Hi, I'm 16 years old and had sex for the first time 7 days ago. I took Plan B One Step the next morning and have been experiencing the side effects such as slight nausea, tiredness, and it also cause a lot of mood swings because of the hormones. I have white milky like discharge and I am not sure if that's a sign of pregnancy (read that online) or if that can be another side effect from the pill. My expected date to start my menstrual cycle is in about 2 or 3 days but I'm extremely anxious.
Plan B causes discharge?
Question posted by FindingAnswers101 on 14 Aug 2016
Last updated on 10 April 2022 by becky2583
3 Answers
this isn’t a answer . i have a question n i need someone to answer it for me ,, so yesterday i took a plan b (i took it under 24 hours after having sex) but today i have egg white discharge (the discharge u get when ovulating) what does that mean ??
How did it go for you? I'm pretty much in the same boat. Bf and I slipped up and something told me I needed to be extra careful so we picked up plan b the next day. That was four days ago and I'm super dizzy. Way dizzy. I've taken this before and I just felt like I had the flu for a couple days then nothing but not this time. So just wondering. How did it turn out for you?
All the symptoms you mention are caused by the Plan B. It's too early to be getting pregnancy symptoms.
Your period may also be late, because of the Plan B. It delays ovulation, until the sperm leaves your body. This means it often also pushes back your period.
Most women ovulate around the middle of their cycle (day 1 of your cycle is the 1st day of your period). So ovulation (the day when you release your eggs) is somewhere around day 14, but not exactly.
If you were already ovulating at the time of sex, then Plan B may not be able to help you.
Some believe that Plan B works in other ways, but this is not supported on the Manufacturer's website.
If you google natural family planning, you can learn how to monitor your body's signs, to tell exactly when you are fertile.
thank you, and no I was not ovulating when this happened.
Ah good. I just thought I'd mention it because most women rely on apps that only give a rough guide. Not many women are into monitoring all the necessary signs to know exactly.
Plan B is not as reliable as regular birth control, & is only meant to be used in total emergencies, because it is a huge dose of hormone, so it's worth sorting out some reliable birth control for the future.
thank you again, but how would you be 100% sure when you're ovulating
'If you google natural family planning, you can learn how to monitor your body's signs, to tell exactly when you are fertile.'
You need to have monitored them for a couple of months, so that you have something to compare your readings against.
I use a site called my monthly cycles dot com to record all my signs & also my periods.
Each day you take your temperature, chart your vaginal/cervical mucus changes, whether or not your cervix is sitting high up or low down in your vagina, & whether the opening to it is open or closed. It's easy when you get the hang of it.
thank you, I'll keep you updated.
You're welcome
Oh, & obviously you weren't protected against STDs, so you might want to get tested to be safe.
K, thanks
Hi, so update is that last night I saw light blood spotting and I thought my period was going to come Wednesday from me looking at how my normal cycle works, what does this mean???
It could mean anything. The only way you're going to know if it was just the Plan B, is by taking a pregnancy test.
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plan b one-step, nausea/vomiting, side effect, discharge, sex
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