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Levaquin User Reviews & Ratings (Page 2)

Levaquin has an average rating of 5.3 out of 10 from a total of 408 reviews on 41% of reviewers reported a positive experience, while 43% reported a negative experience.

Reviews for Levaquin

  • Kansa...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • November 6, 2018

For Sinusitis "My doctors will try everything but this medication. Every. Single. Time. It gets old. I get prednisone, nasal washes, low-dose antibiotics, all in vain. Currently, I have been suffering for two weeks and, once again, the whole protocol that doesn't work. Finally able to get the Levaquin last night and feel so much better after only one dose. The congestion in my sinuses is finally breaking loose. I have taken this medication for years and, knock on wood, so far, no problems."

10 / 10
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50 Report
  • LinZee
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • May 11, 2014

For Bronchitis "This is the third time I have had asthmatic bronchitis and used Levaquin. The first time I was given Biaxin, which not only didn't work, but I almost had to be hospitalized. Then I was prescribed Levaquin, and by the fifth day, I felt 100% better. Side effects got less with each day. (Mine are stomach upset and drowsiness.) But without this medicine, I would need oxygen. Thanks, there are better options."

10 / 10
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72 Report
  • Polit...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 25, 2015

For Sinusitis "I was nervous after these reviews, but it works wonders and I had no serious side effects. I was suffering from a sinus infection for weeks, and literally after the first tablet, I felt a bit better, and in a few days, I was completely fine. But of course, I had to take the full course. I did have a few mild side effects. The night I took the first pill, I felt really hot. I had no temperature, but I suppose it's similar to what a hot flash would feel like—maybe it was the meds getting to work. They also gave me horrible nightmares every night—it was weird. Also, they say to take lots of water. Didn't have to tell me twice because I was terribly thirsty and felt 'dried out,' so it made me guzzle water, anyway. However, it worked well soon."

10 / 10
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63 Report

Frequently asked questions

  • Amymby
  • August 21, 2016

For Bronchitis "I am very shocked at all the remarks about the horrible side effects of this medicine. I am again taking it, as it is the only antibiotic that really does kick the infection. I did notice years ago when I was prescribed 750 mg, it made me lightheaded, dizzy.... so since then I ask for 500 mg, and it is just the perfect dose for my body. I rate Levofloxacin at a 10. I have never experienced any of the side effects people have mentioned, like tendinitis, metallic taste, nausea, etc., and anyone I know who has taken it hasn't complained of any negative aspects of the med either. I recommend it at 500 mg, but would maybe steer clear of the 750 mg. That one is just so strong."

10 / 10
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58 Report
  • murra...
  • October 12, 2011

For Pneumonia "I am a serious marathon runner. Started suffering from strange respiratory problems 3 weeks before the Chicago marathon. Flew into town to run with a 102°F fever. Doctor prescribed this. Within 48 hours, things started improving. Now 6 days in on a 10-day treatment and most symptoms gone. No side effects. Didn't run the marathon, but this medicine seemed to break a nasty infection."

10 / 10
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80 Report

Are you taking this medicine?

  • Lee
  • Taken for 1 to 6 months
  • February 12, 2020

For Pneumonia "I was prescribed Levaquin due to pneumonia. It seemed to help with the illness, but I had trouble with an erratic heart rate and felt ill, including pain in my back legs and other random joints. I didn’t finish the prescription due to increasing pain, dizziness, and had the feeling I was at the point that the medicine was poisoning me. This drug can be quite dangerous. It’s been several months, and I continue with pain in areas for no reason. This drug is not safe."

1 / 10
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37 Report
  • Lalal...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 20, 2016

For Sinusitis "I took this after having a sinus infection for four months. Amoxicillin, Augmentin, Zpacks, and steroids—nothing worked. Levaquin made me feel better within days and completely cleared the infection. It did give me a swollen foot and ankle, but that cleared once I finished the antibiotic course. I'd rather wrap my foot for two weeks than have a sinus infection for four months. I don't think this is typically prescribed unless other antibiotics have failed. I'm on it again for another stubborn sinus infection, and there are no tendon issues so far."

10 / 10
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More FAQ

  • Diane...
  • September 3, 2013

For Pneumonia "I was hospitalized with pneumonia, receiving Levaquin and fluids via IV. By the fifth day, the fever was gone, and the cough was almost gone. I felt overwhelmingly tired for several weeks, but my doctor said that is to be expected with pneumonia."

9 / 10
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69 Report
  • Anonymous
  • May 25, 2012

For Bronchitis "Took this last year for my first bout with pneumonia. I felt like I was on death's door. Cleared it up in 5 days. Now back 10 months later with bronchitis, not nearly as bad as pneumonia, but getting ready for a 7-day hiking trip in Maine. Asked the doctor for this again, 2 days later I feel 90% better. I love this medicine."

10 / 10
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75 Report
  • Regret
  • November 16, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "2015, 2x/day for 10 days for first-ever UTI. Day 3, woke up very sore all over, got worse each day. Days 6 & 7, misery. Every single joint and tendon in my entire body felt like it had been put through a paper shredder. I couldn't even walk. It wasn't until that day that I read that it was black boxed (had never even heard of that before). I also read that if you experience any of these side effects, to stop taking it immediately. So I should've stopped on day 3 when I already felt hit by a truck. 0 warning from doctor or pharmacy. 6 months before I could lift my left arm due to the pain in my shoulder. 5 years later, and I still have severe joint pain in my knees, hips, and back. The worst is my hands, which ache so bad, which is devastating as an artist. I'm 35, yet I feel 90. This poison needs to be taken off the market, and doctors and pharmacists need to be more responsible if they do prescribe it, and at the very least, warn patients of the risks. I should've had the choice."

1 / 10
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36 Report
  • January 16, 2015

For Bronchitis "Every winter I get terrible bronchitis. Usually, I am constantly coughing, use a nebulizer, use an inhaler, this all lasts literally until spring! Coughing for months. This time caught it early. Took shots and Levaquin for ten days. Felt like total crud for the whole time BUT it worked. First time it all left without those months of cough, cough, coughing solid back to back. Can't tell you what a relief it was. SO take it!! Despite side effects, unless it's too serious, you'll be glad you did!!"

10 / 10
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60 Report
  • Dirtr...
  • November 6, 2013

For Pneumonia "This medicine made me feel absolutely horrible. Funny chest feeling, foggy head, dizzy, and an overall bad feeling. I never want to take it again. For the last three days, I took half in the a.m. and the other half in the p.m. That was a lot better. I have been off for about two weeks, and I am still foggy and light-headed. I do not want to take it again ever. I am 71 years old, and it is not recommended for older people."

5 / 10
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65 Report
  • WARNING...
  • February 11, 2014

For Pneumonia "Took it for 3 days. Numb skin, lips, hands, and feet. I can't sense temperature. Heart rate irregular. Seeing the cardiologist tomorrow. Severe pain in lower extremities, only when trying to sleep, though! Oh, and my legs feel like they weigh 200 lbs each. Today is 11 days off the medicine and still no relief."

1 / 10
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63 Report
  • Smiley
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 5, 2019

For Urinary Tract Infection "I was diagnosed on Tuesday, January 2, 2019, with a UTI. Never had anything like this before. I urinated on myself at least 4 times on my way to work. Two days before, I was urinating every 16 minutes for two nights in a row. Severe pain in my lower back and cramps in my left kidney and stomach. I thought I was gonna die. I couldn't really stand or sit. I took the train to the hospital, and I was embarrassed 'cause I soiled (wee) myself, but I didn't care. I needed to know what was wrong. After seeing the doctor, they prescribed me a 7-day (750 mg) pill called LEVOFLOXACIN. After taking a pill when I got home, I felt immediate relief in my back. I'm not at work for the next 7 days. I took my third tablet today. I do have constipation, and I had stomach pain yesterday, but I feel it's going to work. I'm still alive, worried because this has never happened to me. I'm 56, I'm healthy. I work out daily. I eat only fruits, veggies, fish, and chicken. I pray for healing. You all deserve to feel better."

8 / 10
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39 Report
  • Sidda
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • June 15, 2013

For Sinusitis "This medicine does work very well to clear up the infection. I have taken it and had minimal side effects but other times, like my most recent, I had a lot of side effects: dizzy, insomnia, nerve pain. I have to stop taking it, which is really too bad because no other antibiotic gets rid of a sinus infection faster than this."

9 / 10
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65 Report
  • stayg...
  • December 23, 2011

For Bronchitis "I took this and in 3 days I felt so much better. I took 500mg and Mucinex alongside it. I always eat some type of vinegar foods (olives or pickles) because antibiotics are hard on the stomach and vinegar offsets the heartburn. I eat yogurt to offset the yeast infection and bananas to prevent muscle cramps (potassium). This is the only medicine that ever helps me. I had a doctor give me something, and after 2 weeks, it didn't even phase the infection. Three days of Levaquin and I was back feeling so much better. I can't say enough about this medicine. My mom went on it too as she got it, and she was shocked how much better she felt after it. She agreed this is a good antibiotic."

10 / 10
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71 Report
  • Feeli...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • April 6, 2016

For Pneumonia "Just finished a 7-day course of Levaquin (500 mg oral tabs) for pneumonia. My infection was not severe, but I noticed effects practically immediately. Within 24 hours, I felt so much better. It did make me slightly nauseous at first until I began taking it only on a full stomach. Did not notice any other side effects. I drank a lot of water while I was sick, which may have helped."

10 / 10
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51 Report
  • lovet...
  • September 2, 2009

For Sinusitis "My doctor always prescribes Levaquin for bad sinus infections and congestion because of my many drug allergies. I LOVE Levaquin. Within hours of the first dose, all of the mucus in my head and/or chest starts to make a mass exodus. At times, the volume and swiftness that it drains can choke you -- but this medicine works and it works FAST. It's made me cough so hard I gag, but all of my coughs are super productive, if not overly so. I recommend this to anyone wanting to get better and back in the saddle at warp speed."

9 / 10
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79 Report
  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • August 26, 2016

For Pneumonia "Permanently damaged and disabled from 500 mg x 2 Levaquin. Check the black box warnings. I was a healthy young person. Started experiencing side effects a few hours after administration. Adverse reactions got worse. It's been almost 5 years and I have bodywide peripheral neuropathy, bodywide tendonosis, dry mouth, dry eyes, nose, tinnitus, crepitus all over. The drug is poison and destroys human as well as bacterial mtDNA. Just Google 'Fluoroquinolone toxicity.' There are safer alternatives for pneumonia. Don't ruin your life with this garbage that the FDA has failed to remove from the market."

1 / 10
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49 Report
  • piano...
  • Taken for 2 to 5 years
  • September 29, 2016

For Sinusitis "I get a really tough sinus infection each October and early spring like clockwork. If I let the infection go too long without going to a physician, I can be in bed with thick phlegm, headache, full head, and extreme fatigue for several weeks. Levaquin is the only medication that gets rid of these infections. Walk-in clinics never prescribe it… so I have to wait to get in with my own GP. In Mexico, you can buy it without a prescription, as I did last year on vacation when I came down with a sinus infection, but hence, as a lot of things in Mexico, was a scam… sugar pills. The only side effect I have ever had was tendon pain - that cleared up relatively soon. This is the go-to for anyone suffering chronic sinus infections."

10 / 10
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48 Report
  • Skier...
  • April 6, 2010

For Sinusitis "Have suffered sinus infections for years, particularly in spring and early summer. This is the only antibiotic that really works for me. Initially, the doctors prescribed weaker antibiotics. I have never noticed any side effects whatsoever. Great drug. I have four friends who take it for sinus infections, and they also swear by it. No problems whatsoever."

10 / 10
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75 Report
  • LFran...
  • July 2, 2014

For Urinary Tract Infection "I swear by Levaquin! It's what works for me. I spent so much money on Amoxicillin, Z-Pack, etc., and it doesn't help. I have used it for a sinus infection, UTI, and pulmonary illnesses. It's the medicine of choice for me. I have never experienced any side effects or adverse reactions. I'm very compliant with taking it daily, there have been times I missed doses because they're prescribed 3-4 times a day. It's fast-acting and does the trick, love it. I do think about becoming resistant to Levaquin down the road, but by that time, hopefully, there will be another medicine of choice that is equally as effective! Thanks."

10 / 10
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  • Anonymous
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • January 6, 2020

For Bacterial Infection "Only gave a 1 rating because I couldn't rate it a '0'! One pill was all I needed to be convinced that I had legal rights to sue the doctor for attempted murder by prescribing this lethal drug. I usually have a lung infection once a year, and they usually give me Cephalexin, and it clears up in 5-7 days. But this drug, Levaquin, is so bad. After just one dose, my entire body ached, my fingers and toes locked up, and I had the jitters all night long, and had to detox with milk thistle and TMG. I'm seriously thinking about suing! My advice, 'Don't take it!!!' or you will have tendon, liver, kidney, and nerve problems for the rest of your life, it can also cause death."

1 / 10
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32 Report
  • healt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • September 28, 2019

For Pneumonia "I have taken Levaquin twice in the past 2 years. The first time I went to the doctor with fever and chills, chest X-ray and labs revealed pneumonia and a kidney infection. I was getting close to being septic. My doctor sent me home with Levaquin and asked me to return in a few days to follow up. I took one dose and felt a million times better. On the 3rd day, I felt fine and returned to the doctor who confirmed I was much better. The second time I got sick with an ear infection and I flat out requested Levaquin, it works so well for me."

10 / 10
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33 Report
  • Healt...
  • Taken for less than 1 month
  • October 26, 2013

For Bronchitis "Was given this drug following severe bronchitis due to chronic dental inflammations. By day 3, I realized my left ankle was painful and hobbled. I read the black box warnings and immediately discontinued the drug, however, that ankle and then the other one got progressively worse. I was barely making it to work and back, trying to do eldercare solo and thinking I was going to be crippled for life 6 months later. Was seriously looking into joining a class action lawsuit and probably should have, but no energy left over. Think megadoses of magnesium and supplements plus some homeopathics like Thuja finally tipped the balance, and I gradually was able to walk normally without pain again. Used Oil of Oregano to clear the infections."

1 / 10
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Reviews may be edited to correct grammar/spelling or to remove inappropriate language and content. Reviews that appear to be created by parties with a vested interest are not published. This information is not intended to endorse any particular medication. While these reviews may be helpful, they are not a substitute for the expertise, knowledge, and judgement of healthcare professionals.