I started Prolia in Dec 2011 for osteoporosis. I had previously been on IV Boniva & Reclast for 5 yrs. I noticed some jaw discomfort in January which has become more frequent & intense. It now is accompanied by headaches & nausea. Any others have this side effect & what helps? I have not consulted my Dr as I only recently thought Prolia might be the reason for the pain.
Prolia & jaw pain?
Question posted by dakota47 on 21 Feb 2012
Last updated on 27 April 2023
12 Answers
I started Prolia in July, 2022. Two months after the injection I noticed jaw pain. The pain subsided within three days. January, 2023, I received the second shot. Now two months in, jaw pain again with swelling. Still having pain after a week. Also, noticed pain in the femur area of right leg. Pain management wants me to pursue causes to see if it’s the Prolia.
I've already had two jaw surgeries at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center because they had the only doctors that knew how to help me. I've already lost the bottom left jaw bone and now they are trying to save part of my right side. Believe me in the beginning the pain in my mouth and teeth was horrendous. I went to several specialist in the Houston area and no one knew what to do so they sent me to M.D.
Hi ladies- sadly Prolia has been found in studies to eat away at the jaw bone…: I was just about to start it and decided not to take it.
I’m 55 and have had full Osteoporosis for several years. I tried the oral meds for a very brief time but had a bad reaction ( terrible joint pain).
I’ve been researching and getting info from women who were able to reverse their Osteoporosis back into Osteopenia with three things: change in diet, weight bearing and resistance exercise and quality supplements.
If you’ve already begun Prolia you need to stay on it but definitely look into Glory B on YouTube. She has many great exercises and supplement recommendations that she uses that helped her reverse her Osteoporosis into Osterpenia and obviously improved her Dexa T-Score. I’m a Physical Therapist and the last thing I want is a compression fracture of the spine because they are incredibly painful. Good luck to you all
I am 71 years old. Would you believe that my bone density increased 9.4% since my last bone scan 3 years before? My endocrinologist said that with such minimal osteoporosis, he wouldn't even recommend a bone medication. That's good because I will never take any again. I have not been able to do physical exertion or exercise after a major stroke, so the only reason for the bone increase
was wearing estrogen patches. Without them I had pain after going into menopause more than 40 years ago. It has also been like a youth pill with very little risk.
what causes pain in my right jaw. Can it be sinuses?
To all reading this.
If you don’t want to take prolia. Take AlgaeCal plus and strontium, from USA.
All natural. Join the AlgaeCal community facebook for more information. You will get professional bone density specialist answer you.
I just got my 1st Prolia shot 2 months ago and have been experiencing jaw and neck pain. I thought it must be related to a tooth ache. Upon visiting the dentist he remove my current bridge and replace it, give me a root canal (even though my root was not visibly touching anything) to address the jaw pain. Also going to the bathroom to urinate very frequently, sometimes I can barely make it..
I wonder now if it is the Prolia making the left side of my jaw ache and my neck? I’m getting ready to have over $5,000 in dental work this week so I guess I am about to find out. Does anyone else have these symptoms?
I’m also on Prolia. I have pain in my front tooth that can’t be explained. I’ve seen two specialists. They’ve consulted with one another and neither could find the reason for my pain. The pain started when I began with Prolia.
Had my first prolia injection 10 days ago. Just today I began to have jaw pain. In reading other's comments, this is disconcerting. I understand once started prolia is not to be discontinued as the bone will increase. Personally I believe the only answer is going to Jesus Christ in prayer and asking for healing. We need to know God personally through Jesus. Believe He is who He says HE is in the Bible. Begin to know Him personally. Say yes.
I had two Prolia injections and refused the third. After the first injection I felt tired and achy continuously from there I start having bladder infections and even when I would be infection free I would have UTI symptoms. Mentioned it to my oncologist and voiced concerns about taking the second shot. Her response was that I probably wouldn’t have these with the second dose and she felt I should take it. Well I did... it all started over again even worse... the jaw pain began. My oncologist said it was probably TMJ. I told her I had dealt with TMJ my whole life and until Prolia had never had this pain. My dentist and primary care physician both feel the pain is due to the Prolia for several reasons. So, I refused the third injection but unfortunately the damage is done and after being off the Prolia for three months I am still in horrific jaw pain. I wish I had never had never taken this drug.
I am on my third injection of Prolia and am lucky because I have had no side effects. Having said that, in April of this year, I started having jaw pain issues and immediately thought that Prolia was the culprit. After a long discussion with my endo, I decided to visit my dentist who found that I had an infected tooth requiring a root canal and the problem was solved. BTW, my endo claims that none of her patients are reporting side effects from Prolia but that of course only applies to her practice.
I started taking Prolia 2 months ago. My primary care doctor had me on fosamax for only a few months before that, but my oncologist wanted me to change to Prolia because she felt it would be more beneficial for my bones. I never had a reaction to the Fosamax. However, within 24 hrs. of receiving my Prolia shot, I started getting severe headaches and dizziness. It's been 2 mos. and I still get dizzy at least once a day. The headaches come almost everyday. I try not to take anything for my headaches because long term on Excedrin had it's own problems, but sometimes I have no choice due to the severity of the headache. I also have neck pain. It's going to be a long 4 months. I don't intend to take it again. I too was told that there wouldn't be side effects. I was told not to have teeth extracted, and to let them know about jaw pain... but they said it was rare. How is it that this can't be given in doses that don't last 6 months?
Sorry to tell you this, which may not be the case for you, but my skin inflammation and bone pain have never stopped which were caused by the one Prolia injection almost 2 years ago.
Hey guys, Prolia can cause necrosis of the jaw. That means dying or disintegration of the jaw which the instructions said can come spontaneously. I just had my first Prolia injection 3 weeks ago and have jaw pain for the first time in my life. I'm now 60 years. So I am very concerned and called my doctor who wants to see me first thing on Monday morning.
Also I've got extreme irritation on my face, with sores on the outside and inside of my mouth, plus big red welts under two different medical patches that are extremely important for me to wear.
Also it's difficult to fully get the urine to come out. I think that I'm done, then 10 minutes later have more to pee, and then another 20 minutes, more comes out. uTI are more common with Prolia.
Never again will I get another injection because of these problems plus reading the instructions more thoroughly, it says that severe infections can occur needing hospitalization which another woman reported.
I have been on Prolia 2 years now, jaw pain continues. Dentist blames Prolia, my Rheumotolgist says it can't be from Prolia. Was on Fosamax for years prior but was not helping, per my bone density tests so was switched to Prolia. The UTI's are constant now, never been on so much antibiotics in my life, seems like I have a UTI every 3 months! At a loss as who is going to listen to me. Maybe stopping Prolia completely & continue with my Lupus meds will clear this up. Any suggestions?
In pain daily for months. Quality of life has been affected and have not been feeling good since first injection in 2013. Why the doctor has not been concerned is really something I do not understand. Now I have pain and swelling in the right jaw and face, have no energy, feel I will never be normal again.
Debbie, I would believe your dentist since it says right in the literature put out by the manufacturer that Prolia can cause necrosis of the jaw which would cause jaw pain. Prolia was rushed to market without much research, evidenced by my problems which were definitely caused by Prolia, but are not listed as side effects. And my problems of severe skin inflammation and bone pain have lasted after having just 1 injection 2 and a half years ago.
To juanita50, So sorry to hear about your problems. I would find a different doctor who does care about your problems. Prolia is known to cause severe infections which may need hospitalization according to the manufacturer, so anything is possible. Plus this drug was not researched very long before it was put on the market. You should file a complaint on the FDA website. I believe it's called filing a Mediwatch. If the FDA gets enough of the same complaint, then they force the manufacturer to list it as a side effect. Good luck to you.
I have same symptom variation. 5 yrs prior to Nov 2011 I started taking Fosamax. Started taking prolia. In dec I had bad Neck, jaw, headache and hip (1 side only). I asked doc if prolix could be of ?. He didn't think so. They stopped after 2wks. May 2012 had 2nd inj. My sinus allergies have not bothered me for a long time but for the past week I lay down for note time sleep, but have baaaad pain in lower jaw/tooth with headache. I sat upright the pain leaves slowly. I just read your symptoms and I don't have a real answer, but I will chk with my tomorrow. Seems ironic.
Maybe some else has had similar experience? Maybe an answer?
Had my first injection 3 mos. Ago. Have had bad rashes, severe headaches, shortness of breath and jaw ain that won't go away. Have a fractured tooth root and my dentist won't extract tooth because of Prolia. Will not take another shot.
Related topics
Further information
- Prolia uses and safety info
- Prolia prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Prolia (detailed)
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