I have read everything I can about Subutex and still have not see "how long to let it dissolve under your toungue". Can anyone help. I have been waiting 1/2 hour but it seems way too long.
Subutex dissolve time?
Question posted by subuman on 4 March 2010
Last updated on 1 January 2020 by Michelledm9
4 Answers
My Dr. recommends crushing them before putting them under my tongue. After that the dissolve time is about 5 to 10 minutes.
I find if I chew it into bits and drink plenty before I go along and talk to the supervisor / pharmacist it helps me and only takes 5 minutes to dissolve under tongue longest 10 minutes hope this helps
they have new strps out that only take about 5 mins you could switch to them
try breaking the pill in half before placing it under your tongue. Also I've heard that having a hot drink begore hand helps quicken things up, It should take on average 10-15 minutes... Good luch...
Thanks D... I'll try the hot drink and let it dissolve for 15 minutes and see if the reaction is the same as it has been when I let it dissolve for 1/2 hour. I felt like I was spending my whole day not being able to talk... which may be a good thing.. - thanks for the input.
No problem..Good luck and hang in there...
Hey D... do you have any thoughts about when if ever one can get off Subutex all together? I'was taking 10 ea 10 mg Norco's a day for a few years and have been on Subutex for 6 months now. I can't seem to get down past 4 pills a day still... It may be that my phycological urge to take them is stronger than my will to stop. Any thoughts... thanks again for the response.
You hit the nail on the head. Even though you are somewhat stable you are still in addictive behavior or thoughts. It took me 1 1/2 years to stop abusing morphine while on methadone. So until you stop craving or thinking daily about your DOC then you are ready. I don't know if the doctors still use this protocol but it used to be that they would tell you to stay on buprenorphine or methadone for at least the same length of timethat you abused.
You will know in your gut when it's time. Your brain chemistry changes after a few years of abuse, you stop producing endorphins and of course you don't get high anymore in fact you are in a state of dysphoria all the time no matter how much opiate you abuse.
I was a very heavy daily abuser and both my Mom and Dad were addicts. I have been on methadone for almost 8 years. I stabilized at 400mgs and had to stay there for almost 4 years. I knew in my gut that I could come down on my methadone which I slowly did. 10% every 4-6 weeks or longer is how I came down. It took a few years but I am now at 120mgs/day and I feel as well or better then I did at 400mgs. I don't know if I will ever stop the methadone as I an a firm believer that there are some addicts who are endorphin deficient and need some type of ORT (Opiate Replacement Therapy) once they have been deem a long term heavy abuser.
I would not ask you to come off the buprenorphine after only 6 months. You haven't lived abuse free long enough and you would likely relapse. You will instinctively know of and when that time comes... Good luck...
Thank you very much. I appreciate your thoughts and your experience. I am glad to hear you are doing so well. You hang in there too. And see you down the road!
Thanks, I appreciate that!!
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