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Celexa Questions (Page 9)

Displaying 139 questions associated with Celexa.

I am on 10mg Celexa to start. I want to switch from morning to night time.

I am on 10 mg Celexa to start (doctor said start at 20mg but nurse and pharmacist said start with 10mg). I want to switch from morning to night time. Can I just skip my morning today and take tonight? Should I start 20 mg tonight? I am on day 6. I feel awful - just horrible anxiety. I was on Celexa... read more

Celexa - How long does it take to work?

I'm just finishing up week 3 and I've not noticed anything. I'm sob anxious I can't eat or properly take care of my kids. My anxiety and depression is so bad after having my 2nd son 8 weeks ago. Will it get better?

Lamotrigine - Lamictal question? Take it in am/pm?

I'm getting ready to get back on celexa which helped with PMDD years ago, but my new Psychiatrist wants me to take lamictal with it. Should I take it at night? Everything seems to make me tired. I am 50 years old and also had a partial hysterectomy in October 2020 so I know I'm hormonal.... read more

Celexa - How quickly can you start to feel bad from not taking tablet?

I have been on 10mg citalopram for 3 weeks now and had started to see a big change in myself. I’ve been taking my tablet at 10:30 every morning. Today I forgot to take it and around 3:30 I started to feel not right. Got to the school run had a massive panic attack probably the worst one... read more

Citalopram - Has anyone had a seizure on Celexa?

I’m very nervous to take Celexa because I read it can cause seizures. I have had a few seizures in my life but not since I994 but still am very scared. My doctor has reassured me it’s very rare as has the pharmacist. So Just wondered if anyone has had a seizure and at what dose?

Will my bipolar 2 benefit from the combination of Latuda and Abilify?

I’ve been diagnosed with bipolar2 and it has been recommended that I switch from Celexa to Latuda in combination with my current prescription of Abilify. The interaction chart says moderate drug interactions may occur but the benefits may outweigh those risks. Any one have any knowledge of... read more

When will I improve? I am feeling awful. I am taking Celexa 20 mg and HRT?

I have anxiety. I started on 10mg of citalopram three weeks ago, but upped it to 20mg 6 days ago. I take it in the morning. I know it’s not long. The anxiety during the day is generally a lot better but my sleep is awful, so I feel hideous during the day with tiredness and a thick foggy... read more

Side effects of Celexa (citalopram)?

Did anyone else experience epigastric pain when starting Celexa? I tried this med a couple years ago but the nausea was too much and I stopped taking it. This time I started with just a quarter of the dose and I’m only 5 days in and and am experiencing epigastric pain and a general feeling... read more

Celexa for mood/ bipolar?

I am borderline bipolar 2 I was taking some bipolar mood medication‘s but they were not working out so I was already on 10 mg of Celexa for anxiety which seem to help somewhat but I’m wondering if Celexa helps mood disorders and I’m not talking about mood disorder meaning... read more

Topiramate - Celexa and Topamax together?

Does anyone take these two together? I swear my ear is ringing worse then alone with Celexa or maybe it’s the combo?

Celexa - I've been depressed for about a year due to stress/parenting?

I've taken Wellbutrin before (about 5 years ago) and remember it helped. I don't remember any weight issues at the time. my Ob/Gyn recommends I try Celexa but I've gained about 15 pounds during this depression and really don't want to risk any additional weight gain. I usually... read more

Paxil and tinnitus - any advice?

Currently on Celexa and can’t go above 1 mg without my tinnitus getting so much worse. My doctor though maybe Paxil will not be as bad. Has anyone had tinnitus or increase ringing with Paxil? Any advice since I’m starting new on this med for anxiety and stress stuff after losing my... read more

Panic Disorder - how well does Celexa (citalopram) work for panic attacks.

I am on diazepam but want to wean myself off. i am grieving because my ex walked away from my life about 7 months ago and we have a daughter together. i know I must feel to heal but need something to keep the panic attacks reduced..a crutch as you will.

Citalopram - Has anyone had abdominal pressure while on Celexa?

I started taking Celexa as treatment for depression on 11/10. That very same night I had abdominal cramps, like I had to go to the bathroom and couldn't. The pain was super intense that I stopped taking it on the 15th. Unfortunately, I still have the cramps. I have read a ton of reviews and I... read more

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