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Plan B One-Step Questions (Page 3)

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Displaying 320 questions associated with Plan B One-Step.

Took plan b, frequent urination week after and now clear discharge am I pregnant??

Hi I took plan b may 30th because the condom broke during intercourse and we are not sure when it did , he pulled out and started cumming , he was sure he didn't cum in me but I was afraid about Precum and got the pill the next day less then 24 hours after sex. I started bleeding 3 days later... read more

Why am I bloated after plan b pill?

I had unprotected sex 3 times in one day, using the pull out method, 2 days after i got the generic brand of the plan b pill and took it as directed. Its been 3 days after i took the pill and my stomach is feeling bloated and weird. Please tell me these arent signs of pregnancy. Im too young for... read more

First-time depo provera shot! Help?

Hi everyone, I have a question, my last period was the first days of march, I had sex 4 days after and took the plan b... two weeks later i went to the clinic and had already 2 pregnancy test both were negative... and yesterday I just got the depo shot for which I waited 2 weeks..but still... read more

We had unprotected sex, she is on birth control and took the Plan B pill. Can she get pregnant?

My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex, this is only my second time having sexual intercourse. I ejaculated very little inside of her before I pulled out. She is on birth control and also took a plan b pill 30 mins after we got done. Can she become pregnant?

Plan B One-Step - Will Plan B One-Step Work For Me If I Take It 30-40 Minutes After The Incident?

This was only my second time. He was protected but the condom broke while it was full. When we realized I quickly got in the shower and washed my privates. My last period was July 28th and we had sex Aug 7th so this was my 11th day and ovulation should occur like a day or two after. I have a... read more

When was Plan B supposed to cause my cervical mucus to thicken?

Hi, I had sex with my boyfriend 4 days ago, on Tuesday when the condom broke. After skipping a few pills, I had restarted my birth control on the Sunday after my period, which was the Sunday just before that Tuesday. My period had finished around Friday. After the sex, I kind of freaked out and... read more

Took Plan B but Im over the weight limit for it to work?

condom broke and took plan b and hour later. i had my period a week early.. with cramping alot. i just now read that plan b doesnt work if your over 165 pounds? im 220. and my early period could be a sign of pregnancy? i need to know if my weight affected it and if im pregnant..

Is brown discharge normal after plan B??

6 days ago I took plan b onestep. It was taken within the 72 hour limit.. today I noticed brown discharge and started having severe cramps. It's a little early for my period and the discharge is definitely not anything like period blood. I had unprotected sex and he did ejaculate in me.... read more

Discharge after taking plan b one step?

Should I be worried about having white discharge after taking plan b one step I took plan b 24 hours after sex???

Plan B I took it after having unprotected sex 4 days later is it to late?

I had sex with my boyfriend on a Friday unprotected and he pulled out before he came. Then we had sex on a Sunday when he pulled out he thinks he may have came in my a little. I bought a plan b on Tuesday. So my period was suppose to come on the next week. I came on that next week but it was a dark... read more

I had unprotected sex and took plan B 2 days later, now my period is late, should I be worried?

I was supposed to start my period 3 days ago and have not yet. Should I be worried?

I had sex and I took Plan B but it melted in my mouth. Does it still do what it's suppose to :'(?

Me and my boyfriend had sex twice three weeks ago and I took two plan b that week. I had a bleeding like a period. We had sex today and he ejaculated inside me and I took a plan b but it melted on my tongue and I swallowed it .. I'm so scared :'( HELP PLEASE

Plan B work if overweight?

I took plan B about 5 days ago but I weigh 220 pounds, so I'm well over the weight limit. Has anyone else been this heavy and had it still work? Today I am feeling dizzy and have an upset stomach, I hope it's the plan b and not pregnancy. Just wondering how accurate the weight limit is

When do side effects start and stop with plan B one step?

I had to take plan B this morning the oops happen last night I was wondering about when the pill stops effecting my body like after so many hours after talking it I would have no effects?

On and off cramping normal after Plan B? AND is it normal for some women to have this b4 periods?

My girlfriend and I had unprotected sex. We were not using any form of birth control. Before sex, I hadn't ejaculated for days, I also urinated before sex. During sex, I never ejaculated nor got close to the "ending" path. I pulled out several times to check my penis, of course,... read more

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