What can cause my period to be late? I have had protected sex this month and taken 3 contraceptive Plan B's this month. I have taken a pregnancy test which was negative 3 times. Am I pregnant or does stress cause this? Does the pill cause my period to be late?
Why is my period late if I have a negative test but took a Plan B and used protection?
Question posted by lsb0047 on 9 Nov 2023
Last updated on 10 November 2023 by LousArk
Plan B is a huge dose of artificial hormone, & even 1 dose can cause hormonal side effects (one of which could be a late period). To have taken 3 doses of that in one month, could give you hormonal side effects for some time. It's really meant for emergencies.
You may find you experience various hormonal symptoms over the weeks/months afterwards, as your body has to deal with the multiple doses.
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plan b one-step, emergency contraception, pregnancy, sex, period, protection, pregnancy test, late period, contraceptives
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