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Reglan for Nausea/Vomiting User Reviews (Page 2)

Reglan has an average rating of 3.5 out of 10 from a total of 108 reviews for the treatment of Nausea/Vomiting. 27% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 71% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Reglan

  • Anonymous
  • February 7, 2013

"I got prescribed Reglan for my nausea and gastroparesis, and I only need to take two or three days' worth and not the full month's worth. It works great, except for one of the minor side effects that I get every time I take it. I would recommend it to anybody who has nausea, gastroparesis, GERD."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Pregn...
  • August 21, 2015

"I went to the ER because I was extremely dehydrated due to vomiting in my pregnancy, I was given Reglan thru an IV. Within minutes I felt jittery and despite how sick I was I couldn't sit down. They then gave me Benadryl thru my IV which knocked me out. The ER doc released me with a script for reglan and told me I wouldn't have the "jittery" side effects with the pill like I did thru the IV. I took reglan 4 times a day as prescribed for 5 days. In those 5 days I have never in my life felt so miserable, I was sweating, had a fever, became jaundice, hallucinated, QUIT MY JOB. never felt so sick in all my life. Today is day one without Reglan and it is night and day difference in how I feel off the medicine. I don't recommend this drug!"

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  • Burt
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2019

"Please avoid this drug at all costs. Possible life long side effects. Yesterday, I was in the hospital due to a Crohn’s flare up. Due to negligence, I was given a drug I’m extremely allergic to called Reglan. It induced a Parkinsonism reaction (akin to Parkinson’s disease) where I started violently seizing and convulsing. For 30 minutes, I lost motor control of my eyes, legs, arms, and mouth. The only thing voluntary movement I could do was move my eyes side to side. Benadryl counteracted the effects, but for 30 minutes, I thought I was going to die. And I bite off part of my tongue. And in those moments, I realized that some people live their whole lives like that. Paralyzed. So at the end of the day when you’re feeling upset over little things just realize it can be much worse. I beg the pharmaceutical industry to remove this drug. It’s not worth our lives."

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17 Report
  • Shaina...
  • May 20, 2017

"I have sickle cell disease so in addition to severe pain I have bouts of nausea/vomiting. I was given Reglan in the ER; within 5 min I felt extreme agitation, restlessness, dripping sweat & shaking uncontrollably. I begged the nurse to tell the doctor I was having a reaction. She did but with very little urgency, instead telling me to get back in the stretcher but I couldn't due to sweating, shaking & needing to pace. I was sent for a chest X-ray but the tech sent me back saying she was uncomfortable handling me in this state. I again pleaded with the nurse to call the doctor. He finally came & I was given benedryl to reverse the effects. I felt calmer but it took a while for the shaking to stop. Nurse & doctor acted like I was crazy smh."

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21 Report
  • Anonymous
  • June 10, 2020

"I was in hospital after birth of my son. I was given Reglan after my Tubal for nausea and it almost was the end of me. I was highly allergic. There were 2 nurses in my room talking and I couldn’t even communicate with them that something was wrong. I had my phone in my hand and luckily my dr had text me earlier and was able to text 911 to her and send right at that moment. She immediately contacted the nurse and I was not breathing when the nurse turned around. So scary."

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Are you taking this medicine?

  • Anonymous
  • January 21, 2009

"I have ulcers, and I have a lot of nausea associated with them. I take a 10 mg pill, and in most cases, break it in half, and the nausea is gone. It takes about 15 to 20 minutes to kick in, but it works."

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37 Report
  • Josh
  • May 16, 2017

"I was in the Emergency Room for a kidney stone and was given a couple medications in my IV. I told the nurse that I was becoming very nauseous and needed something to prevent myself from vomiting. She came back with a syringe and thought it was Zofran. The nurse began pushing the medication and said that she was administering Reglan. About 2 minutes later, my chest felt extremely tight, I couldn't stop moving my legs or hold still. I had an extreme urge to rip my IV out and run... and run... and run... I had a feeling of anxiety unlike anything I have ever felt before. It wasn't your typical 'butterflies', this was like I wanted to escape my skin or just end it all right there. I would much rather be dead than to feel the way Reglan felt."

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20 Report
  • Anonymous
  • January 3, 2012

"I have been taking this medicine off and on for about 2 years. When I first started, I hated it because it made me feel anxious, depressed, and emotional. I was on 10 mg a few times a day. It took the sickness away, but I couldn't handle the side effects, so I stopped, and the sickness came back. Finally, the doctor cut it down to 5 mg, and I felt so much better with that. The side effects were gone, and the sickness was controlled too. I'm doing very well with this medicine, but the long-term use still has me nervous because I don't want to develop tremors later. So far, so good, and I feel pretty good."

8 / 10
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30 Report
  • Acid...
  • September 12, 2015

"I had to go to the ER since nothing was working with my nausea and acid reflux. I tried so many nausea meds since I've been pregnant (19 weeks). I have ulcers from this. They prescribed me this and it helps. I take it when I wake up, keeps me awake, and I can finally eat. And I haven't had any side affects"

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23 Report
  • ULC...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 2, 2016

"I had my first injection of this on March 31 2016, I'm 50yrs old and have had Migraine, Hypertension attacks 45 yrs and suffered severe Gangrene when I was young. LETTING THEM GIVE ME THIS WAS A BIG MISTAKE FOR ME AND SEEMS OTHER COMMENTERS TOO. I now don't feel so bad at my Uncontrollable action after reading the same results to others. PLEASE READ OTHER COMMENTS IT SAVES ME THE TIME OF TELLING YOU THE SAME THING. That I lost all control UN-COGNITIVELY after the drug was injected, I ripped out IV left still sick. 3 days later I haven't eaten "lost appetite" NO urine strength and left with confused depression."

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20 Report
  • Nat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 14, 2020

"I went to the Emergency room for hyperemesis gravidarum and dehydration. My doctor first gave me zofran through my IV, didn’t work. I was still throwing up. So he gave me a dissolvable tablet of zofran. Still throwing up. So next he puts reglan through my IV and says he’ll be back to check on me. I literally started going insane. My husband was in the room trying to keep me calm because I started twisting and turning in the bed and yelling. I was having a panic attack. Now I’m here reading these comments and it makes sense. Lol. It did help with my nausea and I ended up filling a prescription for it, but I’ll only take it if it’s absolutely necessary."

5 / 10
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11 Report
  • Anon
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 8, 2020

"I was given this through an IV when I was in the ER for horrible nausea and it was the worst medication I’ve ever been on. It made me feel super jittery and just so confused and anxious. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to try this. Definitely ask for something else if at all possible like ondansetron or zofran."

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12 Report
  • Why...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 2, 2016

"Went to the e.r for a really bad stomach virus. They have me reglan trying to stop the vomiting. I felt like I was freezing. My boyfriend stacked 10 blankets on me. I felt something was terribly wrong, I RIPPED MY I.V OUT AND STARTED RUNNING OUT THE HOSPITAL. I thought I lost my mind. After they grabbed me and knocked me out with benadryl I slept for 24 hours. STOP GIVING THIS MEDICINE!"

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18 Report
  • Jade
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 9, 2021

"I was recently in the ER for vomiting and dehydration after a tonsillectomy. I had a bad reaction to the opioid I was given, and the Zofran I was on wasn't doing anything. My doctor decided to give me Reglan. This drug made the worst night of my life a touch more awful. Within minutes of it going in my IV I had this overwhelming feeling that I needed to get out of the hospital. It was not logical - I was really sick. I just couldn't control my thoughts. I started screaming "I have to get out of here! let me out! get me out of here" over and over like a maniac. Then the hot flashes came. I was shaking like a leaf and feeling like I was crawling in my skin. I started stripping my clothes off. If I could have taken my skin off too I would've. By far the strangest reaction I've ever had to a drug. This stuff is awful. Luckily the nurses came running in with Benadryl. That calmed me down pretty quickly. I've never had anything like this happen to me before. It was mortifying and horrific."

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10 Report
  • TRC
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 15, 2019

"I was admitted to the hospital for severe dehydration and vomiting during the first trimester of my pregnancy. Not long after having Reglan administered, I began flipping out and struggling with severe anxiety. I was on the phone with my mother screaming and kicking as if something or someone were attacking me or coming after me. It almost felt uncontrollable. I remember the feeling of the outburst kind of building up, then suddenly I was just completely terrified and having this episode. The nurses came running back in, and a doctor was called to decide what to do. They put something else in my IV, and I remember someone being told to give me extra fluids to flush it out. I felt better within a few minutes, but I was still a bit apprehensive and kept asking the nurses to let me go for a walk."

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13 Report
  • Victo...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 21, 2019

"I was given Raglan for a severe migraine episode and was never so scared in my life. I immediately began to almost hallucinate and I couldn’t move nor could I speak to explain what what going on. I had to have a CT scan and they had to literally move me as my whole body felt numb. I finally was able to let them know what was happening and they gave me a shot of Benadryl. This drug is a menace and should be taken of the market. I thought I was dying. It was a frightening, horrible experience. I made sure to put that in my allergies in my medical file and I will NEVER again use that ever again. I still tremble when I think of that experience. I was actually traumatized by this."

2 / 10
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  • Swat
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 10, 2019

"I'm sad for all those people that Reglan put through the wringer, because it's been a miracle medicine for me. I used Zofran until my third delivery, when I had a reaction to it--body going numb, felt like I couldn't breathe or move. I've avoided it since. After that they prescribed Reglan, originally at 10 mg, but then the nurse adjusted it to only 5 mg. I should point out, I never took it multiple times a day every day, just when I would feel nauseous and then I'd be able to eat half an hour later if needed. Well, to make a long story short, I've gotten the stomach bug twice since then, and after throwing up a few times I took 5-10mg of Reglan just once and I stopped throwing up. I took it again later as needed for nausea, which usually didn't last long. This is a HUGE deal because I'm the sort of vomiter whose body won't stop and will dry heave itself into dehydration. This medicine has really helped me with vomiting and nausea, and I have experienced no side effects."

9 / 10
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  • Honey...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 7, 2013

"I had 3-10 mg tabs in a day. By the third pill my throat was swelling, hives had appeared, I was agitated, confused & having horrible cramps. Was given 50 mg Benadryl every 4 hours for first 24 hours but it took 3 days to return to normal."

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23 Report
  • coldb...
  • March 26, 2019

"Reglan/maxaran- GARBAGE GARBAGE GARBAGE please avoid the use of this drug, this has to be some of the worst medicine out there. I wouldn't give this junk to my worst enemy!!!!!! Please do not take this!!!! I was given this junk in the ER for a headache, I had every side affect possible and now 5 days later and I am still slowly trying to recover from this toxic medicine. This should be taken completely out of medical practice..."

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  • Anonymous
  • November 21, 2009

"I was given Reglan when undergoing chemotherapy. I still felt a bit nauseous, but it controlled the vomiting wonderfully. I am now diabetic and am again on Reglan for the side effects of one of my diabetes medicines. It works, well and fast, and I am so happy! No side effects, not even drowsiness, either. I am quite grateful for Reglan."

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27 Report
  • August...
  • January 23, 2017

"I've been taking this medication for almost 3 years now, and never had one side effect or anything but relief. I get severe headaches and ontop of that, stomach/intestional infections frequently. This is the only medicine that helps with the vomiting and nausea. And believe me, I've taken EVERYTHING in between when dealing with my issues. Reading all these comments about everyone's bad reactions is really surprising to me. I guess it affects everyone differently sometimes."

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16 Report
  • June
  • November 17, 2019

"I went to the ER because it was about 11pm & I wasn’t keeping anything down. Usually zofran works for me, I’ve had it MANY times, but for some reason it didn’t help this time. So they gave me Reglan. Within about 5-10 minutes something was wrong. I’m laying down in the ER bed & I started to feel fidgety. Moving around a little & within a few minutes after it started I felt like I was going crazy. Mind you I was not feeling well. I had a fever & everything. But I couldn’t stop moving. I was pacing. I pushed my body into the walls. I had to keep moving. They gave me Benadryl but didn’t help. I was like this for about 14 hours. I’m very used to being sick because I was born w/ 5 congenital heart defects & 2 congenital lung defects & I have many more health issues. I’ve had over 20 surgeries, many being open heart surgeries. I’m used to not so great situations when it comes to health. But this was awful. I felt like I was going insane."

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11 Report
  • lh241
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 24, 2019

"I used reglan (5mg three times daily) for pregnancy severe nausea. The pregnanacy slowed digestion made my nausea and vomiting so much worse. When I took reglan it helped SO SO much with that. I was able to eat without feeling like I was busting. I didn't experience any negative side effects."

8 / 10
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12 Report
  • Charmed
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 16, 2018

"I have never heard of anyone with the same reaction to Reglan until finding this forum. I had a csection with the delivery of my 2nd son 11 yrs ago. I became extremely ill after I was given the medication to numb me. The Dr. gave me Reglan I.V. and in about 60 seconds I started sweating my heart was racing and I felt like I was climbing out of my skin. I felt the need to get up but I was numb from the waist down and almost had a panic attack. I started screaming WHAT DID U GIVE ME!! It was horrorifying! I literally thought I was dying. As soon as I started screaming he gave me benadryl and the feeling went away pretty quick. Not the way I wanted to be feeling on the day my son was born. Remember the name and be cautious. HORRIBLE DRUG!!"

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13 Report
  • MrsKP
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • February 17, 2017

"This medicine is horrible. My doctor switched me to this from zofran because of constipation. I took this 1 time and it is causing severe anxiety, blurred vision, irritability and an overall weird and bad feeling all over. I needed a medication for severe pregnancy nausea and this did absolutely nothing but make me feel horrible. It also made my headaches worse. I am throwing the remainder of the pills in the trash bc that it what they are."

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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.

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