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Hyoscyamine User Reviews & Ratings (Page 3)

Brand names: Levsin, Hyosyne, Anaspaz, Levsin SL, Levbid, Symax SL, Symax Duotab, Oscimin, Symax SR Ed-Spaz NuLev …show all brand names

Hyoscyamine has an average rating of 7.9 out of 10 from a total of 107 reviews on 73% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Hyoscyamine

  • Pickles
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • July 6, 2021

Levsin (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "Crazy chest pains that would go on for hours. Thought it was a heart attack. Ended up in ER because of it. My gastro chalked it up to gas from IBS. I’ve taken a slew of meds for it (mainly IBS type) but recently got Levsin. It seems to work better than the rest. However, I still get chest pains but not as often. Changed my diet, doesn’t matter. Would give anything for this to go away"

6 / 10
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12 Report
  • Insan...
  • March 31, 2012

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "My irritable bowel syndrome started up at the beginning of 2011. The first time I had it was when I was in school, first hour. I thought it was menstrual cramps, so I just waited for it to go away. When it didn't, I asked the teacher to go to the restroom. When I got back, it was still sore, and I ended up in tears from the pain, and my friend had to take me to the nurse. Mom didn't know what it was, so we waited a few (agonizing) months, and when it didn't go away, Mom took me to the hospital and got some blood work done. I was prescribed hyoscyamine, and it works great! I've been taking it about a year now, and I've rarely been having IBS problems. Whenever I forget to take it, though, the IBS comes back like a shovel. This medicine certainly works."

9 / 10
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31 Report
  • JHano
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • March 11, 2018

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "Levsin (sublingual) works great to calm spasms associated with my IBS/D. The only downside to taking Levsin is that it makes me sleepy and it makes my mouth, nose, and eyes dry. My insurance(BCBS) doesn't cover it either, but luckily it doesn't cost much ($42 for 1 month supply (90pills)) at our local (privately owned) pharmacy."

8 / 10
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19 Report
  • linds
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • July 12, 2022

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This was the worst drug for me. I ended up using it for a little over four years, thinking it was helping me and my severe IBS, but in reality, it was just slowing my GI tract down to a crawl. So much so, that my IBS worsened. I became reliant on suppositories and enemas to have a BM. The constipation, caused by hyoscyamine, caused bloating, nausea, and GERD, which had me taking more hyoscyamine, which just further worsened the issue. It was like a horrific death cycle I wasn’t able to break free of because I didn’t know the hyoscyamine was causing the problems. I lost so much weight, and became so insanely sick. Unfortunately trying to get off this drug was also awful. My GI system had become so reliant on it that it didn’t seem to know how to digest and work by itself. Still, I quit cold turkey, and after 3 or so months, I was thankfully able to get my body back to a reasonable place so I could find an IBS treatment that actually works. Stay away from this drug."

1 / 10
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8 Report
  • Taj...
  • January 14, 2014

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "Hyoscyamine has largely worked for me, but not all the time. Diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome 1991. Dr started me on Levsinex (hyoscyamine) 0.375mg twice per day. I take one in the morning and one before noon. Dr also prescribed methylcellulous fiber to "train" my colon, which I've been taking once at night before bed. Psyllium fiber gives me chest pain. I stay away from fried and fatty foods, dairy, alcohol, but I do cheat a little when I'm safe at home. I have been tracking my "episodes" which seem to occur once per month, but are still wildly unpredictable. I'll go 3 times in one hour. Severe cramps, intestines sound like a pinched garden hose; a complete purge of the colon. "

7 / 10
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26 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Parks...
  • Taken for 1 to 2 years
  • February 15, 2018

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This drug is wonderful for cramping and pain associated with IBS. It doesn't do much to stop the diarrhea, at least in comparison to Immodium, but it does make it a lot more tolerable when you aren't in pain during an attack. Unfortunately it can take quite a while to work (~an hour) and does tend to make your mouth, eyes, nose, and throat VERY dry for the remainder of the day. This is cited as a mild side effect, but it's pretty bad at times."

7 / 10
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18 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 18, 2009

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "When I first began having real problems with irritable bowel syndrome, I tried Vicodin. I didn't know what was wrong with me. My doctor prescribed hyoscyamine, and it worked so well. Hyoscyamine has been the only medication that has helped with my IBS. Changes in what I eat have helped, too. Stress reduction also helps... walking, better sleep. I highly recommend this medication. It is an anti-spasmodic."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Sara
  • September 1, 2013

Hyosyne (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This is the first prescription I've taken for irritable bowel syndrome, it worked very well but I could not continue taking it because of the severe side effects. It gave me the most extreme dry mouth I've ever had and dry eyes too. I had to stop taking it because the side effects were not just a little bothersome but they were severe and intense."

8 / 10
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25 Report
  • MakReed
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 6, 2014

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I'm 18, female. I seem to have drawn the short straw with this medicine. I'm very lightheaded, sensitive to light, and lethargic. On top of that, I've had headaches and dry-mouth, and I've lost my appetite. I suppose my symptoms have improved, but things are only better in the hours after taking the pill. Since I didn't have severe Irritable Bowel Syndrome, just cramping and frequent trips to the bathroom, the side effects negate the benefits. I cannot function as well as I would like. My lightheadedness has kept me from moving around much. I'll definitely be asking to have my dose lowered/the medication stopped, because I'd rather be in some pain than be on the verge of passing out whenever I stand."

6 / 10
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24 Report
  • Anonymous
  • September 7, 2010

HyoMax SL (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I've been taking this medicine for almost two years (took hyoscyamine for several years before that), and it really makes a big difference with my irritable bowel syndrome. I really only need to take two pills each morning, and that gets me through my day. If my family eats out at a restaurant, I take two pills before leaving home. I do experience a bit of dry mouth, and my eyes also get dried out (not the best side effect, but not the worst, either!). Overall, I highly recommend this medicine for those who suffer from IBS."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 23, 2009

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I've been using this medication for almost 5 years. I can't believe that this isn't prescribed more often than it is because it WORKS! I had such pain with the spasms and mucus till I started using this. I do have to drink a lot more water because it makes me thirsty and it can complicate constipation. However, my doctor allows me to take it on the onset of an episode instead of 3 or 4 times a day. I've been able to gain weight and my energy has increased since using this medication. I really am happy with this medication and feel it has allowed me to live a much more normal life, almost pain free. Of course, I've changed my diet and stay away from triggers too! Good luck and I hope you have the results I've had."

9 / 10
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28 Report
  • Anonymous
  • November 29, 2010

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "When my symptoms first began (about 7 years ago) I suffered through a colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, tests for parasites through two different "specialists". The results were that they couldn't find anything wrong, so I must have IBD. I was told there was nothing I could do but "learn to live with it". I found that it took 13 Imodium at one time to stop an "episode". Returned to the MD and begged him to prescribe something / anything to help - Hyoscyamine Sulfate! It works! I take two when the problem starts and within about a half hour it has stopped. I recommended it without hesitation! The only problem is that my insurance won't cover it and I just had to pay $150 for 180 tablets. "

10 / 10
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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • August 27, 2012

Levsin (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I switched from Bentyl to this because this is an extended release formula. I tried it for 5 months and went back to Bentyl. It didn't work any better and it dried me out so much I could hardly swallow. After a bad flare up, I ended up at the ER and they thought I was very dehydrated but I wasn't, it was just the medicine. I am going to talk with my GP about using something with phenobarbital as I have heard a lot of positive things about it. I already take a migraine medicine with phenobarbital, so I should tolerate it well."

7 / 10
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22 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 13, 2009

Symax Duotab (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I recently took this drug for 5 days and had complete relief from my irritable bowel syndrome. However, that said, the side effects were horrible. I was the "Poster child" for adverse reactions ...arrhythmia, constipation, hallucinations. My brain felt like it was in slow motion while, my body was moving at a rapid pace. I saw my Doctor who explained to me that this each individual is different. I gave it a 5 because it did help my bowels feel fantastic."

5 / 10
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26 Report
  • Anonymous
  • April 12, 2011

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I am 18 years old, in college and after 6 months of figuring out what I had and many medications nothing worked until Hyoscyamine. I take 1 when I get pain and it helps within 5 minutes. If you have a chance to get it it. So worth it."

9 / 10
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21 Report
  • Coles...
  • February 9, 2018

Levsin (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "My son has has taken this for IBS and it worked the first time but took 9 days to kick in so now I think it didn't really work because the 2nd episode (now) it's not working at all. He is in so much pain. He did have his appendix out 1 yr ago and NEVER had IBS before that. He had a colonoscopy 30 days ago which wss fine so I know that it's nothing medically and they did an endoscopy at the same time so nothing in his GI tract is abnormal. He is a picky eater and eat a lot of cheese, and bread so he is going to go GF and dairy free and see if that helps. He is also soy free due to allergy. He has oral allergy syndrome so He doesn't eat foods that are raw but eat applesauce, bananas, and other fruits and veggies in smoothies. I am going to talk to his surgeon to see if I could have an adhesion from the appendectomy."

3 / 10
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12 Report
  • lisa
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 5, 2021

For Anesthesia "With my insurance cover I only pay 3 dollars for it. I have upper stomach pain I had a CT scan done I go back to the doctor on April the 6th to get my results. But I called in for something for pain and she gave me this. I did notice I use to go the the bathroom a lot now I don't go as often to pee so I thank God for that. I'm still in pain but sometimes it let up a little. I will be glad when this is over."

7 / 10
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7 Report
  • Santee
  • September 4, 2009

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "Getting the real deal of Hyoscyamine is made extremely difficult. The Ancient Greeks had Hyoscyamine but pharmacies want to push the various alloys and synthetics. I don't want HyoMax or Levsin or Hyoscyamine Sulfate. They give you what they think is selling at the time. Hyoscyamine works, if you can get the real deal."

8 / 10
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21 Report
  • Mutto...
  • Taken for 5 to 10 years
  • August 20, 2013

HyoMax SL (hyoscyamine) for Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This medication works for me for a few hours, most of the time, when I get in a bind and HAVE to leave the house but I experience a wicked backlash of increased diarrhea for days after the one dose wears off."

3 / 10
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16 Report
  • Lyn
  • Taken for 6 months to 1 year
  • May 13, 2023

For Urinary Incontinence "I was only 18 y/o when I lost control of my bladder. Every week or two, all I could think about for days on end was “I NEED TO PEE!!!” even when there was nothing in my bladder. I tried fighting the urge; it became all I could think about before I had this drug. Being a teenager with no control over her bladder is degrading. I couldn’t focus on driving or in class, because all I could think about was the urge and the pain, twisting and burning inside of me like a flame. It hurt when I resisted; it hurt even more when I finished peeing. I would often crawl into a ball and be in so much pain that I didn’t even have the strength to scream. It wasn’t until I had actually peed my pants during my boyfriend’s family party that I knew I needed help. Hyoscyamine was my savior! When I start to feel the urge reappear, I only need to take a pill or two for it to go away within 30 minutes. I rarely have any side effects, and if I do, it’s just a stomach ache."

10 / 10
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3 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 30, 2021

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This drug was horrible for me. I suffer from IBS and my doctor said this would help me feel a lot better. I took it one time and was up all night with horrible symptoms. Made everything so much worse. I am so glad this works for some people, but I will never take it again."

1 / 10
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5 Report
  • Cat...
  • Taken for 10 years or more
  • October 5, 2017

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "If I take it as soon as the mildest cramping begins, it works well. However, I may still run to the bathroom for 2 or more hours before I am completely relieved of pain and cramping. Also, you need to drink a significant amount of water throughout the day; it dries out your mouth and throat. For me, I can take half a pill and not dry up so severely."

9 / 10
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10 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • November 5, 2023

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This medicine is a miracle drug for me. My IBS flares up after almost every heavy meal with no specific trigger. When I feel a cramp/sweat/stomach start to hurt bad, I dissolve a pill under my tongue, and the pain almost immediately subsides. I use as needed and not consistently and have had no side effects. I owe my sanity to this medication!!!"

8 / 10
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2 Report
  • Pat
  • August 1, 2021

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "I have been suffering with IBS for years, lately it went from constipation to diarrhea. Recently I started vomiting with severe stomach pain. The diarrhea would send me to the bathroom 8-10 a day. I was afraid to leave my house. A week ago the doctor started me on Metamucil and hyoscyamine. Afraid to brag, but the last three days have been such an improvement. Hope it continues."

8 / 10
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5 Report
  • Anonymous
  • July 20, 2011

For Irritable Bowel Syndrome "This medicine proved very effective for controlling my irritable bowel syndrome. However, at 0.0375 mg I found it rather sedating. So, I split the tablets and it still controlled my symptoms. It also helps with the stress incontinence I have as a result of prostate surgery, Overall, it was a miracle for me."

10 / 10
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15 Report

Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.