Eylea for Macular Degeneration User Reviews
Eylea has an average rating of 7.3 out of 10 from a total of 40 reviews for the treatment of Macular Degeneration. 65% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 15% reported a negative experience.
Reviews for Eylea
- Kat...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- October 8, 2020
"I have been undergoing treatment with Eylea for wet macular degeneration in my right eye for three years. However, there was a nagging discomfort that seemed to coincide with more frequent treatments: eye pressure, burning, and numbness down the side of my face on my affected side. I have been told by the retinologist that it has nothing to do with the treatments. I was referred to a neurologist thinking it was trigeminal neuralgia. The neurologist didn’t think I was in “enough” pain to confirm that as a diagnosis. I am now getting Eylea every 7 weeks, as the fluid behind my eye has continued to be a problem. The burning and numbness has become very distressing once again. I am at the point of contemplating discontinuing the treatments. I am being told that these injections have “saved” me from going blind. Is there anyone out there that has experienced this pressure, burning, and numbness as a side effect of these treatments? I am 69 years old."
- rgp...
- Taken for 6 months to 1 year
- August 22, 2020
"After several treatments, the last injection in my right eye caused blindness. I cannot see anything. I have been told by doctors that this problem might clear up after 1 to 3 months. It has been 1 week, and there is no improvement. This is kind of ironic, considering the injections were supposed to prevent blindness, not cause it."
Frequently asked questions
- What is the difference between Vabysmo and Eylea?
- What’s the difference between Eylea, Eylea HD, and Avastin?
- What are anti-VEGF drugs (VEGF inhibitors)?
- How long does Eylea or Eylea HD take to work?
- Pet...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- March 29, 2018
"I have had wet macular degeneration for 4 years. So far, I have had 14 Eylea injections in my left eye, spanning once a month for the first year lessening to only one injection in the last year. Injection pain and redness varied a lot, some injections were painful and messy, others not so. I put it down to the experience of the injector. All cleared up fine. The afflicted eye, on the last examination, had no active signs of AMD."
- Chi...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- February 21, 2021
"I complained to my consultant after the first Eylea injection that I was suffering from visual distortions. He said he could not explain my difficulty but insisted Eylea was doing its job. I continued to have 2 more injections as I trusted his advice. This series of treatment ran from June to September 2020. The distortions got worse with each injection. I am now suffering from debilitating distortions, unable to read, watch TV, sew, etc."
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Your review helps others make informed decisions.- Von...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- May 10, 2018
"I was terrified at the prospect of an eye injection. But I found it totally painless and quick. The only downside was blurred vision for about 20 hours. I got it done in Dublin. More people need to write their positive experiences, I see so many awful reviews. I will never fear going for my injections ever again."
- Dja...
- April 17, 2020
"Wet AMD in the right eye - age 58. One Eylea injection. Had been getting very wavy straight lines and considerable indentations on objects such as people's heads and faces. Not a pleasant experience! Not because it hurts, but just because of the idea of having your eyeball injected. However, the local anesthetic worked well, and while it wasn't fun, it wasn't painful. I noticed a large black floater later in the evening, but that was gone by morning. No real pain, but there was a lot of blood in the white of my eye - looked like one of those red-eyed birds for about 2 weeks. There was no obvious improvement in the blurring, so I stopped thinking about it. Then one day, after about 16 days, I just thought - 'hang on, the blurring is hardly there anymore.' So, it appears to have worked well in reversing the symptoms. Of course, I'm not looking forward to the next injection, but that's OK because it has worked for me and is obviously worthwhile."
More FAQ
- Does Medicare cover Eylea injections?
- What is the difference between Eylea and Eylea HD?
- Does Eylea and Eylea HD raise blood pressure?
- When do the Eylea and Eylea HD patents expire?
- JJu...
- May 12, 2017
"I am a 69-year-old female with an extensive family history of vision loss from wet AMD. I was diagnosed with bilateral dry AMD at age 55. In March 2017, I noticed distortion and smudging in my right eye. I immediately sought treatment and was administered Eylea. I have now had 3 monthly injections. The macular edema has subsided, and the leakage has stopped. I am now scheduled for injections at 8-week intervals. The injection procedure is painless, however, once the numbing medication wears off, the discomfort is intense for approximately 6 hours. I manage the pain with ice packs, one hydrocodone tablet, and a long nap. I am cautiously optimistic that the Eylea medication will protect me from the same fate as my numerous relatives who were blind."
- Kaa...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- May 29, 2015
"From my experience, Eylea is not as easy to inject as Lucentis, but the results speak for themselves. I was able to go four months without an injection after only two shots of Eylea. It completely dried up both of my eyes. Lucentis never did this for me, and I was getting monthly injections for over two years. I have varied side effects from the injection, ranging from eye redness to redness, itching, burning, and feeling like something is scratching my eye. Giving the injection slower helped some."
- Moo...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- January 21, 2021
"Recently, I had an Eylea injection on the 4th of December 2020. My vision has not improved, but my ophthalmologist told me that the fluid has gone. The problem which I'm facing is really making me anxious and agitated. There is an emergence of floaters in my eye, although my doctor says that the retina and the macula are fine, but still, the eye floaters are in my entire visual field. Sometimes they go away, but most of the time, they are there and cause curtains on the top and bottom of my eye. Vision is blurry, and the eye floaters obstruct my vision, and I can't see clearly."
- Cat...
- June 15, 2020
"I have been getting Eylea injections for about 18 months, the right eye cleared up immediately, but it took months to clear up the left eye. They are both dry now, and the doctor extended injection time to every 3 months, however, now the dry macular degeneration has gotten worse with distorted vision. Can't read with the left eye. The doctor wants to increase injections to every month in the left eye, but I'm afraid this could increase the progression of the dry macular degeneration. Has this happened to anyone else?"
- Des...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 27, 2020
"I am a 75-year-old male and have been taking Avastin shots once a month for about a year. Avastin stabilized my eye, but my vision did not improve. I have had one lot of Eylea, and one day out, I can see an improvement. Straight lines, such as a door jam, are much less wavy (you know what I am talking about). So I am hopeful about this new drug."
- Kat...
- August 9, 2021
"I no longer get injections. Although I have been told that the fluid “blister” has dried up, the remaining scar tissue has obscured my central vision. It cannot be removed. My eye pressures are satisfactory, but the distortion and poor depth perception are troubling. As was the burning down that side of my face, later diagnosed as inflammation of V2 & V3 by a neurologist. I now take medication for this (Duloxetine). I will be followed by my retinologist every three months. The choice that I was given: continue treatment knowing that my vision is as good as it could get or discontinue treatment. I opted for the latter. It seemed to be a zero-gain scenario. This is my experience only. There have been many successes judging from other reviews. I was just unlucky, I guess."
- Bil...
- May 18, 2020
"87 years, and my first injection 2 months ago was a disaster, the injection really stung in my eye and was upsetting. However, my second one, 3 weeks ago, was perfect, I didn’t realize the injection had taken place. No improvement in blurred vision yet, but a long way to go. I feel the anesthetic was left too long before the first injection."
- Han...
- Taken for less than 1 month
- October 7, 2015
"I am 86 and have wet macular degeneration. I had the 1st injection of Eylea into my 'good' left eye on Tuesday morning, September 8, 2015. Wednesday night, approximately 36 hours after the 1st injection, I had a significant bleed in the injected left eye. I went back to the doctor the next morning, who verified the bleed but insisted the Eylea did not cause it and that it's lucky I just had the injection. I saw another retina specialist who said that it does happen that people get bleeds after the Eylea. When I asked about Eylea and infection, he said I'm worried about infection when I already got a bleed. He said I have to weigh up the risks before further treatment, especially because my left eye is the only one with some vision left."
- Kat...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- January 13, 2021
"This is an update to my October 8th, 2020 entry. The vision in my affected right eye took a dramatic turn in the third week of October. It was like a large black mass in my central vision. I was seen the next day by my retinologist. The scans showed that the “blister” behind my eye had burst despite treatments. As it was explained to me, the remnants of the blister are like a rug being pushed up. It doesn’t go away. This happens in 5-10% of the population where treatments are ineffective. I am still getting treatments every 6 weeks and now worry about my left eye."
- Dep...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- July 28, 2017
"Been on and off the drug for 18 months, not on any regimented schedule, but as of now I am able to skip a treatment, the same as a year ago. But this time I am taking herbs and a more veggie-type diet, which for the past 6 months has equated to no longer having hypertension. 116-126/70 etc. versus 142-155/90. (depends on when I am checked). Cutting meat and adding Q-10 and Phytosterol complex, some fish/Krill oil, and garlic helps a lot. I say helps, the aforementioned items are the variables plus stopped using Generic Areds2 and back to the more expensive brand name Areds2. I have two insurance policies, Tricare always turns down claims due to the word injection triggering the non-ambulatory (Dr. Office walk-in, not surgical center)."
- Cat...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- October 29, 2021
"Been getting Eylea for 1 year every 4 weeks. The last injection took my vision away immediately. I saw sparking white dots and black dots. An opaque big spot blocked my central vision, they said it would go away. It never did. That was my right eye. Now, one year later, it’s the same. The flashing sparks of lights and zigzags are exhausting. Now I see in my left eye the damage from my right eye. Has anyone had this happen?"
- Con...
- Taken for 5 to 10 years
- September 20, 2021
"I was diagnosed with macular degeneration at the age of 48. One of the youngest my doctor has treated. To say that I was scared to death is putting it lightly. I, like most others, saw the wavy lines. I had my first injection of Lucentis and eventually was able to go 2 years with no injections. We started again, and the doctor decided that it was no longer working. I switched to Eylea. My opinion is that Eylea hurts more at the injection. I have been told maybe because it is thicker than Lucentis? After many injections this year, I am now having an injection every 10 weeks. Hopefully, being able to go longer. My one problem with Eylea is a minute after my injections, I get terrible head pain in the back, temple, and around my ear. It’s like an ice cream brain freeze but much more intense! It doesn’t last long, but it’s so strange! Does anyone else have that issue? I am very thankful this treatment has allowed me to live a normal life."
- Sco...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 6, 2021
"I am 74 and developed wet macular degeneration in the left eye quickly but got to a retina specialist within a week. Vision had dropped from 20/25 with glasses to 20/160. After one injection with no side effects, vision had improved to 20/60, and blood had been reduced by 80% in four weeks. The injection is essentially painless but does feel like something in your eye for a day afterwards. The results are amazing."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- May 8, 2022
"I am due to get my 3rd injection of Eylea. After waking up with awful distortion in my right eye. It had dry macular for years. Saw my retina specialist right away. Got my first injection. I now have a large shaded area near the central vision. Not sure if it was there before the injections. I'm praying with future injections it will improve. I was able to read more lines on the chart after my second injection, so I am thanking God for that."
- Dav...
- Taken for 1 to 2 years
- September 4, 2022
"I have AMD in my left eye. I started the Eylea injections 2 years ago, and it works great. My loss of vision in my left eye has been halted and improved. I have tests prior to injection so the doctor can look at possible bleeding. My eye is cleaned and numbed prior to injection. The injections are painless. Afterwards, I feel pressure in the eye, but it leaves the following day. I progressed to injections every 12 weeks now. So grateful for the medication and excellent care by my doctor and staff."
- maj...
- Taken for 2 to 5 years
- June 1, 2023
"I was diagnosed with AMD at an earlier than usual age. I began with another medication and have now been receiving Eylea injections for several years. It is magic for me. Not only am I holding my aging vision steady, but with Eylea, I have actually seen improvement. I am hoping to be 71 in a few months, and I am fully living my life without regard to my less-than-stellar eye health. My continued success is, no doubt, also due to my knowledgeable and caring ophthalmologist and his dedicated support staff, and the absolutely amazing organization, Good Days. Thanks to all of you for making Eylea an accessible option for me! I am forever grateful!"
- Ehu...
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- October 16, 2023
"I already got my first 2 intravitreal injections of Eylea at my hospital in Kurashiki, Japan. I see improvement in my left eye AMD (my right eye is still fine). The improvement also has been demonstrated in my left eye OCT. The choroid layer has become flat. No side effects so far, so in general, I am very satisfied. Of course, I look forward to Eylea HD to reduce treatment frequency, and even more to eye drops that will replace the injections into the eye."
- Anonymous
- Taken for 1 to 6 months
- June 22, 2024
"On my 3rd dose. Macular swelling done to almost nothing. Eye pressure in general up from 18 to 27. 1st dose had the visual floaters and black spot in lower vision but no blood in eye. Grainy irritation from Benadryl. 2nd-3rd dose - no visual floaters or spots, but blood in eye below iris. All 3 times tearing, nose running for 1st 24 hours."
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- Drug class: anti-angiogenic ophthalmic agents
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Eylea HD, Pavblu, Yesafili, Ahzantive, ... +2 more
"I have been in clinical trials for 4 years for Eylea and have had no side effects. Eylea has allowed me to return to a quality of life that I had given up with sewing, painting, cooking, driving, reading and other areas pertinent to being able to live independently. Before Eylea, I had even stopped watching television! Now I feel confident again and go out and do things on my own without fear. This has definitely been a positive, life-changing experience."