I woke up the morn after i had sex with heavy tingly breast so i rushed and took plan b and it stopped. My period is supposed to start today but im scared. Maybe im overly paranoid but could i be pregnant?
I had protected sex then took plan b just in case. But my nipples are getting darker and Im scared!?
Question posted by PleaseHelpMeUgh on 11 Aug 2013
Last updated on 22 September 2013
4 Answers
I would love to know whether or not you became preggo. I went through the same thing. Lost my virginity, took plan b the next day, and then I think my period came 6 days after sex. I'm still unsure though because I experienced some brown colored discharge 2 days after this supposed period ended. I've been researching and probably self-diagnosing myself as pregnant. Please let me know.
Signs of pregnancy don't show right away. And Plan B really messes up your cycle. Its not a wonder drug. It can cause allot of side effects.
No I ended up not being pregnant and got my period a lil over a week after i took the pill. One thing I will say is that googling everything will only confuse you and cause you to make yourself sick. Plan b will mess up your period. I was supposed to get mine yesterday and it didnt come on. Its normal bc it can take up to 3months for your period to regulate itself. Also make sure to have protected sex that way you wont necessarily have to worry like some of the other females.
When its time for my period and during my period my nipples get dark hopefully you might just be changing
Plan B can delay your period and give you symptoms like pregnancy. Wait and see if you get your period before you panic. It may not come today because of the plan B. Over and over when I read these questions by young girls I think a question of my own. Why if they are so afraid of getting pregnant, are they even having sex? It can't possibly be enjoyable when you're so afraid of getting pregnant.
Thank you. I'm 24 and recently lost my virginity on the 6th. The reason im asking is because i feel more aware of my body than i ever have so its makes me feel as though something is wrong.
Isn't it unlikely to have pregnancy symptoms so soon after sex?? Plan B can mess up your hormones, so, even tho pregnancy is always possible with sex, I doubt true pregnancy feelings would start this soon.
Actually it's not. I know a few people that had morning sickness the day after or heavy breast after that ended up missing their period and being pregnant. Tbh I think im overly paranoid but listening to older ppl talk and constantly googling can make you wonder.
It takes several days for "pregnancy" to occur. The egg is fertilized then it has to implant and this can take days to happen. There is NO way to feel pregnancy symptoms the day after sex. Anyone who says so, t was just coincidental. People think a lot of things that are not true. I am a medical professional. More than likely, it is the Plan b and when you are worried, you become hypervigilent about every feeling.
My nipples get sore sometimes before my period and darker not every month though. If ur concerned go to ur nearest cvs and get pregnancy test;) I know how u feel worrying if ur pregnant and its not a good feeling! It can consume all ur thoughts where ur belly aches and it triggers u thinking ur pregnant or like u said ur nipples are getting darker?? Have u experienced this before? Have u ever been pregnant? How old are you?
How long has it been since sex?
Im 24 and recently lost my virginity on the 6th. Ive never experienced darker nipples but then again ive never paid so much attention to them.
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