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Plan B One-Step Questions (Page 4)

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Displaying 320 questions associated with Plan B One-Step.

On and off cramping normal after Plan B? AND is it normal for some women to have this b4 periods?

My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex. We were not using any form of birth control. Before sex, I hadn't ejaculated for days, I also urinated before sex. During sex, I never ejaculated nor got close to the "ending" path. I pulled out several times to check my penis, of course,... read more

Has the Plan B one step failed for anyone?

I had unprotected sex the day after valentines day. I took the Plan B one step pill the day (12hrs) after. It is now a little over one week since the unprotected sex occured and I haven't gotten my period. I did however have spotting occur last Wednesday and Thursday. I am also taking aspirin... read more

I had protected sex then took plan b just in case. But my nipples are getting darker and Im scared!?

I woke up the morn after i had sex with heavy tingly breast so i rushed and took plan b and it stopped. My period is supposed to start today but im scared. Maybe im overly paranoid but could i be pregnant?

Plan B One-Step - Could I still be pregnant after taking the plan b pill and bleed after?

I had sexual intercourse with my partner and he did not use protection, I took the morning after pill (Plan B) the very next day and 2 days latter i was bleeding. The bleed went away after 4 days, it is has now been about 3 weeks and a half and i'm 2 days late in my period, I've been... read more

Took Plan B, But threw up an hour later. Do you think it still worked? I've been having cramps?

I had sex the day of my period and took the plan b pill about 40 hours later. I threw the pill up about an hour after taking it. Wondering if anyone else has done this and still not gotten pregnant. I have been having slight cramps and lower back pain.

I took plan b twice in one month. My period is 3 weeks late. Could I be pregnant?

Me and my boyfriend use the pull out method and one day he pulled out a little late, so I took plan b. I got my period one week later. About 3 weeks after that we had unprotected sex again and he actually ejaculated inside of me. So, I took plan b about 6 hours later. That was on Aug 9th. My period... read more

Nexplanon - I've had unprotected sex within two days of my placement of my implant. Am I safe?

I had gotten my period on 2/10/15, it ended on 2/14/15. I got my period prematurely due to the fact that I took a Plan B, because the condom broke during sex. I took the Plan B on 2/7/14. Got my implant placed in on 2/23/15, two days ago. So technically I got the implant 9 days after my period... read more

Depo shot and plan... help?

took plan b while on Depo shot... help?I need your help... I got the shot on my 3"third day on period March 17 and have unprotexted sex on March 26 and took Plan B march 27 "the next day" just incase and to be safe... But had unprotected sex again on Abril 1st 6 days after taking... read more

Plan B causes discharge?

Hi, I'm 16 years old and had sex for the first time 7 days ago. I took Plan B One Step the next morning and have been experiencing the side effects such as slight nausea, tiredness, and it also cause a lot of mood swings because of the hormones. I have white milky like discharge and I am not... read more

I had Unprotected Sex on Thurs and Frid, took the Plan B Monday Morning Can I Still Be Pregnant?

Okay so I had unprotexted sex Thursday and Friday but I took the "Next Choice" (emergency contraceptive) on Monday morning. Can I still have a possibility to be pregnant?

Plan B pill taken day period is supposed to have started?

I had unprotected sex (very stupid I know) on the 7th of this month, a day before my period was supposed to start. The next day(when my period was supposed to start) about 14 hours after the unprotected sex i took the plan b pill. My period did not start that day, and it is now five days later and... read more

If I have two period in one month I can be pregnant ??

I got my period at march 5 to 11. I had unprotected sex at 16 I drink the Plan B one step the 17, and I got my period today (march 31). Can I be pregnant?! I don't know if I Should be worry or not? I am more worry cause is the first time to have two periods in one month, any suggest ?

What if I have none of the symptoms listed when taking Plan B and How does it affect your period?

I took the Plan B pill the morning after I had sex and the condom broke. However, I have not experienced any kind of stomach pains, nausea, vomiting or anything. It makes me paranoid that maybe it didn't work. And I've heard that it makes your period quite painful the first couple days...... read more

Will I still get prego after plan b while on antibiotics?

Sunday my boyfriend and I had sex. I'm on the pill but no we didn't use a condom. By Wednesday(yesterday) I found out I had a kidney infection. I started taking my antibiotics today. I know that will effect my bc pill, so what I'm asking is, if I take plan b while on the antibiotics... read more

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