I am a fibromyalgia sufferer in Australia and have been diagnosed 3+ years ago and am now aged 59. I take a myriad of medications and have had to change my GP and chemist to my house locality due to the expense of getting to my previous GP and chemist. The main regime of meds I am on is 225mg of Effexor XR (anti-depressant); Lyrica BD, SR tramadol 50mg BD; Panadol Osteo 2tabs/3xdaily(for TMJ dysfunction (arthritis in jaw); and when required 50mg Tramadol Fast acting up to 3 times daily. My new doctor says I am functioning very well for taking all that medication over a long period (2.5yrs+) and apart from trying to get into see a pain management specialist to review the meds and how I cope(lovely long wait list) I have occasionally had to take oxycodone as well. Dry Needling occasionally helps but after 6 visits in the year it costs me too much. Swimming/Physio in thermal pool no good as it triggers severe pain in hips. Best thing I have found is learning about my medical condition and adjusting my life to live with it mainly not overdoing anything, bit hard when I am still raising grandchildren but I manage thanks to these meds. I advocate listening to medical professionals about medication because it can afford you a better quality of life in my opinion.
The question I would like to ask is about the combination of this medication regime esp Lyrica and tramadol having long term side effects (What studies have been done) and is there ever going to be any hope that my seratonin level can recover? I am aware of the possibilities of liver damage but in the scheme of things in our world we live in we are bound to get damage to that anyway. I do my best to eat majority of home cooked meals with loads of veggies etc and supplement with B12 and magnesium.
Thank you for the time you have taken to read my post and I look forward to seeing some helpful responses to my medication query.
Thanks and regards