I had sexual intercourse with my partner and he did not use protection, I took the morning after pill (Plan B) the very next day and 2 days latter i was bleeding. The bleed went away after 4 days, it is has now been about 3 weeks and a half and i'm 2 days late in my period, I've been feeling fine until now... I've been dizzy and with very little appetite. Could i possibly be pregnant?
Plan B One-Step - Could I still be pregnant after taking the plan b pill and bleed after?
Question posted by jessyadhi on 27 Jan 2014
Last updated on 18 May 2018
hi jessy i have been having the same symptoms that you had. may i ask about what happened? im still anxiously waiting for my next period
So did did you get your period?
Hey I know I'm kind of late but I have my period April 23-28 had sex may 6 I took plan b a few hours afterward and may 11-15 I have a very light bleeding and cramps I usually get my period on the 23-24 but on may 24 - June 1 I have been feeling dizzy, headache and nauseous and it stop on June 1 but now I'm just worry that I'm pregnant is it possible this my first time using plan b
Am I just being paranoid or I'm pregnant please someone help
Hi.. I'm going through the exact thing... Wondering if anyone on here actually turned out pregnant
I took plan b within 24 hours , started bleeding like a period 4 days after and haven't had a period since. 2 positive pregnancy tests.
Hi All,
I did not get pregnant, Thanks goodness! i was not ready for that step just yet. But let me tell you i did have all of the above symptoms. Tender breast, nausea, little appetite at times i was feeling sleepy... and so on. Why? i do not know. Little after 2 weeks of not having my period, it finally came! i was so thankful. I hope this helps.
It is possible but more unlikely than likely. Plan b is about 80% effective so there is still a 20% chance for pregnancy. It is too early for symptoms though. Your body wouldnt realize it is pregnant yet. This is your mind making you symptomatic. Plan b often delays your period, especially since you did have a light bleed after you took it. Give it a couple more weeks and if your period hasnt shown up by then, go ahead and test for pregnancy. You should think about getting on a reliable form of protection. If you keep having unprotected sex, sooner or later your luck will run out and you will become pregnant. If you dont want to get pregnant, you should think about getting on regular daily birth control pills which are more like 98-99.9% effective against pregnancy.
Thanks for answering, one of my other concerns also was.. when i showed bleeding it wasn't a light bleed, it was almost as if my regular menstruation had come at an earlier time. Is this normal?
this is my first time taking an emergency pill, so it was very strange to notice a bleed.
Hi. I am experiencing the same thing you are but my bleeding has lasted 5 days so far and my breasts are tender. Do you remember if this happened to you and did you end up pregnant?
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plan b one-step, bleeding disorder, emergency contraception, pregnancy, sexual intercourse, bleeding, protection, pill
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