I had unprotected sex 3 times in one day, using the pull out method, 2 days after i got the generic brand of the plan b pill and took it as directed. Its been 3 days after i took the pill and my stomach is feeling bloated and weird. Please tell me these arent signs of pregnancy. Im too young for this crap, i know i made a bad choice please dont judge me, just help
Why am I bloated after plan b pill?
Question posted by Scaredlove on 29 Aug 2011
Last updated on 9 February 2021
By the way, I'm only 15 and had someone get the pill for me, ya I know that's wrong but it was my only choice. Just please give me your best advice. Thank you
Hi i took plan b before sex and i took a spermicide gel but didn’t ejaculation in me but I’m scared of the perm ejaculation am i pregnant??
The Manufacturer advises that you are not protected from pregnancy from sex that you have after taking Plan B.
Plan B is not as effective as regular hormonal birth control, it's simply worth a try in a total emergency. Relying on this as contraception is likely to end up in pregnancy.
Plan B works by delaying your ovulation until the sperm leaves your body. If you're already ovulating, then it may not be able to help you. In that situation, I'd advise using the other emergency pill, called Ella (Ulipristal Acetate), as it's proven to work in more ways.
Some think Plan B works in other ways, than just to delay ovulation, but the Manufacturer does not claim that. They say it's possible, but don't say it does, as it has not been proven.
You can become pregnant from pre-cum.
If you're still within 5 days of sex, you could have an IUD fitted by a doctor. That can act as emergency contraception, but remain in place for longer term, regular contraception.
Do you know if you were fertile?
Don't worry, no one is judging you. Plan B is levonorgestrel, and it has higher levels of estrogen in it than regular birth control pills. Bloating is a common side effect of Plan B, so I wouldn't worry, especially this early after taking the pill. Pregnancy symptoms wouldn't begin until probably 2-4 weeks afterwards, if you did become pregnant. However, this is HIGHLY unlikely, as Plan B has a very high success rate, and the chances of pregnancy is somewhere in the ~5% range.
Just to be safe, I'd recommend going to a Planned Parenthood clinic and getting birth control pills (they offer these for free, usually) to prevent this from happening again.
To be safe, I'd also recommend asking for the vaccine at the clinic, the one that protects against HPV. Also PLEASE USE A CONDOM! You don't want herpes or another STD to worry about, being so young (I know you've heard this before, I'm sorry to be repetitive).
I'm not judging you - I get where you're coming from. Everybody makes mistakes, and it was very responsible for you to get ahold of Plan B to prevent pregnancy (females are most fertile, i.e. most likely to become pregnant if the timing is correct, when in their early teens. Fertility starts to drop after age 27). But a having sex 3 times in one day, and taking Plan B in time, you shouldn't have much reason to worry.
If you're still worried after 6 weeks, and you don't get your period, I'd say take a pregnancy test.
Thank you so much, I did get my period I believe, but its extremely early
Plan B is engineered to basically force your body to have your period, and in the process, extremely lower the chances that pregnancy will occur. The fact that you got your period is very good - it likely means you are not pregnant.
I'll add a caveat that if you don't get your next period within a reasonable amount of time (4-5 weeks) to take a pregnancy test, just to be sure. But from what you've written, it seems like you're not pregnant and that Plan B worked just as it is supposed to.
Hi I would like to know I had unprotected sex and for 5days I have been having these symptoms nausea stomach pain, side pain, dizziness, headaches, breats are tender and swollen and nipples are purple, I be feeling hot or chills, I feel exhausted like I jus want to sleep, yown alot, I have been throwing up and every 30mins got to pee, my stomach bloated... are those.signs.of pregnancy can I be pregnant?
Hi I would like to know I had unprotected sex and for 5days I have been having these symptoms nausea stomach pain, side pain, dizziness, headaches, breats are tender and swollen and nipples are purple, I be feeling hot or chills, I feel exhausted like I jus want to sleep, yown alot, I have been throwing up and every 30mins got to pee, my stomach bloated... are those.signs.of pregnancy can I be pregnant?
Hi I would like to know I had unprotected sex after sex I had discharge with a little bit of blood and for 5days I have been having these symptoms nausea stomach pain, side pain, dizziness, headaches, breats are tender and swollen and nipples are purple, I be feeling hot or chills, I feel exhausted like I jus want to sleep, yown alot, I have been throwing up and every 30mins got to pee, my stomach bloated... are those.signs.of pregnancy can I be pregnant?
This is for shakira those don’t sound like your pregnant they sound like your having an allergic reaction like it says on the box I would go see a doctor and if you are pregnant then there’s definitely not something right with the baby if your bleeding down there
its not a mistake girls could always get on birth control LOL
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, generic, sex
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