I am trying to stop taking oxys (480mgs a day for 2 years) and I was told that if I take Subutex instead of Suboxone that I can take it w/o having to wait the 48hrs or however long of taking no oxys and that it WON'T send me into withdrawal... so can anyone please help me? Is this true? I can't wait that long w/o having anything so I can't take Suboxone, but I was told that you don't have to wait at all w/ Subutex, that you can just start taking it and you won't have any withdrawals but now I'm reading different things and it's freaking me out!! Please help!!
Can you start taking Subutex with out having to wait until you are in withdrawal?
Question posted by Anonymous on 14 Dec 2010
Last updated on 14 July 2018 by littlegem1
7 Answers
You can but you might feel sick, throw up. It really is easier to wait. Despite the discomfort. Just a couple hours.
I was fine waiting 12 hours
u should not take the suboxone right after taking that many mg's of oxys i would wait for about 8 to 10hrs to take the sub at least 8hrs b4 u take the sub only because taking the sub after taken that much oxy will make u sick an will bring withdraw symptoms out faster so take ur last oxy b4 bed when u wake up the next day take the sub within 15mins u should feel ok u shouldn't get sick or anything u should feel good no cravings hope this help
are you sure about the 8-10 hours i donnt know
Hi... I'm new to this site also, and though I am a Psychologist, I'm really not qualified to comment much on what you can expect... I'm down to 8mgs and due to fear of disclosure have been going to a Clinic where I pay cash... I'm down to 8mgs from 96mgs... with very, very minimal w.d/s. Now, I realize that you're dose is very high and am not sure why you have to detox so fast- I surely would not. I'd taper 25% of your dose every few days as long as you can tolerate it... uppering or lowering as is not unduly uncomfortable. Some discomfort we should expect to tolerate. 0 w.ds should not be the goal. MY OPINION ONLY.
I refuse to take a new drug to deal with the w.ds of one I'm currently trying to be abstinant from... but since you seem to have to do it so quickly, this may be your only option.
I guess my best advice is to take it one day at a time-- educate yourself. In the end, TRUST in the process is going to be essential. And support. Keep posting!!
READ THIS: on Google: Dr.David Arneson,NMD then go to Methadone/Opiate Withdrawl. He has written a paper called "There is no free lunch" it's very informative and interesting all tested on what works best for withdrawls in patient's who have been on Methadone. I cannot believe this works. But, it sound's like something that's worth a try for someone like me.
I have to detox so fast because I am almost out of my meds and cannot get anymore so I don't have time to taper off of them, I need to find something to help me ASAP! I have also been looking into the Naltrexone Implant? Do you know anything abt that?
I really don't know how to answer that question. CALL a doctor who subscribes it and they can tell you the whole truth. Okay look up all the doctor's in your area who subscribe the Medicine, Call one or even a couple and ask them what the truth is, OKAY cause your scaring me. I thought I left this message a few days ago.
Thanks Patti and Sweetie for your help, I don't know that much about Subutex but I was told that I could start taking that w/o having to wait until I was in w/d and that it wouldn't send me into precip w/d... but reading things on here say different so that's what I'm trying to find out... the whole problem I have with quitting is that I don't want to get sick because w/ the amount that I am taking now I know that I will get really really sick so I am trying to find something that I can start taking that won't put me into precip. w/d because I am also scared that I will take it too soon and that will happen to me. I've seen it happen to someone else before and I'm terrified! This is the only thing holding me back and I don't know what to do :(
From What I understand about Suboxone and Subutex (which isn't much) one must be in some withdrawals before starting on them. Patti will answer you asap. Hang in there. Do you have a doctor or are you getting them off the street? No judgment here. Just curious, because if you are getting them from a friend then you will need more help.
Wishing you all the best,
Please go to suboxone.com and look 4 the toll free phone number and call it.
I have Subs that my bf got from a Dr. but I don't wanna take them cuz of the precp. w/d, so he had said that subutex wouldn't do that to me so I went online to find a Dr. and info about it and started reading differently... so I don't know what the best thing for me to quit with is... I just posted in the forum and I gave a little more detail abt my situation on there, but baiscally I just need to find a way to quit w/o getting violently sick...
Glad u went to the forum, as far as i know, u still will have 2 go into wd for a while b4 u start s'tex also, i know u don't want 2 do that, no one does. many suboxone drs will NOT write an rx 4 s'tex, only subs, that will b ur next hurdle. Both meds have 2 have room 2 sit on recep. sites, if opiate is already sitting there, there is no room. There is less danger of precip. wd with s'tex, but u still have 2 wait and let the opiate recede back out of the brain as far as i know. Hope u get an answer quickly and find a dr who will write 4 s'tex. Good Luck, pattishan
Hi Needshelp,
If you want to go to forum-discussion, please just look at the top of this page and you will find it there, click on it, and you should go right where you want to be.
Please please listen to pattishan, she knows her stuff! You do not want to end up dead trying to get of roxi's.
Please google Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, for opiates, it will explain in detail while you feel so badly while in WD. It explains in plain english what happens to our brain chemistry when opiates are used for an extended period of time. And how long it takes for our brains to heal.
I did it cold turkey, and it took a while before I felt better, yet I DID feel better indeed!!! And so will you, this I promise.
so does the naloxone make it worse to wean off of suboxon? and i dont know much about what it does to our brains but binds to our recepters it sounds bad because then our natural chemistery in our brains have to heal and reproduce natural feel good chemicals am i right just want more info
I have seen old posts from Robert-325 where he said u just have 2 wait until u hit 26 on COWS test. Tell ya what, go to forum and start a thread to him and he will b honest and u will have the best advice. It is true that subutex doesn't have the 2nd med, naloxone, that subs does, however that is a fairly high dose of opiate and u still should wait until it has receded off the receptor sites in the brain or u may go into precip. wd. Thread to Robert is the best advice i can personally give u. I say wait at least 24 hours after ur last dose of opiate and DO NOT, REPEAT DON'T TAKE any benzos to help the wd, many do that 2 sleep and 4 rls and u should NOT do that, so DON'T, could b fatal mistake to combine Subutex and benzo, espec on that much Roxy. Not a judgement, don't mean to imply anything, just want u safe, comfortable and healthy. ur in my Prayers, good luck pattishan
What is a COWS test? And where do I go to get to his forum? And I'm assuming you mean to not take xanax? Why can't you take that w/ it? Sorry, I'm new to this whole site thing so I don't really know how to get around here or how to start a thread in his forum... thanks for your help.
just google clinical opiate withdrawl sheet
find robert's name or avatar and click that, u can ask him a private question, Robertunderscore325, txting from phone, no underscore button, or repost asking how to get to forum and robert. someone will help. how much do you know about subutex? Are you going to a dr or did u get some elsewhere. Subs and subutex both sit on recept. sites in brain and they both nef space. if there is opiate already on the recep. sites, the opiate and subs or s'tex will both try to fight for the same sites resulting in neither being able to work and u will then go into precipitated wd, really really bad withdrawal. Opiates, subs, s'tex and benzos ALL cause respiratory depression, the combo can cause u to stop breathing. Don't take any benzo, no xanax, valium, ativan, lorazepam, librium or muscle relaxers, can cause death on subs-s'tex and even opiates too. sorry, very difficult to txt this much info to u from phone, have no pc.
look up subutex with search on this site and join suboxone group, then read old questions fr6 group, may help answer more ques. i am going 2 try and txt sweetlemon, she may answer u later.
There are so many different contradicting things about Suboxene. I have heard one thing about it and then another just like you have also? so now I am totally confused also. Go to the doctor's in your town and find one that prescribes Suboxene. Call them and have all your questions answered that's what I did. OKAY I hope that helps you in any way. Deb.
Im new to using these forms myself - anyway I had a question related to urs, I want to know how long can i take subtex after I had a hit, i dont know if it makes a difference how many times you need to inject a day, but Ive got 5 8mg tabs and am afraid to take them, can you help?
24 hours and you have to hit 26 on the COWS test if you dont want precip, and believe me, you don't
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oxycontin, suboxone, subutex, opiate dependence, withdrawal
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