Will subutex get you as sick as taking suboxone if you do not wait the desired time frame?
Question posted by dbsmooth77 on 1 July 2009
Last updated on 28 October 2021
5 Answers
My pain consultant put me onto the 70mcg Subutex patch after I had taken my last oxycontin tablet (70mcg 2x daily). And I had absolutely no idea of what was to come, and that this was going to put me into the worst withdrawal ever. Coming off a combination of fentanyl, Oramorph, and Zomorph using just Co-Codamol 30/500mgs (thankfully given to me by my mother) the previous year was a doddle compared to switching from Oxycontin to Subutex. I was at one point crying and gibbering like a 3 year old or someone that had advanced dementia. I was seeing faces in pictures and I was terrified of them. My husband thought I was mad when I told him to take all the pictures off the wall. I was completely all over the show, both physically and mentally. And of course the Co-Codamols I was once again taking every 4 hrs to help ease the withdrawals weren't doing a thing, because the buprenorphine binding to my opioid receptors was blocking the action of the codeine.
Obviously I didn't know this at the time. My consultant had not warned me about any of this. Nor had he given me any buprenorphine subs whilst the patch got in to my system to manage my pain
I did the same thing and I just went through the worst withdrawal in my entire life
How long did you stay sick
I did a bunch of research prior to taking subutex for dependency on morphine and oxycodone. I read differing ideas, and mostly read that unlike suboxone you can take subutex before W/Ds set in. THIS IS WRONG!! I took 8 mg of subutex after about 16 hours since last MS dose. Prior to taking the subutex, I was in mild discomfort from detoxes, but I was not in severe detoxes which I know well from previous detoxes. I took the subutex and within one hour I was in the most sever painful detoxes I have ever experienced. Moral of the story: wait until you are really Really sick to take subutex. I wish I had read this before I just went through that. Ugh.
Taking Suboxone while having opioids in your system will make you sick because the naloxone causes withdrawal symptoms. Subutex can make you sick because it can cause you to overdose if there are opioids in your system. Subutex can also make you sick whether or not there are opiates in your body just because it is a very strong opioid.
actually... taking the subutex before severe withdrawal WILL NOT make you sick like suboxone. it works alot better. i was doing OC 80s everyday, atleast 7 a day..for about a year... and 1 morning..i did my last OC around 7am... did the subutex around 1pm..and nothing happened. been taking subutex for the last 4 days and feel fine. going to stop taking it tonight. but it totally does not make you sick like suboxone
thank you addicted 104, i was in the same predicament with the 80's, then cut down to 40's and only 5 of those, i am ready to try subutex. And can't wait to be done with this.
OK so who is correct. It seems the naloxone is to discourage intravenous use and only enters the system that way per the Suboxone manufacturers website. Hey I went in precipitated withdrawals after not having used for 40 hours and believe me if there is a Hell that is it. My Dr said wait until you are in withdrawals so bad you want to die than take the Suboxone I would bet now that is a 26 on the cows scale any way hope none experience what I did. PS Robert your post help me a lot I am now on day 2 feeling better took my Suboxone today and got a little uncomfortable for an hour but now OKwhen will I start to feel like this is the right thing to do?
Suboxone will put you into precipitated w/d if you begin the induction before going into severe w/d. You need to score at least a 26 on the COWS (clinical opioid w/d scale) worksheet. You will find INDUCTION suggestions and a link to the COWS worksheet on the following link in the INDUCTION section. Hope that helps.
I have been doing a lot of research on the drug Subutex. I found an article posted by a medical professional that is well respected and the article was very helpful. It stated that with the drug Suboxone a person must wait various hours depending of the drug that has been taken, whether it be morphine, heroin,or methadone before you take the Suboxone. The amazing part of the article that I didn't know stated that with the drug Subutex because it does not contain the other drug 'naloxone... a person can take Subutex as soon as 5 minutes after taking a lesser opiate such as Lortab or Vicoden or Perocet with no precipitated withdrawals. Now I know that most doctors prescribe Suboxone 98 percent of the time, so all comments that I have read say that you must wait and this is true you do have to wait several hours before taking Suboxone, but I goes on to state that if your doctor gives you Subutex first ...
most generally they will switch you to Subutex after the first few days. This article was very interesting and its new to me. I have personally only waited about 7-9 hrs after taking about my last dose of Lortabs... I took five 7.5 tabs the last time and I took the Subutex at this time frame and I had no withdrawal symptoms at all... the Subutex took it all away and i felt great... so please respond with your opinion of this finding. thank you all for your support.
I just recently used Subutex and Suboxone to come off of methadone after 12 years... With the Subutex to help with the first 2 days I was able to get through. I continued on to the Suboxone after the 2nd day and am now on day 30 NO METHADONE :) feel great, and DID NOT GET SICK
I have been on Suboxone and now Subutex for over 4yrs. now. How long is too long to stay taking this medication? How hard is it to stop taking these medicines after this period of time?
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