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Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder (Canada)
This page contains information on Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder for veterinary use.The information provided typically includes the following:
- Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder Indications
- Warnings and cautions for Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder
- Direction and dosage information for Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder
Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder
This treatment applies to the following species:BICYCLOHEXYLAMMONIUM FUMAGILLIN SOLUBLE POWDER HS
For Veterinary Use Only
DIN 02231180
Fumagilin-B is a water soluble preparation containing Bicyclohexylammonium Fumagillin, equivalent to 21 mg Fumagillin base per gram of powder.
Fumagilin-B has a high specific action against Nosema apis, a microscopic, single-celled parasite which causes Nosema disease in honey bees. It acts on the multiplying, disease producing parasite In the gut and is not effective against the spores To eradicate the continuing supply of parasites, Fumagilin-B must be provided over a period of several weeks.
Directions For Use
Medicated syrup is best prepared at a concentration of 25 mg Fumagillin base per litre of syrup, usually a 2:1 syrup (two parts of sugar to one part of water). Fumagilin-B may be dissolved in water or syrup at room temperature. For best results, heat the required amount of water to between 35-50°C, then remove the heat source and add the Fumagilin-B and the sugar in that order.
Do not add Fumagilin-B to syrup over 30° C (86° F). Feed medicated syrup within 24 hours.
To prepare this concentration of medicated syrup, use the following chart:
165 L |
330 KG |
380 L |
454 g |
35 L |
69 KG |
80 L |
96 g |
8.7 L |
17 KG |
20 L |
24 g |
1.8 L |
3.6 KG |
4 L |
5 g |
Good agitation is essential to assure uniform distribution of the medicament.
For the protection of wintering colonies, medicated syrup is best fed in the fall if it is fed only once per year. There may be advantages to feeding medicated syrup in the fall and in the spring.
Fall Treatment: After all honey supers have been removed. feed medicated syrup at the following rates.
7-8 litres for each 2 chamber colony (approximately 30,000 bees)
4 litres for each 1 chamber colony (approximately 18,000 bees)
3 litres for each 5 frame colony (approximately 12,000 bees)
Feed additional unmedicated syrup to desired colony weight for wintering.
Spring Treatment
In the spring when colonies are stressed due to inclement weather conditions, mite infestations. other disease factors or intensive spring management. additional Nosema control maybe indicated. In such cases, feed medicated syrup at the following rates.
3-4 litres for each 2 chamber colony (approximately 20,000 bees)
2 litres for each 1 chamber colony (approximately 12,000 bees)
1-2 litres for each 5 frame colony (approximately 8,000 bees)
3-4 litres for each package colony
Feed additional unmedicated syrup to provide nourishment until nectar is available.
Package bees may have been fed medicated syrup in transit, but such feeding alone is not sufficient to protect against Nosema. Each package colony is best fed Fumagilin-B immediately after installation.
Colonies used for package production should be fed medicated syrup as a principle food source for one month prior to shaking for market.
Heavily infested colonies that will no longer take in syrup may be sprayed repeatedly, directly onto the bees, frame by frame with 1.1 sugar syrup (one part sugar to one part water) containing 2 g of Fumagilin-B per litre of syrup.
Medicated syrup must not be fed immediately before or during the honey flow.
Storage Instructions
Store below 25°C, protected from sunlight. Do not expose medicated syrup to sunlight.
Manufactured by MEDIVET PHARMACEUTICALS LTD., 4, 55 - 9 Avenue S.E., High River, Alberta T1V 1E6 Canada
Presentation: 24 g bottles, 96 g bottles, and 1 lb jars.
NAC No.: 12120012
#4 55 9TH AVE. S.E., HIGH RIVER, AB, T1V 1E6
Telephone: | 403-652-4441 | |
Fax: | 403-652-3692 | |
Website: | | |
Email: | |
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the Fumagilin-B Soluble Powder information published above. However, it remains the responsibility of the readers to familiarize themselves with the product information contained on the Canadian product label or package insert. |
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