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Subutex Questions (Page 3)

Displaying 47 questions associated with Subutex.

Will my partners sexdrive come back after subutex??

I have been with my partner for 2 years now, when we got together I knew he was on subutex n I have helped him cut down, n now he is only on 2mg a day he is going into detox in a 6 weeks, he has had a problem with subutex for nearly 11 years. When we got together he said he didn't have a sex... read more

Subutex dissolve time?

I have read everything I can about Subutex and still have not see "how long to let it dissolve under your toungue". Can anyone help. I have been waiting 1/2 hour but it seems way too long.

Strange side effects on Suboxone/Subutex?

I noticed that I have no mood since taking suboxone/subutex. I don't feel like I enjoy anything but can't get off of it. The weirdest side effect to me is that I can not feel music and I love music. Has anyone else felt this side effect? I was off the suboxone for 17 days and so sick and... read more

Does suboxin and subutex show up the same on drug tests?

suboxone has a blocker subutex does not but do they show up the same on a drug test

What's the difference between Suboxone and Subutex?

Can one be used in combination with Vicodin to increase the effectiveness for pain?

How many hours do I have to wait to take subutex after taking oxycotton?

If I take roxycodone in the morning how long do i need to wait before starting subutex to get of opiates


I am currently on Suboxone (Buprenorphine and Naloxone), and have been for a while. Since I have been on this medication, my pulse/heart rate has gotten way out of control. I have been to all of the neccessary doctors... Heart Specials, etc There is nothing wrong with my heart, after going through... read more

Suboxone sickness?

I switched from subutex to suboxone and I get very nauseous when I take it but my new dr won't prescribe me subutex because he says it's abused more. The reason I was taking subutex was because subox made me sick and now I'm going thru the same thing again! I feel horrible but... read more

Do you have to wait between when switching from Subutex to Suboxone?

I am currently taking Subutex, I want to switch to Suboxone. Does anyone know if you have to wait a couple days after your last Subutex dose before you start taking the Suboxone? Or can I just go from the Subutex straight to taking the Suboxone?

How can I get a subscription for Subutex?

I am currently taking 16mgs of Suboxone from a nearby clinic. Since I started taking Suboxone (started on 24 mgs) I have not slipped up once. I cannot say enough good things about this drug, it is life changing. I regret not starting this 20 years ago. I do not like the clinic I currently go to, it... read more

Why do I get sick after my second dose of suboxone?

I've been on suboxone/subutex now for 3 years. I've been trying to ween off of it for the past year. I feel sick on it and sicker without it but I usually feel good when I first wake up and take it (1mg.) and then I usually get tired about 4-5 hours later and need a nap and when I wake up... read more

Can I get a surgery while I am on subutex?

I am on 3 mg daily since one year and in 3 weeks I have to get a surgery with full anesthesie (narcose). is it possible with subutex to get narcose?

Has anyone had a reaction to suboxone causing severe heart racing?

and in that case would subutex be a possible alternative?

Subutex - why can't you just swallow it?

Im prescribed subutex why do you have to dissolve it under your tongue does it really make a differ difference cant you just swallow it like any other pill

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Opiate Dependence - Maintenance, Opiate Dependence

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