him to switch me to WP Thyroid. I was allergic to a filler in the Nature-Throid."

7 / 10
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67 Report
  • jody
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • December 29, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I had RAI (antibodies for Graves and Hashimoto's). It worked for me until they recently retooled the plant. I'm not sure why there is a change in the product, but I've had a dramatic drop in T3/T4 blood test numbers, below the lowest acceptable level. I ache all over. My hair is dry and brittle. I have put on 20 pounds over the last few months. I am so tired! Why did they change something that worked?"

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42 Report
  • CMS
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • June 14, 2019

For Hypothyroidism, After Thyroid Removal "I, too, have experienced various hypo symptoms since the back order of 2017: dry hair, hair breakage, and hair loss, weight gain, muscular aches and pains, and depression. The company says that nothing has changed, but I disagree. I tried posting on RLC Labs' site, and they blocked me from posting. That says it all! I found out, from someone who has done a lot of research, that the FDA has made RLC change the formula to call it a 'drug,' and I also found out that one of the ingredients is propylene glycol, a derivative of anti-freeze. I am not quite sure about that, though. I do know that whatever they did since the recall has caused problems for many, many people. I am now going to try a compounding pharmacy that will make up a pill with the same ratio of T3 T4 with only one filler, microcrystalline cellulose. Hopefully, this will finally help me feel better!"

2 / 10
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45 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.