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BioSentry Liquid Tray & Egg Wash (Canada)

This treatment applies to the following species:
Company: Hacco







First Aid

Have label with you when obtaining treatment advice.

If In Eyes

Immediately flush with cool water. Remove contact lenses, if applicable, and continue flushing for 15 minutes. Obtain medical attention immediately.

If On Skin Or On Clothing

Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes. Get medical attention if irritation persists.

If Swallowed

Do not induce vomiting. Rinse mouth with water, then drink one or two glasses of water. Obtain medical attention. Do not give anything by mouth to an unconscious person.

If Inhaled

Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificial respiration, preferably mouth-to-mouth, if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.

Have the product container or label with you when calling a poison control center or doctor or going for treatment.

For 24-hour medical emergency information on this product, call 1-800-498-5743 (U.S. & Canada) or 1-651-523-0318 (all other areas)

BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash is a chlorinated, low-foaming cleaning compound specifically designed for washing trays, plastic chick boxes, egg cases and filler flats in automatic tray washers. It is also ideal for washing shell eggs intended for table use, break out, or hatching. BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash is low foaming and ideal for use in chemical proportioners as well as in manual feeding operations. It is an excellent clean-in-place (CIP) product for egg breaking operations.

Precautionary Statements

DANGER: Contains highly alkaline materials, potassium hydroxide and sodium hypochlorite. This product is intended to be diluted before using. Concentrate causes eye, skin and digestive tract burns. May cause nose and throat irritation. Thermal decomposition products are hazardous. Do not get in eyes, on skin or on clothing. Avoid breathing vapour or spray mist. Always wear proper eye protection and proper protective clothing when using this or any chemical product. Do not taste or swallow. Do not take internally. Keep container tightly closed. Use and store only with adequate ventilation. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep away from heat and flame.

Chemical And Physical Hazards

This product is a formulated alkaline detergent solution; contamination with other materials such as acids, amines or ammonia bearing compounds, etc. may cause a dangerous chemical reaction. Keep all chemical and foreign materials away from this solution. Keep away from excessive heat.

Toxic material. Corrosive material.

Avoid contact with eyes and skin. Wear rubber gloves and chemical splash goggles. Keep out of reach of children.

Directions For Use

For cleaning trays, use a 0.25% - 0.75% solution (1/4 - 1 ounce per gallon of water) (2 - 8 ml/litre). Hot water is recommended for the cleaning solution (130° - 160° F or 54.4° -71.1 °C). Vary the amount, depending on the soil load, water quality and water temperature.

Note: Lower water temperatures may be used by increasing the rate of product used.

After cleaning with BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash, follow-up with an appropriate disinfecting solution. Consult your BioSentry® Technical Representative for recommendations.

FOOD PROCESSING PLANTS: Use BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash for cleaning hard surfaces and equipment. For food contact surfaces, rinse well with potable water before reuse. Avoid contamination of food during application and storage.

SHELL EGG CLEANING: Use a 0.25 - 0.75% solution (1/4 - 1 ounce per gallon of water) (2 - 8 ml/litre), depending on water quality and soil on eggs. Recommended temperature of wash water is between 95° - 120° F (35° - 49° C). The wash water should be at least 10° - 15° F (5° - 8° C) warmer than the eggs. If excessive foaming occurs due to egg breakage, an antifoaming agent may be required. After cleaning eggs with BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash, eggs should be sanitized with an appropriate BioSentry® disinfectant. Contact a BioSentry® Technical Representative for guidance.

HATCHING EGG CLEANING: Follow directions for shell egg cleaning. Additionally, measure chlorine residuals in recirculating wash tanks and maintain a chlorine reading above 50 ppm using liquid bleach or another suitable product. Drain wash tank every 2-3 hours, minimum. If excessive foaming occurs due to egg breakage, an antifoaming agent may be required. After cleaning eggs with BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash, eggs should be sanitized with an appropriate BioSentry® disinfectant. Contact a BioSentry® Technical Representative for guidance.

AS A CIP CLEANER: Flush gross soils from system with a tepid water rinse. Circulate BioSentry® Liquid Tray & Egg Wash at 0.5% solution (1 ounce per 2 gallons water) (4 ml / litre) through system at 130° - 160° F (54° - 72° C) for 5 - 10 minutes. Do not let temperature of circulating solution drop below 110° F (43° C). Drain and rinse with potable water or an acidified rinse solution. Sanitize equipment with an approved sanitizer just prior to reuse. Follow recommendations of federal and local health authorities.


- Safe for use on plastic, glass, stainless steel, mild steel, concrete, porcelain.

- Avoid contact with undiluted, concentrated product on aluminum, copper or soft metals.

- Do not use for manual cleaning.


Store in original container, in areas inaccessible to children. Store in a cool place. Keep container tightly closed. Do not store on side. Avoid creasing or impacting of side walls. Do not reuse empty container. Discard in trash or recycle.

NOTICE TO USER: This product is to be used only in accordance with the directions on the container label and attached leaflet.

Medical 1-800-498-5743 (U.S. and Canada)

? 1-800-621-8829

MANUFACTURED FOR: HACCO, Inc., 110 Hopkins Drive, Randolph, WI 53956 U.S.A.

DISTRIBUTED IN CANADA BY: Vétoquinol N.-A. Inc., 2000 ch. Georges, Lavaltrie, Quebec, Canada J5T 3S5


BioSentry® is a Registered Trademark of Neogen Corporation.

Code: (NL.RR.) NL.RR

Item No.:

Net Contents:


3.785 Liters (1 Gallon)


4 x 3.785 Liters (4 x 1 Gallon)


18.93 Litres (5 Gallons)


208 Litres (55 Gallons)

This specimen label is intended for use only as a guide in providing general information regarding the directions, warning and cautions associated with the use of this product. As with any pesticide, always follow the label instructions on the package before using.

CPN: 1636005.1

A Neogen Company

Telephone:   1-800-621-8829
THIS SERVICE AND DATA ARE PROVIDED "AS IS". Animalytix assumes no liability, and each user assumes full risk, responsibility, and liability, related to its use of the Animalytix service and data. See the Terms of Use for further details.


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