Carrington Moisture Guard Alternatives Compared
Carrington Moisture Guard (emollients) | Ammonium lactate topical | AmLactin (ammonium lactate) |
Carrington Moisture Guard (emollients) | Ammonium lactate topical | AmLactin (ammonium lactate) |
Prescription and OTC
Prescribed for Dry Skin. Carrington Moisture Guard may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. |
Prescription and OTC
Prescribed for Ichthyosis, Pruritus, Dry Skin. Ammonium lactate topical may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. |
Prescription and OTC
Prescribed for Ichthyosis, Pruritus, Dry Skin. AmLactin may also be used for purposes not listed in this medication guide. |
Related suggestions Dry Skin (Xerosis)
More about (emollients) | More about Ammonium lactate topical | More about AmLactin (ammonium lactate) | ||||||||
Ratings & Reviews | ||||||||||
Be the first to share your experience with this drug. |
Ammonium lactate topical has an average rating of 9.3 out of 10 from a total of 18 ratings on 94% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 6% reported a negative effect. |
AmLactin has an average rating of 9.5 out of 10 from a total of 8 ratings on 100% of reviewers reported a positive effect, while 0% reported a negative effect. |
Drug Class | ||||||||||
Side Effects | ||||||||||
Generic Availability | ||||||||||
N/A |
Lower cost generic |
N/A |
Pricing and Coupons * Prices are without insurance | ||||||||||
We could not find an exact match for this medicine. Try searching the Price Guide directly. |
View all Ammonium lactate topical prices |
We could not find an exact match for this medicine. Try searching the Price Guide directly. |
Dosage Forms Available | ||||||||||
N/A |
N/A |
Brand Names | ||||||||||
Other emollients brands include: Absorbase, AcidMantle, Acne-Aid, Albolene Moisturizing Cleanser, Aloe Vesta 2 -n- 1, Aloe Vesta Body Wash & Shampoo, Aloe Vesta Cleansing Foam, Aloe Vesta Cream, Aloe Vesta Perineal/Skin Cleanser, Aloe Vesta Protein Ointment, Aloe Vesta Skin Conditioner, AlphaSoft, AmeriCerin, Amerigel Barrier, Amerigel Care, AmeriPhor, AmeriStore, Aqua Glycolic, Aqua Lacten, Aqua Lube, Aqua Lube Plus, Aquabase, Aquaderm, Aquanil Lotion, Aquaphilic, Aquaphor, Atopiclair, Atrapro, Aurstat, Aurstat Anti-Itch, Aurstat Kit, Aveeno, Aveeno Active Naturals, Aveeno Daily Moisturizing, Aveeno Moisturizing Bar, AVO Cream, Avosil Scar Care, Baby Lotion, Baby Oil, Baby Oil Creamy, Baby Soap, Bag Balm, Balneol, Balneol Cleansing, Balneol for Her, Barri-Care, basis sensitive skin bar, basis vitamin bar, Baza Cleanse & Protect, Baza-Pro, Baza-Protect, Bedside-Care Perineal Wash, Beta Care, Betamide, Biafine, Biafine RE, Blistex Lip Balm, Blistex Lip Revitalizer, Bodi Bath & Shampoo, Bodi Care, Bodi Kleen Perineal Cleanser, Bodi Line Almond Skin Cleanser, Bodi Line Antiseptic, Bodi Line Hair and Body Shampoo, Bodi Lotion, Bodi Protect, Bodi Whirl Bath, Bodi Whirl Oil, BurnZone, Ca-Rezz, Cam, Cara-Klenz Spray, Cara-Klenz Wound Cleanser, Carb-O-Lan10, Carb-O-Lan20, Care-Creme, Carlesta, Carmex, Carmex Click-Stick, CarraKlenz, CarraKlenz Spray, CarraKlenz Wound Cleanser, Carrington, Carrington Foot and Body, Carrington Skin Balm, Cavilon Durable Barrier, Cavilon Emollient, Cavilon Foot Emollient, CC-500, CeraVe, CeraVe AM, CeraVe Facial Moisturizing, CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, CeraVe Hydrating Cleanser, CeraVe Therapeutic Hand, Ceta-Klenz, Cetaklenz, CetaKlenz Pump, Cetaphil Bar, Cetaphil Cleanser, Cetaphil Cream, Cetaphil Daily Advantage, Cetaphil Lotion, Cetaphil Restoraderm Moisturizer, Cetaphil Restoraderm Wash, ChafeZone, Chap Stick, Citraderm, Clinac OC, Complex-15, Concept, Constant Care Vaseline, CoolBottoms, Corn Huskers Lotion, Cream Base, Critic-Aid Clear, Curel Moisture Lotion, Curel Ultra Pro, Cutemol, DepthZone, Derma Soothe, Dermabase, DermaCerin, DermaDaily, Dermadrox, DermaFix, Dermagran, Dermagran GP, Dermal Therapy, Dermalab Cleansing Bar, Dermalab Conditioning Shampoo, Dermalab Lotion, Dermalab Skin Cleanser, Dermalab Skin Cream, Dermalab Soap, Dermalube, DermaPhor, Dermarest Rosacea, Dermasil Lotion, DermaSoft with Aloe, Desitin Clear, Diab, Diab Gel, Diabet-X Daily Prevention Therapy, DML Facial, DML Forte, DML Moisture Lotion, Dr Scholl's Essentials Cracked Skin Repair, Dr Smith's Rash-N-All, Durable Barr, Eletone, Elon Barrier Protectant, Elon Herbal Foot Cream, Elta, Elta Lite, Elta Seal Skin Protectant, Emulsion SB, EpiCeram, Epilyt, Esoterica Dry Skin, Eucerin, Eucerin Gentle Hydrating Cleanser, Eucerin Plus, Fattibase Ointment, Formula 405 Cream, Formula 405 Lotion, Formula 405 Soap, Formula Finger Skin Cream, Free & Clear, Gentle Cream, GentleWash Body Wash / Shampoo, Geri-Lav Free, Geri-Soft, Glycerin with Rose Water, Gold Bond Ultimate Healing, Gold Bond Ultimate Restoring, Gold Bond Ultimate Softening, Green Soap, GRx Rinse-Free, Herpecin-L, HPR Emollient, HPR Plus, HPRplus-MB HydroGel, Humatrix Microclysmic Treatment, Hydrated Petrolatum, Hydrisinol, Hydro-Lan Creme, Hydrocerin, Hydrocerin Plus, Hydrocream, Hydrolatum, Hydropel, Hydrophil Ointment, Hydrophylic GRX, Hylatopic, Hylatopic Plus Aurstat, HylatopicPlus, HylatopicPlus Emollient Foam, Iamin Hydrating Gel, Ilex, Isagel, Jergens, Johnson's Baby Cream, K-Y Jelly, K-Y Silk-E Vaginal Moisturizer, K-Y Warming, Keri Advanced Therapy, Keri Lotion, Keri Original Therapy, Keri Sensitive Skin, Kerodex-71, Kinerase, Lamisilk Heel Balm, Lanaphilic, Lantiseptic Nourishing Skin Cream, Leader Finger Cream, Light Mineral Oil, Topical, Liqua-Gel, Little Bottoms Daily Care Spray, Loutrex, Loving Lather II, Loving Lotion, Lowila, Lubrex, Lubricating Jelly, Lubricating Lotion, Lubriderm, Lubriderm Daily Moisturizer, Lubriderm Lotion, Maxilube, Mederma, Mederma for Kids, Miaderm Radiation Relief, MimyX, Moisturel, Moisturin, Monistat Soothing Care Chafing Relief Powder-Gel, Mother's Friend, Natural Care Gel, Natural Ice, Nature's Wash Plus, Neosalus, NeutrapHor, NeutrapHorus Rex, Neutrogena Acne Formula, Neutrogena Cleansing, Neutrogena Cleansing Wash, Neutrogena Cream, Neutrogena Lotion, Neutrogena Rainbath, Neutrogena Soap, Neutrogena Toner, Nivatopic Plus, Nivea, Normlgel, Normlshield, Nutraderm, Nutraderm Advanced Formula, OC Eight, Ocean Nasal Moisturizer, OCEAN Ultra Moisturizing, Ocusoft, Oilatum Soap, Ointment Base, Orabase Soothe-N-Seal, Pacquin, Pacquin Plus, Pen-Kera, Peri-Wash, PeriClean, PeriScent Perineal Cleanser, Phisoderm, Phisoderm Cleansing Bar, Phisoderm Deep Cleaning Cream Cleanser, Phisoderm for Baby, Plastibase 50W, Polybase, PR Cream, Presera, Pretty Feet & Hands, Promiseb, Promiseb Complete, Proshield Foam & Spray Cleanser, Proshield Plus, Proshield Plus Skin Protectant, Proshield Skincare Kit, PruClair, PruMyx, Prutect, Purpose Cream, Purpose Lotion, Purpose Soap, RadiaGel Hydrogel, Rash Relief Clear, Remedy 4-in-1 Body Cleanser, Remedy 4-in-1 Cleansing Lotion, Remedy Skin Repair, RepHresh, Replens, Restore Cleanser & Moisturizer, Restore Hydrogel, Restore Moisture Barrier, Restore Skin Conditioning Creme, Resurfix, Robathol, Sardo Bath, Satin Therapeutic, Sayman Salve, Sayman Soap, Sea-Clens, Secura, Secura Mosturizing, Sensi-Care, Sensi-Care Moisturizing Body, Sensi-Care Perineal/Skin Cleanser, Septi-Soft Concentrate, SFC, Skin Care, Skin Magic, Soapreme, Soft Sense, Sonafine, Special Care, Special Care Moisture Barrier, St Ives Cucumber, Melon and Vitamin E, St Ives Hydrating Vitamin E, St Ives Restoring, St. Ives, SuperSoft, Surgilube, Sween Cream, Sween Prep, Tetrix Cream, Therapeutic Bath, Theraplex Hydro Lotion, Theraplex Lotion, TheraSeal Hand Protection, TriDerma Diabetic Bruise Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Dry Skin Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Foot Defense Healing, TriDerma Diabetic Ulcer Defense Healing, Tritles Lotion, Ultra-Klenz Wound Cleanser, Uni Derm, Vagisil Feminine Moisturiser, Vanicream, Vanicream Cleansing Bar, Vanicream Lite, Vaniply, Vaseline Intensive Care, Velvachol, Vivatia, Wibi Lotion, Zanfel View more | AmLactin, AmLactin Cerapeutic, Amlactin Ultra, Amlactin XL, Geri-Hydrolac, Kerasal AL, Lac-Hydrin, Lac-Hydrin 5 | Other ammonium lactate brands include: AmLactin Cerapeutic, Amlactin Ultra, Amlactin XL, Geri-Hydrolac, Kerasal AL, Lac-Hydrin, Lac-Hydrin 5 | ||||||||
Half Life The half-life of a drug is the time taken for the plasma concentration of a drug to reduce to half its original value. | ||||||||||
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
CSA Schedule ** View glossary of terms | ||||||||||
Not a controlled drug
Is not subject to the Controlled Substances Act. |
Not a controlled drug
Is not subject to the Controlled Substances Act. |
Not a controlled drug
Is not subject to the Controlled Substances Act. |
Pregnancy Category | ||||||||||
Category N
Not classified
Category B
No proven risk in humans
See the full pregnancy warnings document. |
Category B
No proven risk in humans
See the full pregnancy warnings document. |
Drug Interactions | ||||||||||
No known drug interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known drug interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known drug interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
Alcohol/Food/Lifestyle Interactions | ||||||||||
No known alcohol/food interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known alcohol/food interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known alcohol/food interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
Disease Interactions | ||||||||||
No known disease interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known disease interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
No known disease interactions. This does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. Always consult your healthcare provider. |
First Approval Date | ||||||||||
N/A |
April 24, 1985 |
N/A |
WADA Class View World Anti-Doping Agency classifications. | ||||||||||
N/A |
N/A |
N/A |
More Information | ||||||||||
Patient resources | ||||||||||
N/A |
Professional Resources | ||||||||||
N/A |
N/A |
Related Treatment Guide | ||||||||||
** The Controlled Substances Act (CSA) schedule information displayed applies to substances regulated under federal law. There may be variations in CSA schedules between individual states.
Further information
Always consult your healthcare provider to ensure the information displayed on this page applies to your personal circumstances.