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Influenza Vaccine Recombinant (Seasonal) (Monograph)

Brand name: Flublok
Drug class: Vaccines

Medically reviewed by on Oct 26, 2023. Written by ASHP.


On October 15, 2021, the National Alert Network (NAN) issued an alert to make vaccine providers aware of reports of accidental mix-ups between the influenza (flu) and COVID-19 vaccines.600 The alert is based on 16 cases reported to the Institute for Safe Medication Practices (ISMP) error reporting programs. Most of the reports ISMP has received involve administration of one of the COVID-19 vaccines instead of an influenza vaccine; in 3 cases, patients received an influenza vaccine instead of a COVID-19 vaccine.

Because most of the errors were reported by consumers, details about the contributing factors were not provided in many cases. However, possible contributing factors include increased demand for vaccination services, the ability to administer the flu and COVID-19 vaccines during the same visit, syringes located next to each other, unlabeled syringes, distractions, and staffing shortages. The alert provides recommendations for preventing such vaccine mix-ups. For additional information, consult the NAN alert at [Web].


Recombinant influenza vaccine.1 Seasonal influenza vaccine recombinant (RIV; RIV4) contains recombinant hemagglutinin (HA) proteins representing influenza virus types A and B likely to circulate in the US during the upcoming season and is used to stimulate active immunity to influenza strains contained in the vaccine.1 100

Uses for Influenza Vaccine Recombinant (Seasonal)

Prevention of Seasonal Influenza A and B Virus Infections

Prevention of seasonal influenza virus infection in adults ≥18 years of age.1

Influenza is an acute viral infection; influenza viruses spread from person to person mainly through large-particle respiratory droplet transmission.100 166 In the US, annual epidemics of seasonal influenza occur, usually during the fall or winter.100 Influenza viruses can cause illness in any age group; children have highest rate of infection.100 166 Influenza can exacerbate underlying medical conditions or lead to pneumonia in certain individuals.100 166 Adults ≥65 years of age, children <2 years of age, and individuals with chronic medical conditions have highest risk of influenza-related complications and death.100 166

Annual vaccination is the primary means of preventing seasonal influenza and its complications.100 Annual influenza vaccination necessary since immunity declines in the year following vaccination and circulating influenza strains change from year to year.100

CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), AAP, and others recommend routine influenza vaccination for all individuals ≥6 months of age using an age-appropriate seasonal influenza vaccine, unless contraindicated.100 112 200 Vaccination against seasonal influenza recommended for otherwise healthy individuals as well as those who have medical conditions that put them at increased risk for influenza-related complications or at higher risk for influenza-related outpatient, emergency department, or hospital visits.100 112

Several different types of influenza virus vaccines are commercially available in the US for active immunization against seasonal influenza, including an inactivated virus vaccine (influenza virus vaccine inactivated [IIV]),100 an adjuvanted inactivated virus vaccine (influenza vaccine, adjuvanted [aIIV]),100 a recombinant vaccine (influenza vaccine recombinant [RIV]),100 and a live attenuated virus vaccine (influenza vaccine live intranasal [LAIV]).100 The various vaccine formulations also differ based on method of manufacturer (egg-based versus cell culture-based), dose (standard versus high-dose), and route of administration (e.g., parenteral versus intranasal).100

Select specific influenza vaccine based on age and health status of the individual.100 For many individuals, more than one type of influenza vaccine may be appropriate.100

ACIP and AAP state that there are no preferential recommendations for any specific vaccine type or trade name when more than one licensed, recommended, and age-appropriate vaccine is available, with the exception of selection of influenza vaccines for individuals ≥65 years of age.100 If an age-appropriate vaccine is available and there are no contraindications, do not delay vaccination to obtain a specific product.100

Seasonal influenza vaccines are not effective against all possible strains of influenza, but may be effective against influenza strains (and possibly closely related strains) represented in the vaccines.100 166

Current information regarding influenza surveillance and updated recommendations for prevention and treatment of seasonal influenza is available from CDC at [Web].

Influenza Vaccination During the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Pandemic

CDC and ACIP state that efforts to ensure influenza vaccination for all individuals ≥6 months of age for the upcoming (current) influenza season are of paramount importance to reduce influenza-related morbidity and mortality and reduce the impact of respiratory illnesses in the population and the resulting burdens on the health-care system.100 583 SARS-CoV-2 (causative agent of COVID-19) is expected to circulate in the US during the influenza season; the extent of continued or recurrent SARS-CoV-2 circulation during the time influenza viruses are circulating is not known.100 Vaccination against influenza can reduce prevalence of influenza illness and reduce incidence of influenza symptoms that might be confused with COVID-19 symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, dyspnea).100 In addition, prevention of influenza and reduction in severity of influenza illness and associated outpatient visits, hospitalizations, and intensive care unit admissions could alleviate stress on the US health-care system.100

ACIP recommends that influenza vaccination should be deferred in symptomatic individuals with moderate or severe COVID-19 until recovery and deferral also may be considered in persons with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 illness.100

Influenza Vaccine Recombinant (Seasonal) Dosage and Administration


Administer seasonal influenza vaccine every year before exposure to seasonal influenza.100 In the US, localized outbreaks indicating start of annual influenza season can occur as early as October and peak influenza activity (which often is close to the midpoint of influenza activity for the season) usually occurs in January or February or later.100

ACIP recommends offering influenza vaccination by the end of October, if possible, and continuing to offer vaccination as long as influenza viruses are circulating and unexpired vaccine is available.100 Although influenza vaccination by the end of October is recommended, vaccination in December or later (even if influenza activity has begun) is likely to be beneficial in the majority of influenza seasons.100

There is evidence that early influenza vaccination (i.e., in July or August) in individuals requiring only a single dose of influenza vaccine is likely to be associated with suboptimal immunity (waning immunity) before the end of influenza season, particularly in older adults.100 Community vaccination programs should balance maximizing likelihood of persistence of vaccine-induced protection through the influenza season with avoiding missed opportunities for vaccination or vaccinating after influenza circulation has already started.100


Administer only by IM injection.1 Do not administer sub-Q, intradermally, or IV.1

Syncope (vasovagal or vasodepressor reaction; fainting) may occur following vaccination; such reactions occur most frequently in adolescents and young adults.134 Take appropriate measures to decrease risk of injury if patient becomes weak or dizzy or loses consciousness (e.g., have vaccinees sit or lie down during and for 15 minutes after vaccination).134 If syncope occurs, observe patient until symptoms resolve.134

May be given simultaneously with other age-appropriate vaccines.100 When multiple vaccines administered during a single health-care visit, give each parenteral vaccine using separate syringes and different injection sites.100 134 Separate injection sites by ≥1 inch (if anatomically feasible) to allow appropriate attribution of any local adverse effects that may occur.134

IM Administration

Administer by IM injection preferably into the deltoid muscle in adults.1

To ensure delivery into muscle, make IM injections at a 90° angle to the skin using a needle length appropriate for the individual’s age and body mass, thickness of adipose tissue and muscle at injection site, and injection technique.134

Vaccine should appear clear and colorless;1 do not use if it appears discolored or contains particles.1

Gently invert single-dose prefilled syringes of the vaccine prior to affixing appropriate size needle.1

Do not mix with any other vaccine or solution.1



Prevention of Seasonal Influenza A and B Virus Infections
Adults ≥18 Years of Age

Single 0.5-mL dose.1

Special Populations

Hepatic Impairment

No specific dosage recommendations.1

Renal Impairment

No specific dosage recommendations.1

Geriatric Patients

Single 0.5-mL dose.1

Cautions for Influenza Vaccine Recombinant (Seasonal)



Sensitivity Reactions

Anaphylaxis, anaphylactoid reactions, allergic reactions, and other forms of hypersensitivity reported during postmarketing experience.1

Prior to administration, review patient’s history with respect to possible sensitivity reactions to the vaccine or vaccine components and prior vaccination-related adverse effects and assess benefits versus risks.100 Appropriate medical treatment and supervision must be available for immediate use in case an anaphylactic reaction occurs.1

ACIP states that a history of severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to any other type of influenza vaccine (egg-based influenza virus vaccine inactivated, cell culture-based influenza vaccine inactivated, influenza vaccine live intranasal) is a precaution to use of influenza vaccine recombinant.100 If influenza vaccine recombinant used in an individual with such a history, administer the vaccine in an inpatient or outpatient medical setting supervised by a health-care provider able to recognize and manage severe allergic reactions.100 Consider consultation with an allergist to help identify the vaccine component responsible for the prior reaction.100

ACIP also states that all individuals aged ≥6 months with egg allergy receive any influenza vaccine (egg-based or nonegg-based [such as influenza vaccine recombinant]) that is otherwise appropriate for the recipient’s age and health status.100 ACIP no longer recommends that persons who have had an allergic reaction to egg involving symptoms other than urticaria should be vaccinated in an inpatient or outpatient medical setting supervised by a health care provider who is able to recognize and manage severe allergic reactions if an egg-based vaccine is used.100 Egg allergy alone necessitates no additional safety measures for influenza vaccination beyond those recommended for any recipient of any vaccine, regardless of severity of previous reaction to egg, as all vaccines should be administered in settings in which personnel and equipment needed for rapid recognition and treatment of acute hypersensitivity reactions are available.100

Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS)

If GBS occurred within 6 weeks after previous influenza vaccination, manufacturer states base decision to administer influenza vaccine recombinant on careful consideration of potential benefits and risks.1

The 1976 swine influenza vaccine was associated with increased frequency of GBS.1 Evidence for causal relationship between other influenza vaccines and GBS inconclusive;1 if an excess risk exists, it probably is slightly more than 1 additional case of GBS per 1 million vaccinees.1

ACIP states that, as a precaution, individuals who are not at higher risk for severe influenza complications and who developed GBS within 6 weeks of a previous dose of influenza vaccine generally should not receive influenza vaccination;100 clinicians might consider use of antiviral prophylaxis for such individuals.100 However, ACIP states that benefits of influenza vaccine may outweigh risks for certain individuals with a history of GBS within 6 weeks after a previous dose of influenza vaccine who are at higher risk for severe complications from influenza.100

Individuals with Altered Immunocompetence

May be administered to individuals immunosuppressed as the result of disease or immunosuppressive therapy.1 Consider possibility that immune response to the vaccine and efficacy may be reduced in such individuals.1 100 134

ACIP states that recombinant vaccines can be administered safely to individuals with altered immunocompetence.134

Individuals with Bleeding Disorders

Advise individuals who have bleeding disorders or are receiving anticoagulant therapy and/or their family members about the risk of hematoma from IM injections.134

ACIP states that IM vaccines may be given to individuals who have bleeding disorders or are receiving anticoagulant therapy if a clinician familiar with the patient’s bleeding risk determines that the IM injection can be administered with reasonable safety.134 In these cases, use a fine needle (23 gauge or smaller) to administer the vaccine and apply firm pressure to injection site (without rubbing) for ≥2 minutes.134 In individuals receiving therapy for hemophilia, give IM vaccine shortly after a scheduled dose of such therapy.134

Concomitant Illness

Base decision to administer or delay vaccination in an individual with a current or recent acute illness on severity of symptoms and etiology of the illness.134

ACIP states mild acute illness generally does not preclude vaccination.134

ACIP states moderate or severe acute illness (with or without fever) is a precaution for vaccination;134 defer vaccines until individual has recovered from the acute phase of the illness.134 This avoids superimposing vaccine adverse effects on the underlying illness or mistakenly concluding that a manifestation of the underlying illness resulted from vaccine administration.134

Individuals with Known or Suspected Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

ACIP states defer routine vaccinations, including influenza vaccination, in symptomatic individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 until criteria for discontinuance of COVID-19 isolation have been met and the individual is no longer moderately or severely ill.100 Consider deferring vaccination until the individual has fully recovered from the acute illness to avoid exposing health-care personnel and other patients to the disease.100 ACIP also states that routine vaccinations, including influenza vaccination, should be deferred in patients with mild or asymptomatic COVID-19 to avoid the inability to discern between COVID-19 symptoms and postvaccination reactions.100 Other considerations include the presence of risk factors for severe influenza illness and the likelihood of being able to vaccinate at a later date.100

Limitations of Vaccine Effectiveness

Following seasonal influenza vaccination, up to 2 weeks may be required to develop antibody protection against infection.100

May not protect all vaccine recipients from influenza.1

Seasonal influenza vaccines are formulated annually to contain influenza A and B antigens predicted to represent strains of influenza virus likely to circulate in the US during the upcoming influenza season.100 Efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccine during any given year depends on how closely viral strains represented in the vaccine match viral strains circulating during the season.100 166

Seasonal influenza vaccines not expected to provide protection against human infection with animal-origin influenza viruses, including avian influenza A viruses (e.g., avian influenza A [H5N1], avian influenza A [H7N9]).115

Seasonal influenza vaccines will not provide protection against COVID-19.581

Duration of Immunity

Immunity declines during the year after seasonal influenza vaccination.100 In addition, circulating strains of seasonal influenza virus change from year to year.100 Annual vaccination is needed for prevention of seasonal influenza.100

Do not administer influenza vaccine from a previous influenza season in an attempt to provide protection during a subsequent influenza season.100

Improper Storage and Handling

Improper storage or handling of vaccines may reduce vaccine potency resulting in reduced or inadequate immune response in vaccinees.134

Inspect all vaccines upon delivery and monitor during storage to ensure that the appropriate temperature is maintained.134

Do not administer vaccine that has been mishandled or has not been stored at the recommended temperature.134

If there are concerns about mishandling, contact the manufacturer or state or local immunization or health departments for guidance on whether the vaccine is usable;134 also can consult CDC.134

Specific Populations


Manufacturer states data insufficient to assess risk of influenza vaccine recombinant in pregnant women.1

Pregnant and postpartum women are at higher risk for severe influenza and complications from influenza, particularly during second and third trimesters.100

ACIP, ACOG, AAP, and others recommend vaccination against influenza in all women who are pregnant or who might become pregnant during the influenza season and state that any licensed, age-appropriate, inactivated influenza vaccine (i.e., influenza virus vaccine inactivated or influenza vaccine recombinant) can be used.100 112 118 These experts state that inactivated influenza vaccines can be administered at any time during pregnancy before or during influenza season.100 112 118 Encourage postpartum women who did not receive influenza vaccination during pregnancy to receive vaccination (e.g., before hospital discharge).112

Pregnancy registry at 800-822-2463.1 Clinicians or vaccinees should report any exposure to the vaccine that occurs during pregnancy.1


Not known whether influenza vaccine recombinant is distributed into milk.1 Data insufficient to assess effects on breast-fed infant or on milk production.1

Consider benefits of breast-feeding and importance of the vaccine to the woman;1 also consider potential adverse effects on the breast-fed child from the vaccine or underlying maternal condition (i.e., susceptibility to influenza infection).1

ACIP states recombinant vaccines do not pose any unusual risks for women who are breast-feeding or their breast-fed infants.134

Pediatric Use

Safety and efficacy not established in individuals <18 years of age.1

Study using trivalent influenza vaccine recombinant (no longer available in US) indicates recombinant vaccine may not be effective in children <3 years of age [off-label].1

Geriatric Use

Insufficient experience using influenza vaccine recombinant in adults ≥65 years of age to determine whether geriatric patients respond differently than younger adults.1

ACIP states use influenza virus vaccine inactivated or influenza vaccine recombinant in adults ≥65 years of age.100 ACIP states a preference for Fluzone High-Dose (quadrivalent), Flublok recombinant influenza vaccine (quadrivalent), or the standard-dose quadrivalent adjuvant-containing vaccine (Fluad), but if none of these 3 vaccines are available at the time of vaccine administration, then they state that adults ≥65 years may receive a standard-dose quadrivalent preparation.100

Common Adverse Effects

Adults ≥18 years of age: Injection site reactions (e.g., local tenderness, pain), headache, fatigue, myalgia, arthralgia.1

Drug Interactions

Immunosuppressive Agents

Immune responses to vaccines may be reduced in individuals receiving immunosuppressive agents.1 134

Generally, give inactivated vaccines ≥2 weeks prior to initiation of immunosuppressive therapy and, because of possible suboptimal response, do not give during and for certain periods of time after immunosuppressive therapy discontinued.105 134 135

Time to restoration of immune competence varies depending on type and intensity of immunosuppressive therapy, underlying disease, and other factors; optimal timing for vaccine administration after discontinuance of immunosuppressive therapy not identified for every situation.105


Although specific studies may not be available,1 ACIP states influenza vaccine recombinant may be administered concurrently or sequentially with other age-appropriate vaccines, including live virus vaccines, toxoids, or inactivated or recombinant vaccines.100 134

Specific Drugs




Antivirals active against influenza (baloxavir, oseltamivir, peramivir, zanamivir)

No effect on immune response to inactivated vaccines, including influenza vaccine recombinant134

Influenza vaccine recombinant may be given to individuals receiving an influenza antiviral100

COVID-19 vaccines

Controlled studies did not identify evidence of safety concerns or any evidence of immune interference on influenza hemagglutination inhibition or SARS-CoV-2 binding antibody responses589 590 592

Some studies report similar incidence of local reactions, but slightly increased systemic reactions, especially with high dose or adjuvant-containing vaccines589 590 592

Influenza vaccine recombinant may be administered concurrently with or at any interval before or after COVID-19 vaccines100 113 581

Base decisions to administer a COVID-19 vaccine concomitantly with other vaccine(s) on whether routine vaccination with the other vaccines has been delayed or missed, the individual's risk of vaccine-preventable disease (e.g., during an outbreak or occupational exposures), and reactogenicity profiles of the vaccines113

Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines

Concomitant administration with seasonal influenza vaccines met noninferiority criteria for immunogenicity with the exception of the FluA/Darwin H3N2 strain when the GSK RSV vaccine was adminstered concomitantly with adjuvanted quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine.100 RSV and influenza antibody titers were somewhat lower with concomitant administration; however, the clinical significance of this is unknown.100

ACIP states that concomitant administration of RSV vaccines with other adult vaccines during the same visit is acceptable, but might increase local or systemic reactogenicity.100




Injectable Solution, for IM Use

2–8°C; do not freeze.1 If freezing occurs, discard vaccine.1

Protect from light.1

Does not contain thimerosal or any other preservatives.1


Advice to Patients

Additional Information

The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. represents that the information provided in the accompanying monograph was formulated with a reasonable standard of care, and in conformity with professional standards in the field. Readers are advised that decisions regarding use of drugs are complex medical decisions requiring the independent, informed decision of an appropriate health care professional, and that the information contained in the monograph is provided for informational purposes only. The manufacturer’s labeling should be consulted for more detailed information. The American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc. does not endorse or recommend the use of any drug. The information contained in the monograph is not a substitute for medical care.


Excipients in commercially available drug preparations may have clinically important effects in some individuals; consult specific product labeling for details.

Please refer to the ASHP Drug Shortages Resource Center for information on shortages of one or more of these preparations.

Influenza Vaccine Recombinant Quadrivalent


Dosage Forms


Brand Names



Injection, for IM use

45 mcg recombinant hemagglutinin each of FDA-specified influenza A (H1N1), influenza A (H3N2), influenza B/Victoria lineage, and influenza B/Yamagata lineage antigens per 0.5 mL

Flublok Quadrivalent

Sanofi Pasteur

AHFS DI Essentials™. © Copyright 2024, Selected Revisions October 26, 2023. American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, Inc., 4500 East-West Highway, Suite 900, Bethesda, Maryland 20814.

† Off-label: Use is not currently included in the labeling approved by the US Food and Drug Administration.


1. Sanofi Pasteur. Flublok Quadrivalent (influenza vaccine recombinant) sterile solution for intramuscular injection prescribing information. Swiftwater, PA; 2023 Jun.

20. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Influenza vaccine (flu) vaccine (inactivated or recombinant) vaccine information statement. 2021 Aug 6. From CDC website.

100. Grohskopf LA, Blanton LH, Ferdinands JM et al. Prevention and Control of Seasonal Influenza with Vaccines: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices, United States, 2023-24 Influenza Season. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2023; 72:1-25.

105. American Academy of Pediatrics. Red Book: 2018-2021 Report of the Committee on Infectious Diseases. 31st ed. Itasca, IL: American Academy of Pediatrics; 2018.

112. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Infectious Diseases. Recommendations for Prevention and Control of Influenza in Children, 2023-2024. Pediatrics. 2021;

113. Advisory Committee On Immunization Practices (ACIP). Interim clinical considerations for use of COVID-19 vaccines currently authorized in the United States. From CDC website. Revised 2021 Aug 25. Accessed 2021 Aug 27. Updates may be available at CDC website.

115. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. CDC health information for international travel, 2020. Atlanta, GA: US Department of Health and Human Services. Updates may be available at CDC website.

118. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists. Influenza vaccination during pregnancy. ACOG committee opinion N. 732. 2018 Apr. From ACOG website.

134. Kroger A, Bahta L, Hunter P. General best practice guidelines for immunization. Best practices guidance of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). From CDC website. Accessed 2021 Aug 20.

135. Rubin LG, Levin MJ, Ljungman P et al. 2013 IDSA clinical practice guideline for vaccination of the immunocompromised host. Clin Infect Dis. 2014; 58:309-18.

166. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Epidemiology and prevention of vaccine-preventable diseases. 14th ed. Washington DC: Public Health Foundation; 2021. Updates may be available at CDC website.

200. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended adult immunization schedule for ages 19 years or older, United States, 2023. Updates may be available at CDC website.

233. Treanor JJ, El Sahly HM, King J, et al. Protective efficacy of a trivalent, insect cell-expressed, recombinant hemagglutinin protein vaccine (FluBlok) against culture confirmed influenza in healthy adults: a randomized, placebo-controlled trial. Vaccine. 2011; 29 (44): 7733-9.

234. Baxter R, Patriarca PA, Ensor K et al. Evaluation of the safety, reactogenicity and immunogenicity of FluBlok trivalent recombinant baculovirus-expressed hemagglutinin influenza vaccine administered intramuscularly to healthy adults 50-64 years of age. Vaccine. 2011; 29:2272-8.

470. US Food and Drug Administration. FDA approves first U.S. vaccine for humans against the avian influenza virus H5N1. April 19, 2007. From FDA web site.

574. Dunkle LM, Izikson R, Patriarca P et al. Efficacy of Recombinant Influenza Vaccine in Adults 50 Years of Age or Older. N Engl J Med. 2017; 376:2427-2436.

581. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Frequently asked influenza (flu) questions: 2021–2022 season. Updated August 26, 2021. From CDC website. Accessed 2021 Aug 28.

583. US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Interim guidance for routine and influenza immunization during the COVID-19 pandemic. From CDC website. Accessed 2021 Aug 20.

589. Izikson R, Brune D, Bolduc JS, et al. Safety and immunogenicity of a high-dose quadrivalent influenza vaccine administered concomitantly with a third dose of the mRNA-1273 SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in adults aged ≥65 years: a phase 2, randomised, open-label study. Lancet Respir Med 2022;10:392–402. Epub Feb. 21, 2022.

590. Lazarus R, Baos S, Cappel-Porter H, er al. Safety and immunogenicity of concomitant administration of COVID-19 vaccines (ChAdOx1 or BNT162b2) with seasonal influenza vaccines in adults in the UK (ComFluCOV): a multicentre, randomised, controlled, phase 4 trial. Lancet 2021; 398: 2277–87.

591. World Health Organization. Recommended composition of influenza virus vaccines for use in the 2022–2023 northern hemisphere influenza season. February 2022. From WHO website. Accessed 2022 Sept 27

592. Hause AM, Zhang B, Yue X, et al. Reactogenicity of Simultaneous COVID-19 mRNA Booster and Influenza Vaccination in the US. JAMA Netw Open. 2022;5(7):e2222241.

600. The National Alert Network (NAN). Mix-ups between the influenza (flu) vaccine and COVID-19 vaccines. Available from the NAN website.

601. Melgar M, Britton A, Roper L et al. Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccines in Older Adults: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices — United States, 2023. MMWR. 2023; 72:793-801.

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