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Vertigo Questions (Page 2)

Related terms: Dizziness, Lightheadedness, dizzy, Loss of balance, Lightheadedness, Dizzy, Balance Disorder

Displaying 153 questions associated with Vertigo.

Are these normal Citalopram side effects? Lethargic, dizzy, and fatigued?

I've just recently started back on Citalopram 20mg for a second time in recent years, I've only been on 20mg for 8 days or so, 10mg 4 days before that. It does seem to be helping with anxiety/panic and depression issues already, if that's possible, but I'm suffering with pretty... read more

Cymbalta - I’ve missed one dose and feel so dizzy. Does this happen to everyone?

I refilled my prescription two days ago but forgot to put the new bottle in my purse so yesterday I missed a dose. I only take 30mg a day for fibromyalgia. But all day today I’ve felt like I had vertigo. Every time I turn my head too quickly or go from sitting to standing or vice versa I just... read more

Is alprazolam used for vertigo?

Eliquis and Xarelto, feeling super tired and dizzy. How long until side effects are totally gone?

Hello, due to a pulmonary embolism 2 years ago I was on Xarelto and now changed about 1 week ago to Eliquis. First half year I had basically no side effects. All was fine. But then it started with dizziness, vertigo, tiredness and in general feeling anxious and depressed. Therefore I changed to... read more

Why am I feeling dizzy all of a sudden? 200mg Sertraline per day?

Hello. A brief description of myself: im 22, male. around 14.5 stone, muscly build. Go gym 3 times a week. Have suffered with depression 2 year ago and was on medication for that. The last year i have been suffering with anxiety and panic attacks. Most panic attacks result in me being physicaly... read more

Gabapentin - Has anyone used gabaentin for vertigo and dizzyness? My doctor has just perscribed it?

I have had daily dizzy spells for almost year. I have been to several doctors and been given several differnent meds and nothing has worked. I have had c-scan and mri, nothing there.Vertigo is so bad that I have to spend many hours in bed because I can't function. I feel that I have no control... read more

Flomax-better to take at night or morning?

Just started last night and am a little concerned about the dizzy factor but will see after taking for a bit. Figured I would take it at night until I know how I will deal with side effects.

I'm taking Sertraline 50mg and I feel dizzy/shaky kind of like if the ground is moving?

Has anyone else felt like this on antidepressants, and does it go away?

Plan B work if overweight?

I took plan B about 5 days ago but I weigh 220 pounds, so I'm well over the weight limit. Has anyone else been this heavy and had it still work? Today I am feeling dizzy and have an upset stomach, I hope it's the plan b and not pregnancy. Just wondering how accurate the weight limit is

Is there anything that can be done to reverse the side effects after taking Levaquin?

Have trouble walking, itching all over the body, gastric parisis, loss of balance, cornea edema, loss of energy and depression.

Lexapro dizzy and fatigued after 3 weeks?

I have been on lexapro for 3 weeks but side effects of dizzy and sleepiness still suck. Im on 10mg and take it at dinner time. Im hoping this gets better after 4 weeks at least. Im not any less depressed maybe because of how i feel physically. Is anyone else in their 3rd week dealing with the same... read more

I’m tapering off 20mg Cymbalta. Horrible drug. I been told to take 20mg every other nite for 2 wks?

And then 20 mg. Every third day for a week or two then stop. I wake up in mornings sad, cry, dizzy but I do take my 1 mg Xanax and that helps. But will i ever get this drug out of my system? Will I get myself back again? How long would my dizziness go on for since im tapering this way and wasnt on... read more

BuSpar - How long did it take your body to adjust to buspirone? I have been super dizzy, shaky...

... and more anxious recently.

OTC Water Pills

Metoprolol side effects similar to vertigo symptoms?

... taken metoprolol for 2-3 yrs and have vertigo-like side effects. light-headed, off balance, very unsure of balance, sometimes can hardly see object i'm looking at, also... just a blur. Uncontrolable rash and itchy spots... random, on arms, hands, legs, feet, face... very, very itchy...... read more

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