I went 17 days cold turkey off of 2mg per day of Subutex this past October, 2010. On day 17 I could no longer take the nausea and anxiety, etc. so I took a 2 mg. Suboxone pill I had left over. I started taking it once in awhile but now for the past 2 months have been taking 1-2mg. per day. Do you think I'm back to square one and I will have to start all over going at least 17 days being extremely sick and still not seeing any light at the end of the tunnel? I feel like I wrecked everything and that I am back to square one and I just don't know if I can do it all over again right now. I wish I would have stuck with the plan but I was so sick I was thinking about ending it all so it was either take the pills or ending it all which I would never want to do to my 2 beautiful grown daughter's, wonderful husband and my whole wonderful family. Larsy1966
Do you think I am back to square one with my Subutex/Suboxone detox?
Question posted by Larsy1966 on 9 March 2011
Last updated on 9 June 2022 by Dragonfly44
11 Answers
I know this is an old post but wondered if you ended up increasing your dose. If so, I wouldn't think of it as a failure but rather a continued success. With Suboxone and many other medications, you can build up a tolerance to the dose you're on, especially after over 10 years. If it doesn't interfere with your daily activities, maybe going up to 4mg would help it work better. There are also other alternatives to the delivery method. Such as switching from strips to Zubsolv, it has the same ingredients, but in a small dissolving tablet. It has faster absorption unlike the old buprenorphine pills and taste much better. There is also a monthly shot called Sublocaid (pardon spelling) that delivers an extended release throughout the 30 days. Both have proven very effective. Maybe it would help without having to increase your daily dose.
Best of luck!
I go to Narcotics Anonymous. if you want help with your drug addiction maybe you should try NA? I am actually happy finally. I just wanted to let you know that there are other options available.
This question scared the s*** out of me because I take 8 milligrams every day for almost 7 years. Truth is I was on 16 for quite a bit. all because I was taking 30 mg of Percocet a day.
Anyway I know you can do it... No it's not ruined... Just a practice run.
Hey Larsy
I completely understand your worries about your family,but could you not tell them about how difficult you are finding things?I know it would'nt be easy to admit-far from it but once they know,it might help you,take a load off your mind,maybe?
As for the doctors,its terrible you're not getting anywhere with them,there really should be more help out there where withdrawing from subs and the like.
I'm sorry to hear that you're finding it so hard to get by-day to day,i can relate to that,its a horrible feeling been down so much and hating facing the days ahead.
But maybe have a think about having a chat with your daughters about how you're feeling,i know you dont want to admit that you've took a step back,but maybe by them knowing and understanding it could help you and give you the encouragment you need to get through this.
Wishing you all the best
Take care
Is anybody able to answer the question about if she will be at square one as far as withdrawal symptoms and the timeline and how much of a setback will she feel physically
Thank you all for your advice. I'm so sorry that I haven't been on lately. I just feel hopeless. I wish I would have gone 4 weeks without the suboxone but I didn't and I feel like I will have to go those 17 days again being nauseous, anxious and scared out of my mind. The problem is that my family thinks I've not taken suboxone at all since my detox in the hospital this past October. I don't know what they will do when they find out. I wish I could be honest and then I could try again but now that they think I am doing better will they give me another chance? I need to stay home and not be forced to go places when I'm going through this detox and I've been lucky enough to be home for the most part for the past couple of months but still have to attend certain things. My daughter just bought a new house and needs her mother and other daughter is coming home for spring break tomorrow for a week.
I feel so guilty that I'm driving myself nuts. Just getting through the day is hard enough and all I look forward to is going to bed at night. Mornings are the worst time for me. I wish I could find a doctor who really understands how bad withdrawling from suboxone after 2 years can be. I just feel hopeless. :(
Hi Larsy, just notified in email you posted a new message.
To be honest, in my opinion yes you are back to square one. Taking tex daily for a couple of months is more than enough time to become addicted and so suffer the immense physical and psychological withdrawals, even at 2mg.
Also, because you never completely finished the cold turkey before you started again, ie you got back on tex after 17 days, your body would not have recovered in 17 days so any top up would convince your body you are still an addict-do you know what I mean?
Basically, the 17 days is pretty meaningless because you never got clean in that time. And anyone taking tex for two months will become addicted-suffer withdrawals if cold turkey.
It took me at least a month to start feeling ok having gone cold turkey from tex. I wasn't 100% but it was manageable after a month. It took me 3 weeks to get any sleep! It's a prolonged cold turkey, it takes some serious determination and effort to get through it. But you will definitely see lots of light at the end of the tunnel after a month.
Don't be disappointed with yourself, 17 days of sheer hell is good for anyone, you did well getting that far! But maybe you can go longer if you KNOW you will definitely feel better after 3/4 weeks. It's the not knowing that's painful too hey, the "when will it end" torture..
Like I said I felt better after a month and even better after 5 weeks. During the 6th week I went and used heroin-Dam! This was a few weeks ago and since I had my first dabble I've used it on/off not every day. I had a tiny bit left this morning and have arranged to nip it in the bud as from tonight. No more. I'm likely to suffer a bit of pain but don't expect full on withdrawals-at this early stage it's the psychological withdrawals that are so challenging, but I will not give in. If I carry on using I'll be fu--- in a week or so. But stopping now will mean I'll be pretty much back to normal in a few days. Note I haven't been using tex, I'll never go on that sh-- again...
So, I went through absolute hell going cold turkey from subutex over a 4/5 week period only to go and use again. It's crazy hey. My mind somehow went into auto pilot, forgot all the pain I'd just suffered and drove me to go and score a bag. It's unbelievably evil stuff.
I've been on this merry go round for the past 10 bloody years and every time I get a habit I end up a totally dysfunctional useless prick! I can't and wont go through it all again, I lose everything just for this drug???
Thing is I have a lot going for me but this dam drug somehows overtakes everything...
Anyway, I remember writing a post on this site a few weeks back now, it was my first. I lectured someone about using drugs and that their only option is to stop, no in between..etc I was probably a bit too harsh but being harsh to yourself is the only way you're ever going to change anything. There are few choices: We die a drug addict, we live a drug addicts life or we live a clean life. I know it's so dam hard to stop, but making excuses and crying about it wont make it any easier.
The crazy thing is, for me anyway, doing the cold turkey is nothing compared to abstaining for the rest of your life! Just as I started to feel good it hit me hard, it's like the stuff brain washes me- one minute I'm dead anti drugs, the next I'm scoring a bag!
It's pure evil, I see it as a terminal illness, it never goes away, especially not opiates. We must accept it is going to be there for the rest of our lives and take serious steps to avoid using again.
For me it's just been a constant battle and I always end up the loser. The only way I can win is to not be controlled by the sh... It all just takes such a long time. You can be clean for 5 years, but score a bag, sniff a pill in seconds. Those few seconds of madness will undo years of hard, tortuous work.
This is what we as addicts face. Our only option is to accept it and fight to take back control of our own minds. Not let our lives be dictated and controlled by some nasty evil destructive drug.
You can do the cold turkey, you got to be mentally prepared and have support. Start weaning down straight away but prepare yourself for at least a month of withdrawals (sorry but it's a means to an end..), anything better is a bonus. And I can't see it going any longer than a month. Most are ok during the 4th week.
I've done many cold turkeys, weaning off drugs is not an option for me because I'm still trying to chase the buzz so it just doesn't work! I've wasted so much time so I say to you go for it this time, make it work, this time round, don't waste more time because as you know there is no escaping the pain-the cold turkey is inevitable, but once you get to 4 weeks you will nearly be back to normal and you will feel so much better!
Just remember-once you feel better, that's when the battle really starts.
As for ending it all - Look once you get clean you will look back at all this and think "dam! what was I like back then?" You will change so much, it will no longer be the tex talking, it will be Larsy talking again. You will see everything differently, in a happier light, you will regain your belief in life and you will look back at your tex experience in horror.. It's amazing how much we change when we are clean-you have all that to look forward to! But while that tex has a hold of you, you will forever be a slave to it, forever be controlled by it. Your husband and daughters may as well call you Tex not Larsy..(or whatever your name is you know..)
All the best.
Harry, this is exactly why I stay on 4 mg of sub! I know I would use again just as you described. !!
Hey Larsy
As the others said you're not back to square one, you just need to be strong and take it slowly with the tapering down. I can imagine how hard is it,but as someone said take it day by day,dont rush into it all.
Wish you the best of luck
Take care
I'm going to give you information about my experience getting off of/recovering from Suboxone/Subutex and other medications and you can draw your own conclusions from it. A year and a half ago, after much research regarding the best way to be successful getting off buprenorphine I decided to taper off slowly. I had been on Bupe 16mg/day for over two years and I'd just gotten tired of taking a narcotic every day just to feel normal (not to mention an expensive one without insurance). For me, trading a heroin addiction for a more managable buprenorphine addiction just wasn't good enough for me anymore. I will admit that during the time I was on it, it definitely saved my life because I could no longer successfully use heroin or OxyContin... I tried, it didn't work.
During the time I was on Suboxone, my doctor decided to put me on all of these other bullshit meds for various disorders that I later figured out that I could do without. Many of these meds keep the brain from learning how to cope or adjust on its own. The damn medical community these days (of which I am a part) too often takes the approach of remedying the symptoms with medications, rather than addressing the root/cause of the problem. When I was on Subutex/Suboxone maintainence(16mg/daily), I was also taking Luvox CR 200mg/day (depression/anxiety), Valium 10mg 2x/day (anxiety/RLS), Adderall XR 30mg/day(ADHD) and Keppra XR 1500mg/day (seizures). At some point I realized that I was on more medications than a geriatric cancer patient and something had to change... Getting off the Subutex scared me more than any of the other meds. Over the course of a year I decided to taper off each medication, very slowly, one at a time. I took a month in between each one. Stopping the Adderall caused temporary sluggishness, depression, lack of motivation, and lots of sleep. Valium was the only other med that I noticed much problem getting off. When I tapered off, my rebound anxiety and insomnia was MUCH worse than before I had even started taking the medication, for several months. Getting off the Suboxone was a whole 'nother endeavour... to say the least. All of the research I had done with people who had actually gone through the process indicated that I should come off with a gradual (very gradual) taper. I decided to reduce my CURRENT DOSAGE by 25% every sixth day until I was off completely. Meaning when I was taking 16mg/day I reduced to 12mg/day, when I was down to 4mg/day I reduced to 3mg/day and so on. This was intended to give my body some time to gradually recover, instead of shocking the hell out of it. I didn't notice too much difference in the dosages using this method until I got down to 2mg. In order for me to be able to properly split my pills for accurate dosing, I got my doctor to prescribe me the necessary amount of 2mg Subutex. The 8mg pills are too big to try to break down this small and even then your dosage will not be accurate. I felt like I had a mild flu for a few months and forgot how to sleep for days on end. I was always tired, couldn't sleep, nauseated, diarrhea, no motivation, horrible RLS, muscles sore, and more shit I have probably forgotten. Today I have been off all meds/drugs (legal or illegal) for over a year. Honestly, I feel better than I ever did during any period of my using or taking a shitload of medications. Don't get me wrong, it was hell getting off the Buprenorphine. There's a long, gradual recovery period, it takes a while... like six months to a year from my experience. Even now my brain is still adjusting to having to produce its' own endorphins and learning how to recieve them again. It is still sometimes hard to get pleasure out of many things in life that should be, or used to be pleasurable. With that said, things do get better each week, I can assure you of that. If I had to do it again I believe I would taper the same way... but I never want to go back and I am glad I don't have to take that shit anymore. I hope this helped. Remember that many others have gone through what you are experiencing and they have succeeded, but not without much pain going through the process... don't give up, keep your head up, keep trying, you can do it!
Hey Chris, reading what you wrote here sounds exactly what I wrote when I asked the ?, What is the longest anyone who is taking Suboxone been on it. I can relate so much to all you have said in this answer. It makes me feel so good and gives me hope that I truly am not alone and others feel what I feel and have been put through the same thing as far as continuing to be prescribed script after script for any and everything, nothing that had been diagnosed of me before I started on Suboxone almost 7 yrs ago. I added you as a friend and if you get a chance, read my post.. Stay Strong.
Hi rcimly, Personally, I'm still prescribed high doses of opiates for severe pain from burst spinal fractures and spinal cord damage. Prior to my accident, had years of chronic low back pain due to DDD at L4-5. I need more surgery to repair that disc and also remove part of the hardware causing major pain and problems at the fracture site, L-2 to T-12. I'm only familiar with suboxone through lots of research and other members experiences. Addiction is addiction, however. I've successfully dealt with it in the past, and will need to deal with tapering down again after my next (hopefully last) surgery. I didn't mean to lead anyone to believe I personally was RX'd suboxone. But I am more than familiar with opiates and addiction, how hard it is dealing with withdrawals, etc. I hate having to take these meds day after day, month after month, waiting for a decision on SSI Disability and have to file another appeal for medicaid so I can finally get the surgery.
In the meantime, I thought I'd do the research and read up on literally 100's of personal sub experiences. Thanks for the friends invite, hope you don't want to take it back now! :-) lol. Hope you hang in there and feel free to contact me anytime!
Best wishes,
Chris, I am new here but you are the first person I have seen, so far, who has successfully come off of Buprenorphine for any real length of time. I personally am not on any meds but my fiance is just beginning the process. It is so painful to see what he is going through I can only imagine what it actually feels like. He is struggling every day to stay off of it. He is 48yrs old and was taking OS Contin 80mg 4-6xday, for recreational purposes, not prescribed. He got 50 of them at one time and had a field day or week but during that episode that he realized he was killing himself and had to stop! He waited for a quiet weekend followed by a week where he had nothing pressing so he could relax & let the withdrawals kick in because he knew it was going to be Hell! On about the 8th day he read about this wonder drug Suboxone & went to a ReHab facility here in town.
They told him how sick he was & he should be on the medication & referred him to a Dr who would prescribe it. That was almost 5 years ago. Had we known at the time how much worse the withdrawals from Buprenorphine are than from the Opiates and that he was only about 2 days away from recovery from the OS Contin withdrawals in the first place, he could have stuck it out! He tapered his dose of 8mg/day to 4mg almost immediately and stayed at that dose for a couple of years. He had to change drs a few times because they wanted tose him every month & didn't like the fact that he tapered his meds himself. They thought he should take the full 8mgs. He was also a daily pot smoker so the first place stopped seeing him after about the 3rd or 4th time anyway because of the p-tests showing THC. Sincehe was splitting his meds anyway, they were lasting much longer & he didn't think he would be on them that long anyway, ha, ha, right?
Then, for reasons I still haven't figured out, he started snorting Xanex. I think he said it helps him sleep. So next Doc saw that in his urine, explained the lethal combination and told him he needed to stop. He said he would not beable to continue to treat him if he continued with the Xanex. Of course he had already learned that if he acted like the first 8mg tab didn't completely aleviate his symptoms they would prescribe him 16mg/day and since he was only taking 4mg... He is not dumb, stupid in his choices maybe but not dumb.
He did stop taking the Xannies for a little while, not a fun withdrawal either & then like a dumbass he started back again (and still does them today). This doc also told him he needed to be very careful because he was going to be one of those guys who always flew under the radar so he was never going to hit "bottom" if he wanted help he was going to have to do it himself, no one was going to see what he was doing & get help for him. Of course the doc didn't know me, but that is beside the point. Eventually the meds were tapered dow to 2mg and then in to little crumbs. He has been taking little crumbs for the past 6 months or longer, skipping days inbetween. He was really ready to be done. Hehad goten to the point where he was literally licking powder because that was all that was left. I had 1 emergency pill hidden away, just in case and the day before he quit completley he took a little piece of it & stuck it under his tongue for a second or 2 and then spit it out. That was last Thursday (3/10). Now he keeps reading all of this stuff that is saying he is going to feel crappy for a month or 2 or 6 months and he is ready to give up! He is also an Alcoholic and started drinking again, heavily, every day because it is the only thing that makes him feel a little better. He can't work because he can't concentrate so the day just drags on & on. He will get out of the house between 12 and 2 and go for about a 5 mile walk on the Beach, which he said does help with the endorphines but as soon as he stops everything is back to shitty. After his walk he goes straight to the bar. He tries to at least wait until 5pm, but some days he doesn't make it. Every night he comes home & cries & apologizes to me. He hates what he is doing tome, to our relationship, to himself but he hates how he is feeling even worse. We have a trip coming up in 3 weeks and he does not want to feel bad for the whole week we are on vacation but he doesn't want to start over at square one and go through Buprenorphine withdrawal again. He is seriously considering going back on the OS or getting some Roxies and taking them for a few months until all of the Buprenorphine is out of his system. At least when he comes of the Opiates he knows what the withdrawal will be like & more important, how long it will last. I hate to see him take anything but not ever having an addiction (other than cigarettes, but I gave that up after 30 yrs) I don't know what to tell him. When I want to stop something I make up my mind & stop. I know an addict cant necessarily do that. Can you give me Any advice? Or any advice I can give him? Sorry to have written such a novel but this is the first time I have been able to discuss this with anyone - I guess I've had a lot on my mind. Thank you!
Guess what? Every individual is different. Why don't you not dish out medical advice. Or at least cite some sources or systematic studies of controlled trials. I don't know, anything. Why do people on here either give each other false senses of hope or they scare them to death. Go exercise, read a book, get a pharmacology degree, eat healthy, maybe even get a medical degree and give out that poison suboxone. Substituting a drug for a drug you people say-maybe if you did a little neurophysiological research you would see that is not the case. You have all been poisoned with misinformation. You know you can live a happy life on a very small dose of sub/bupes every other day. A cacophony of fools-myself included
I'm sorry if you took my question wrong. I did not mean to scare anyone or to tell anyone what to do. This is just my experience. I do not believe that the doctors who are able to prescribe this medication know how to get people off of it and how hard it can be for some people (like me) to get off of it. I am on 2 mgs. per day. I experienced being off cold turkey for 17 days and for me I couldn't take it. I believe if I was weened very slowly by a doctor who knows how to deal with this that I would be better now. I do not feel well on even this dosage. I have lost so much. I am tired all the time or anxious and I feel like I do not have a personality anymore. I could literally just sit here all day. If it wasn't for my two beautiful grown daughter's I don't think I would be here anymore. This is the biggest nightmare I have ever had to deal with and do not wish it on anyone. I'm sorry you do not understand me. Some people feel fine on a low dose.
I feel like my personality is gone. I used to be very outgoing and spontaneous but nothing interests me anymore. There are many people who feel the same way I do (like suboxone ruined my life). If I can get off of this medication and be able to feel the things I miss so very much I will try and understand and help others. It's very frustrating when people do not understand what I am going through. I am a strong person (or I was) but this is something I just can't seem to fight. I may try and go away again for help. Sincerely, Larsy
I'm dealing with the insomnia now and still on .5mg... so miserable... even though I was tired ALL DAY
No Larsy, you are NOT back to square one! You are human and we all have problems to deal with. The good news is you only take 1 to 2 mg per day. You know that is a very low amount. Take it one day at a time. You have to be emotionally strong and ready to dig in and fight again. Take your time, but do not take more. I'm sorry I haven't been around much for support, but there are so many wonderful people willing to help you through this. When the time comes, take a tad less and stay there until you are comfortable for a few weeks. Then lower just a tad more. You know the routine. But you need support and emotional strength. You can get it down to micro grams and feel almost no wd when you finally quit. It WILL happen. But you have not failed. It's just a minor set back, that's all. Hang in there and don't beat yourself up. You are a wonderful lady and you have much to be proud of!!
Best wishes,
Hang in there Larsy. You are not back to square one. You have learned from your choices and will move forward. You can beat this addiction. You have a lot going for you like a whole wonderful family. Work on cutting back a little at a time and talk to the doctor about the anxiety and depression you have spoken of earlier.
I am praying for you,
What is the problem with taking a vary small dose like .5 mg everyday? Why would you put yourself in so much pain when you have a treatable disease. I do not understand why buprenorphine is treated like an evil thing you have to stop. You are merely trying to fool yourself-odds say if you stop your drug therapy your disease will come back. How does that sound? If bupes help you live a normal life for the love of teapots TAKE it! It now seems the general public has not only stigmatized the use of this treatment but the people whose lives it saves stigmatize it to. I hope you get better or have opened your eyes to reality. Please do yourself a favor and stay on a small dose however tiny it may be. I will not be praying for you, as that won't do a damn thing, but I will advocate for people in situations like yours. Get better and stop drinking the kool-aid! You can live an amazing happy successful life on a tiny dose of bupes, unless you would rather take your chances with sickness and relapse. Not my choice
I KNOW it feels better to hear what you want to hear from as many people that will say it but the truth is, if you dont believe in yourself, if you dont believe that you can beat this demon, nothing anyone says or does will make it or you feel better. You are not back to square 1, just a minor setback, if you could go from 2 mg a day to nothing for 17 days your halfway there. If you felt like you had to start taking it again to make yourself feel better or like taking it would be the only thing to make you feel better you should have started back taking a 1/4 of that last 2 mg pill. Do what i suggested and if you can do that, you will see all is not lost... STAY STRONG!
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suboxone, subutex, anxiety, opiate dependence, opiate withdrawal, nausea/vomiting, generalized anxiety disorder, withdrawal, addiction, detox, opiate, narcotic, prescription
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