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This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Zoetis

Marek’s Disease Vaccine

Serotype 3, Live Virus

For veterinary use only.

Read in full, follow directions carefully.

This product has been shown to be effective for the vaccination of healthy 1-day-old chicks against virulent Marek’s disease. Duration of immunity has not been established. For more information regarding efficacy and safety data, go to

Warning: Give subcutaneously only.

Store at 2°-8°C. Prolonged exposure to higher temperatures and/or direct sunlight may affect potency. Do not freeze.

Use entire contents when first opened.

Inactivate unused contents before disposal.

Do not vaccinate within 21 days before slaughter.

Contains gentamicin as preservative.

Do not mix with other products, except as specified on the label.

In case of human exposure, contact a physician.


1. Vaccinate healthy one-day-old chicks only.

2. Avoid early exposure of chicks to Marek’s virus challenge.

3. Use Zoetis Inc. diluent only. Store diluent at not over 27°C (80°F).

4. 1,000 Doses
Rehydrate only 1 vial (1,000 doses) with 200 mL of diluent.
2,000 Doses
Rehydrate only 1 vial (2,000 doses) with 400 mL of diluent.

5. Remove the central tab of the aluminum seal of the vaccine vial, leaving the outer ring intact. Sanitize the rubber stopper with alcohol. Also, sanitize with alcohol the rubber stopper of the bottle of diluent.

6. Using a sterile syringe and needle, withdraw 3 mL diluent. Then, insert needle through stopper of vaccine vial and discharge syringe contents.

7. Remove syringe and needle. Mix gently until vaccine is dissolved. Pull back on syringe plunger to admit 2 or 3 mL of air. This is very important.

8. Reinsert needle into vaccine vial. Barely penetrate the stopper. Expel the air into the vial (to break vacuum).

9. With syringe and needle still in place, invert the vial and pull back plunger so that all the contents (the rehydrated vaccine) are drawn from vial into syringe.

10. Now, insert the needle into diluent and expel syringe contents into the diluent. Gently swirl until the mixture is uniform. The vaccine is ready for use.

11. During vaccination, maintain the rehydrated vaccine (in the diluent bottle) at 70° to 80°F (21° to 27°C). If the temperature cannot be held as low as 80°F (27°C), place the diluent bottle containing the rehydrated vaccine in an ice bath.

12. For vaccination, an automatic syringe with 22- to 20-gauge needles, 3/8-inch to 1/2-inch in length, is recommended. Make certain that all equipment is sterilized and change needles frequently.

13. Inject each chick subcutaneously with 0.2 mL of the vaccine.

14. Use all the vaccine from 1 vial within 1 hour after rehydrating. Do not save any vaccine that has been rehydrated. Burn vaccine containers and all unused contents.

MD-Vac CFL Caution

This product should be stored, transported, and administered in accordance with the directions.

The use of this vaccine is subject to state laws, wherever applicable.


Keep a record of vaccine serial number and expiration date; date of receipt and date of vaccination; where vaccination took place; and any reactions observed.


Technical inquiries should be directed to Zoetis Inc. Veterinary Services, (888) 963-8471

VLN 190/PCN 1641.01

Zoetis Inc., Kalamazoo, MI 49007


CPN: 3690294.3

Telephone:   269-359-4414
Customer Service:   888-963-8471
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