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Letrozole User Reviews & Ratings (Page 4)

Brand names: Femara

Letrozole has an average rating of 6.5 out of 10 from a total of 356 reviews on 49% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 23% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Letrozole

  • Lizzie
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 2, 2021

For Female Infertility "I hope you all get pregnant, but this is a drug review site. That being said, here is my review. I have PCOS and conceived on the first round of letrozole in December 2019. I miscarried in January. I conceived again on the second round in July 2020 and miscarried in September. I am currently on my next round: 5 mg, days 3-7, and the side effects are tiredness, dizziness, blurred vision, depression, and anxiety. It’s only 5 days, ladies. It’s worth it. It works. Hang in there."

10 / 10
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64 Report
  • dogho...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 19, 2014

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer, Adjuvant "I was diagnosed in 2009, had lumpectomy, chemo, radiation. Managed to continue working through it all. Then took tamoxifen for 2 1/2 years... had horrible muscle cramping and hot flashes, switched to letrozole after determining I was postmenopausal. The major muscle cramps lessened considerably, as did the hot flashes. I took this for 2 1/2 years, just stopping 3 weeks ago. I have muscle, joint, bone achiness 24/7, no energy, tired always, feel like I'm in a fog, tinnitus, heartburn, slow metabolism with weight gain. How long will it take to reverse all of these side effects now that I no longer take it? I even quit taking ibuprofen because it doesn't do anything for the pains. I am now 2 months from being 50 years old."

5 / 10
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138 Report
  • Mrs...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • September 21, 2013

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer "I was diagnosed with breast cancer (stage 2) - underwent 6 months of chemo and 6 weeks radiation. My hair regrowth was pretty quick but began thinning significantly after about a year of Tamoxifen usage (could see my scalp pretty clearly in the front and on top of my head). My doctor switched me to Femara about 2 months ago - side effects include lots of hot flashes (about 6-10 daily) and weight gain which I am combating by working out every day and cutting my calories. I am prayerful that I don't experience any more hair loss or the joint pain that I keep reading about. Everyone, hang in there!"

7 / 10
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145 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Fatima...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 27, 2023

Femara (letrozole) for Female Infertility "If you came here to look at reviews, that means you are planning to conceive, and baby dust to all hoping for pregnancy, including me. I found out last year that I have PCOD and that my thyroid (hypothyroidism) is extremely high; it was 11 and is now around 4, so I need to reduce it even more for conception. My gynecologist advised me to take Clomid for two cycles without success, and this month she advised me to take Femara (letrozole) from the second day of my period to the fifth day. I really hope it works. I read a lot of your reviews and got a positive feeling! Insha Allah, I get my positive news soon, and I hope the same for every other woman who is looking forward to pregnancy! We've got to be strong and positive! Lots of love to all."

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32 Report
  • Susan...
  • September 7, 2010

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer "I'm 4 years status post breast CA and doing well... no recurrence for my Stage IIIA. I started taking tamoxifen, then my oncologist switched me to Femara. I do have frequent hot flashes (whew!) and joint and bone pain that worsens with being tired. Overall, I am able to tolerate the medication, and my oncologist believes it is the treatment of choice for me. The side effects of being without estrogen are worse than the Femara side effects. I know the drug is working as having no estrogen produced results in atrophic vaginitis, decreased sex drive, and other female issues that are bothersome. But, in the big picture of life, it's a small price to pay to be, and hopefully stay, cancer free. I will continue to use Femara!"

8 / 10
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171 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • SG21
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • December 4, 2021

For Female Infertility "I wanted to share this to give people hope, as I was the one sitting here reading all comments recently. I have PCOS and was put on Letrozole as I was trying to conceive since July, only had 2 cycles and wasn’t ovulating. Went to a gynecologist who put me on 2.5 mg on cycle day 5-9 and he advised that generally a lot of women ovulate around day 17. This was my first cycle on the medication, I was getting symptoms on cycle day 17/18 and decided to try an ovulation test on day 18 (always had negatives with ovulation tests as I know these aren’t reliable with PCOS) and for the first time ever, it came back with a positive smiley face, so we made sure to try then. I was getting some early pregnancy symptoms around cycle day 24 but could also be mistaken for PMS, so didn’t want to overthink it. I took a pregnancy test yesterday, dpo 12/13 and got my first BFP!! I have a doctor's appointment in a few days to confirm, so fingers crossed everything goes ok."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • greyh...
  • November 2, 2015

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer "Had lump removed April 2014, 15 treatments of Radiotherapy then Letrozole. The doctor only warned about making my already present aches pains worse but felt this was the best for my age, now 70. I went out with my daughter on Friday and felt I had to drag myself around, so wiped out. I feel the need to sit down all the time. Going upstairs to bed, by the time I get to the top of the stairs, I'm sweating, very hot, and feel like I'm running out of air, I have to sit down on the toilet while I cool down. During the day, I constantly fall asleep. I feel this is a poor life with no energy to do anything. I wake up in the morning with a headache and sometimes feel sick."

4 / 10
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121 Report

More FAQ

  • Posit...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • January 28, 2014

For Breast Cancer "I have been on letrozole for 5 months. I experience pretty strong joint pain in hands, fingers, and feet, especially upon rising in the morning. I look like Walter Brennan going to the bathroom. I am 54 and previously felt like 25, now I often feel 85. I have found something great to prevent weight gain and help with the energy issue. Still working on vaginal dryness and libido. Have found an anti-inflammatory diet improves pain, energy, and mental clarity."

7 / 10
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138 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 23, 2010

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer "I was on Tamoxifen for 2 years following breast cancer and doing fine. My oncologist wanted to try Femara because it could be a little better. I was on it for about 3 months when I awoke in the middle of the night with horrible joint pain. It had been coming on slowly, but I thought it was carpal tunnel, maybe arthritis. Then I realized that my doctor had said that joint pain was a possible side effect of Femara. I was also gaining approximately 2 pounds a month! I have been off of it for a month now, but am still having pain. It is worse in the mornings and evenings. Trying to grip with my hands is very difficult some mornings. My doctor said it could take a few months to get this out of my system."

1 / 10
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168 Report
  • Loddi
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • July 1, 2022

For Female Infertility "Since I know myself, I had irregular periods due to PCOS. My BMI is in the normal range, and I do not have diabetes. Several years ago, I had an ovary torsion surgery due to a large water cyst. Luckily, both of my ovaries were saved, but I was always concerned about my fertility. When I decided to get pregnant (age 33), I went to the doctor right away. They gave me letrozole 2.5 ml starting from day 3. Unfortunately, I did not ovulate the first time. I was very upset and worried, thinking I might have a problem. They increased the dosage to 5 mg. No side effects again, but this time I had a dominant follicle of 17 mm CD11 and 20 mm CD13. It was on my right ovary, where I had the surgery. I was quite skeptical whether it was going to work or not... It did! I am now 6 weeks pregnant! I hope all goes well. Letrozole works, don't lose hope. Thinking of all of you!"

9 / 10
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41 Report
  • Jill...
  • November 30, 2015

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer "Stage 4 HER2-positive breast cancer was found in 2011. After a double mastectomy (additionally, 6 other surgeries due to Staph infection and failed reconstruction attempts), 6 months of 2 types of chemotherapy, including Neulasta booster shots after each infusion, a total of 1 year of Herceptin chemo infusions, 6 weeks of daily radiation, then 8 years of Femara. Been taking this medication daily since August 2012. Hot flashes and night sweats are awful. Anxiety occasionally. Easily out of breath after any activity. Difficulty maintaining focus and frequent forgetfulness. 3 years with this medication and chest, bone, and joint pain is intensifying. 5 more years to go. CANCER FREE STILL."

10 / 10
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114 Report
  • Shri
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • March 23, 2020

For Female Infertility "I used letrozole 2.5 × 2 in 1 month and also take Lupin 75 injection. I expected this month to conceive, but with my bad luck I didn't. I don't know what to do. We've been trying to get pregnant for 2 years, but no positive result. I have PCOS problem. Wish me luck, friend."

1 / 10
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67 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • March 20, 2020

For Female Infertility "I have been seeking to get pregnant for years. I have already started IVF and have an embryo. I am getting ready for a transfer. My doctor prescribed a couple of medications, one was letrozole. This drug got me pregnant, and I wasn't even paying attention to intercourse due to already having an embryo. I had sex when I felt like it. Boom! I got pregnant. Unfortunately, my HCG levels started dropping."

10 / 10
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67 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 24, 2020

For Female Infertility "I took Clomid, and it was unsuccessful with ovulation. The doctor then advised me to take letrozole 5 mg. I took that in cycle 1 and started my periods on day 35. I have now taken it for my second cycle, however, I am due to start my periods in 3 days. Wish me luck."

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61 Report
  • annon...
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • October 12, 2023

For Female Infertility "I tried to get pregnant unsuccessfully for 6 years and then was prescribed letrozole by a fertility specialist. On my third round of letrozole, I found out I was pregnant at about 5 weeks. My son has just celebrated his first birthday. I am now on my first round of letrozole journey for baby number 2."

9 / 10
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20 Report
  • mary...
  • May 21, 2013

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer, Adjuvant "When I switched aromatase inhibitors from Arimidex to Femara, it was a world of difference! The terrible side effects I was experiencing made me question whether survival from breast cancer was worth it, if my life would be spent with Arimidex side effects of irritability, more hair loss, joint pains, etc. My oncologist switched me to Femara, and my life returned to be more pleasant and energetic. I have been suggesting this change to all my blogging support group members who are having problems with Arimadex. Later, adding OTC Biosil and SamE have also helped with the hair, joint, and mood issues."

9 / 10
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128 Report
  • Scooter
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 25, 2020

For Breast Cancer "In January 2019, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, Stage 2. 58 years old. Left breast mastectomy with no radiation and no cancer in the lymph nodes. Given Letrozole 2.5 mg. Side effects of this medication: severe hot flashes, chills, severe pain in my hands, knees, feet, and legs, foggy head, muscle pain, insomnia, poor memory, extreme tiredness, canker sores, and occasional pain in my upper abdomen. During the first four months, I experienced hair loss and itchy hands. I quit my job as I was just too tired to continue. Now, I wish I would have quit Letrozole instead. I will see my cancer doctor in a few months, and this will be discussed. If I don’t quit before."

1 / 10
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64 Report
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • February 26, 2014

For Breast Cancer "Was on Arimidex for one year but was changed to Letrozole because I couldn't walk due to burning sensation. Side effects after treatment have been: bone weakening, fatigue, insomnia, night sweats, weight gain (40 lb), dry hair, feel older than 71, redness in my face, high blood pressure, neuropathy, burping, stiffness after sitting, memory loss, joint pain...but I am happy to be alive. I try not to complain because I want my husband to be happy."

10 / 10
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118 Report
  • Still...
  • May 23, 2010

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer, Metastatic "After 7 years of several different medicines to try to stop the growth of the tumors, Femara is the only one which worked for me. My WBC is higher, the tumor has actually shrunk in the breast - but being realistic, it's not a cure-all, a patch for a longer life but eventually we all expire. I highly recommend this product for those who want longevity without losing your quality of life."

10 / 10
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148 Report
  • Jenna
  • August 8, 2019

For Breast Cancer "A mammogram found a lump in my breast and I had a lumpectomy, followed by 5 weeks of radiation and the hormone blocker letrozole, which my oncologist strongly recommended. For about 3 years prior to the surgery, I had problems with back pain, lack of energy, depression, and asthma, which caused me to be very short-winded. Since the radiation, I find I'm more tired and my breathing is worse. I wake up tired, I go to bed tired. The letrozole has caused sweats and hot flashes worse than ever before. I wake up with excruciating joint pain every day, so bad that it feels as though my wrists, fingers, or arms are broken. During the night, my hips ache so much that I have to turn on my back. It is also causing hair loss. I'm on oxycodone, so once I get up and take the painkillers, the joint pain goes away. I was going to switch to tamoxifen until I read the side effects and the patient ratings, which were much worse than letrozole."

4 / 10
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67 Report
  • Jjano
  • March 20, 2020

For Female Infertility "I took letrozole along with an HCG shot last month (as trying to get pregnant) and ovulated, but still got periods. I am planning to take the letrozole again this month. But may not be able to take the HCG shot because of the (COVID) lockdown of the city. Hope it works. And deserve the happiness of motherhood."

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60 Report
  • marie...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • February 17, 2015

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer, Metastatic "Breast Cancer in 1999. Stage 1 distant recurrence lung tumor in 2012. Given Femara (letrozole). After two months, tumor shrunk. Almost 3 years now on letrozole. No side effects and no evidence of disease."

10 / 10
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105 Report
  • Vanna
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • December 18, 2019

For Female Infertility "I got pregnant on my first cycle with this drug, letrozole. Unfortunately, the pregnancy was unsuccessful. I've since been taking it for four months, with obvious signs of ovulation. I'm confident it will work again."

10 / 10
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62 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 18, 2011

Femara (letrozole) for Breast Cancer, Adjuvant "After reading of so many negative side effects of Femara, I was hesitant to start. Since it decreases my chances of recurrence by 25%, I felt I must try it. I've been on it for 1 year now and have had very few, if any, negative side effects. My hair regrowth has been spotty and slow, whether due to the Femara or just the general effects of chemo and radiation, I'm not sure. I switched 2 months ago to the generic formula, have noticed no changes. I feel very fortunate not to have suffered many of the effects other women have reported."

10 / 10
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130 Report
  • Laika
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • May 26, 2019

For Breast Cancer, Adjuvant "Diagnosed 22 years ago with invasive lobular breast cancer, and 45 out of 48 lymph nodes contained cancer. (Really.) But after mastectomy, chemo, radiation, more chemo, 5 years of tamoxifen, a complete hysterectomy, a couple of years of anastrozole and exemestane... I've been on letrozole for well over 10 years. I have experienced most of the usual side effects, but I've lived to complain about them. :-) No recurrence so far, although I did develop another breast cancer and had a second mastectomy 10 years ago. Overall, I eat healthy and work out, I do have energy, not much pain anymore, and I still work FT at age 66. Clearly, I've been lucky. No one expected me to live (least of all me). But statistics do not determine what will happen to the individual. Life is good!"

10 / 10
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66 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.