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Mouth Questions (Page 6)

Displaying 199 questions associated with Mouth.

Does omeprazole cause weird taste?

I am having a very weird taste in my mouth it started 3 weeks ago around the time I began taking omeprazole. Anyone else have this?

How Can I Treat Muscle Strain or Pain?

I’ve been on Zoloft since December 2023 and I’ve been so sick since. I’ve been suffering with...

... GERD (not positive caused by that) nausea, burning mouth, insomnia, upset stomach, back pain, palpitations now as my doctor finally realized that my illnesses are probably caused by the side effects. I think I have every side effect listed online. I’ve had no life and suffering all this... read more

Can I use mupirocin ointment on particularly bad cold sores?

Impetigo like cold sores down my face, spreading on my lips and around my mouth. Nothing is helping.

Can I take suboxin with my antibiotics?

I woke up the other day with a softball in my mouth,lol!!! I got an infection i guess bc i have a few rotten teeth in mouth, created prob frum the drug use over ten years... ouchy!! So i went to the dentist, he gave me sum vikes, ( which i didnt take, due to the fact, I have the sub in me, in would... read more

My 8 month old find a tiny peice of a unisom melt in bed?

so my ? is will he be OK i called PC n they said he should be ok just a little drowsy but i just want to make sure. I take the meltaway kind so i couldn't get it out of his mouth before it melted I'm really worried but I'm not trying to freak out n get myself worked up. I just want... read more

Does anybody know why fluoride mouth wash hurts my teeth?

Hi, for the last few weeks, I've been using an alcohol free fluoride mouth rinse. I don't have cavities, root or gum problems. My teeth and gums weren't sensitive, and I haven't changed any medications. I missed a couple of days and my teeth and mouth felt better. I'm doing... read more

Why would I fail a mouth swab drug test for alcohol when I dont drink??

I had to do a mouth swab test and it tested positive greater than 0.8 the legal limit and I have not drank in over 5 years. someone please tell me how that happens ? I listed all my medicines I am on ad I am A diabetic I have out of control blood sugars for a long time and I eat foods wit... read more

Anyone taking prednisone for mouth ulcers?

Can I use Anbesol for vaginal area itching?

Anbesol works wonders for mouth problems, tooth aches etc. I have unbelievable itching off and on. I have been to the doctor, had the whole work up done; pap smear, culture for infection or yeast infection. All negative. The doctor thought possibly some food I eat may be irritating me. So for the... read more

What is best way to overcome dry mouth effect from Oxybutynin?

I used one a day oxybutynin and the dry mouth (and throat) was difficult to live with. I need the medicine and want to fight the dry mouth best way possible. Also... Will using non-slow-release be better? I don't mind taking more than one a day.

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