... My boyfriend was in rehab for heroin addiction, and now he is taking suboxone by prescription.
I just find out he is consuming something call 30's, I dont know what is it... its that a drug? or is that something related q his treatment?
Can he get addiction to suboxone?
Opiate Dependence - can you get addiction to suboxone?
Question posted by v worried on 12 May 2011
Last updated on 7 September 2016 by Amymlaki1
10 Answers
Yes! that means he is taking 30mg roxi's ... its an opiate and just like being addicted to any other kind of opiate. Chances are he isnt even taking his suboxone one cancels out the other. sorry to hear that.
I've just recently been talking to a couple of friends and they have told me that suboxone gets you euphoric just like any other pain medication does.i do not know if i can go without abusing them also.i take about 20 10mg of norco a day and run out in about 12 days and then i feel like i want to die for the next 5to7days after that i feel very sad and depressed until i go back to the doctor i just want to feel like i used to and if suboxone can do that for me maybe i can put my life back together.
I just started taking suboxone 3 weeks ago. I feel it has saved my life. I feel like a normal pefson again finaly. I would suggest anyone take it over using pills. I got addicted to pills after having gastric bypass and it almost ruined my life.
30's also known as Roxy's are the same thing as Oxy's and basically syntheic herion , Iam very sry to say he has most likeky relapsed :( I struggled with the same addiction for 5 years I went to rehab and have been clean for one year. If you wnat or need to talk im here dont be afraid to ask. hope to hear from u soon :)
In my limited experience, 30's would be oxys. But my boyfriend was also a herion addict, switched to methadone, and now is totally messing himself up with oxy and morphine pills... and the fentanyol patch... watch for this! 25's 50's and 100's. He shoots them up... it's super bad
Fetanyl is a patch and goes, 25, 50, 75, 100... etc!! I think 30's can b slang for anytype of narcotic that comes in a 30mg tablet.
As a previous poster said, the suboxone blocks the action of other opiates. So if he is trying to get high with roxy's, the danger comes when he finds that he doesn't get high - and then, as any good addict would do, will try more and more to get some effect. That's what makes it so risky.
YES, it certainly is possible to become addicted to suboxone, as it is a narcotic. It isn't supposed to be used with any other narcotic, and a doctor should be tapering him off it slowly, when he's stabilized.
If you are sure he's taking other opiates, you may want to call his doctor yourself, to let him know what's happening - and he may be able to drug test him somewhat "casually," without revealing that you called. The doctor can not discuss your b/f's personal issues, but can listen to what you have to say.
Hey v worried,
As BRR mentioned, The suboxone is addictive and must be tapered off slowly when it is time to stop taking it. If he is consuming roxicodone for sure, then he had relapsed and needs to address this with the Suboxone doctor. Roxicodone is an opiate just like heroin is. I suspect that the prescribing doctor will do urine testing periodically and will pick up on this abuse. You may want to confront him or wait to see if the Suboxone doctor deals with the abuse. Is he getting counseling along with the Suboxone?
Best wishes,
when he talks about "30's", he is talking about a 30mg Oxycodone pill. I wasted over 10 years of my life on the exact pill u are asking about. there are very few pills that are more addictive, or more intoxicating, or more desired. 30s cost any where between $25 and $45. most people in my area sell them for $35 per pill.
It is a catch 22 ( it makes you sick to know how much they can get for a 30 mill., but if you are really dope sick money doesn't matter ) but, subs do help, if you want to commit to them.
It won't make him sick, but the suboxone should be blocking the roxicodone. He may have stopped taking the suboxone. It is only when there is already opiate in the brain, and someone attempts to take suboxone that precip will occur and make the withdrawals really bad. If he was on suboxone first, and took any opiate, the subs should block it. I have seen a few people on here say that they took high doses of opiates on subs and they could feel it, what they meant by high doses, I am not sure. There is risk of them Od'ing like that tho, subs only blocks the high, it still could combine and cause slowed breathing or death. I am no trying to scare anyone, as we don't know he is taking both, I am just trying to simplify whether it will make him sick or not, if he is taking roxy on top of subs. I would tell anyone not to chance it, it could slow their breathing down or worse, but he likely quit taking the subs so he could feel the roxies again.
I agree that it probably is roxy or some other form of oxycodone that comes in 30 mg doses.There is nothing know as a 30 that would go with suboxone. Usually it is rx'ed alone, but sometimes clonidine or methacarbomal is rx'ed and I am pretty sure neither comes in a 30 mg dose. Since suboxone is dissolved under the tongue, he may be putting it under his tongue and spitting it out in secret or he may be swallowing it, which would cancel it's opiate blocking effect, rendering it useless as opiate replacement. I really hate to deliver any news like this, but it is possible that is how he is getting by and taking the 30's. A person can get addicted to subs, but if they go to the counseling and he, the doctor and the counselor work together to put him in remission from the H addiction ( or the roxy addiction) he will be able to taper off safely. Addiction to subs occurs when a person takes it long term, not just a few weeks or months. Suboxone is a long acting opiate replacement that helps heal the brain neurotransmitters and receptors while the person is also healing the emotional triggers and issues that aided the addiction. Each person may need a different amount of time on subs for the brain to heal. It definitely seemed to reset my brain pain receptors and now I can take tylenol and get relief. When I was taking lortab, tylenol was useless to me. I am sorry I had to give you the bad news that he either is skipping his subs, spitting them out or swallowing it in order to use the roxy, but it did look like you wanted an answer. I will keep you in my Prayers. If he test positive for opiates while on the suboxone program, they may not refill his rx for subs. Subs will NOT test positive as an opiate, it will only test positive if they run a panel for bupenorphine. So sorry, Pattishan
i don't know what 30's are, but yes you can get addicted to suboxone, but while taking suboxone you can't take any opiate or narcotic it will make you extremly ill.
I've been looking what's 30's means, and somepeople says that is a slang to call Roxicodone 30mg.
That is not true. You have to wait to take suboxone if you have any opiates in your system, but once you get on suboxone you don't get sick if you take opiates; you just won't feel them.
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suboxone, opiate dependence, heroin, addiction, rehab, opiate, prescription
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