I just took Lunesta. How do you get the horrible taste out of your mouth???
Question posted by Jeslyn27 on 30 Nov 2012
Last updated on 23 January 2023 by jutdrea22
14 Answers
I started on Lunesta about 2 months ago after being on up to 100mg of Benadryl daily for about 6 yrs... I found that the taste isn't coming from it touching your mouth at all. I feel its from the way it breaks down in our bodies and leaves that Metalic taste in your mouth. Which is a side effect of it and nothing has helped me at all!!! But it makes me sleep with 6mg..lol
Before you take the lunesta eat a miracle berry or miracle berry tablet. The effect is that it changes the bitter and sour tastes to sweet. It works well but it will change the taste of everything you eat for a little while.
Is this what a magic moths butt tastes like?
I just started taking Lunesta. It is working for sleep and I take it with orange juice. I don’t get the nasty taste when I take it I wake up with it and it last all day. As long as I drink orange juice I can eat whatever I want to. Different story on drinks. Can drink nothing but orange juice without it tasting terrible. Any suggestions on this?
The best thing I’ve found is to take it with lemon juice. Just put a small amount in a glass and take the pill with it. It’s so sour and acidic but I swear by it, best thing I’ve tried that actually works. Hope this helps!
I was just prescribed Lunesta after being on Ambien and it not working for me anymore. I am scared to take this medicine because of the after taste. Does Oj really work or can I do it with milk?
I find that orange juice (I think because it’s acidic and has a strong taste) masks it very well
Why did you guys switch from ambien?
I was on Ambien for 6 yrs and it didn’t work well anymore.
I switched from ambien to lunesta. I cook in my profession so the nasty after taste affects my ability to season correctly. I'm going to try some of the suggestions here and hope it works because lunesta doesn't make me do stupid things...
I also have taken lunesta prescribed for a while now and I find a really good way to get the taste out of your mouth is to drink something like I find an Arizona
Mucho mango tea befor you take it works really well. So what you do is you drink some Arizona tea and while you hold the liquid in your mouth then take the pill and swallow it and then drink some more tea to wash it down and then brush your teeth very thoroughly including your tongue and then gargle with mouthwash that should work perfectly. Or at least it dose for me.
I hate the taste and am giving it up due to the taste alone which lasts all night and the next day. Tonight I took it with orange juice. Right now I don't taste the usual funkiness of it. It is barely there if at all. I'd say drink with a strong tasting drink, don't let the tablets touch the to guess or throat if possible (I hold them in my lips before chugging the OJ). I had some weird dreams as usual. But even 6mg can't keep me asleep even combined with Klonopin.
I have been using ambien for years. Was diagnosed with PTSD after 2nd tour in Afghanistan. Wanted to go off ambien and tried Lunesta. First night... slept ok... but the horrible taste in my mouth made me question making the switch. After reading many mixed reviews... I thought of altering how I actually took the Lunesta. I mask it by taking with apple sauce and drinking orange juice. After first time trying like this... had no after taste right after taking... nor the following day. Worth it to me. Hope this helps.
I had the same problem and I am happy to say I have found a solution. I purchased empty gel caps at the local vitamin shoppe store and placed each pill inside making sure I did not touch the outside of the capsule with the lunesta pill using twizers. I then placed the filled gel caps in a clean bottle so I would not contaminate the outside capsule... and there you have it! It works!!! Hopefully it works for you too!
And the pills still work? You go to sleep?
Yes. I still go to sleep. It still a bit bitter in ur stomach but it is not as bad as taking it without the capsule. Good luck!
Take it with orange juice in place of water.
I had the same horrible taste after taking LUNESTA. I threw up, drank juice, brush my teeth and I could not get the taste out of my mouth. The only thing it help was eating Seedless Olives and then brushing the teeth . That helped and got most of the bad taste out.
Eat something, very very small, with a strong flavour, then brush your teeth!
I've a med that is SO bitter that I've gagged when taking it, so I know of what you speak. Good luck,
Related topics
Further information
- Lunesta uses and safety info
- Lunesta prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Lunesta (detailed)
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