I have been taking nexium for 9 years now. In the past couple weeks I have experienced much gastrol discomfort especially flatulence and this seems to have triggered my gerd with lots of heartburn and not much relief from taking the nexium. Can I take antacids alongside nexium. Is it possible nexium is no longer effective for me?
Can you take antacids while on nexium?
Question posted by goldenaspen on 16 March 2012
Last updated on 9 November 2020 by cocochap2001
5 Answers
I have the same feelings... what can I do
Can you take nexium with tums
About antiacids..i have been taking Nexiom since 7years ago, now and I cant breath, also in some periods it sems no more anti acid effects for me... so in those days i take 1/2 teaspoon of Bicarbonate Sodium in 1/2 glass of water... it helps a lot during those acid days... so after some days to feel that nexium is not working more for me it becomes again to normal.and the story begins again and again .. the worst for me is the short breath.because I cant have a normal life
Are you taking Nexium for the 14 day course and starting the medicine again after the 4 months or do you just keep on taking it going past the 14 days?
Hi Goldenaspen,
What I am about to tell you is from my own experience... First, I think you need to talk with your doctor about the antacids as I do not think that is a solution to your problem. Second, yes, I do think the Nexium can stop working and here is why...
I took Omprazole (generic for Prilosec and the same type of medication as Nexium... a PPI) for 10 years after I had a bout with HPylori and it worked wonderfully for approximately 8 years then suddenly I became nauseas every morning, my bones were hurting me, I was also coughing with lots of mucuous, then I experienced the worst! I developed a shortness of breath.
I was taken to the hospital one night since I could hardly breath. I was put on oxygen... CatScan showed my lungs were like shattered glass, all tests sent to John Hopkins research came back negative on allergies... I was put on prednisone for a year but the breathing problem never went away... my lung specialist said it was not my lungs and I suggested was it possibly from the medication Omeprazole, he did not know, he said. Went to GI doctors they denied it was the medication. I went off the Omeprazole, and of course all the horrible symptoms went away!!
Oh, I forgot to mention, that my blood tests were showing I was anemic! When I went off the meds, that all went back to normal. I have friends on Nexium and their B12 is a problem so they have to get shots or take the supplement. So in answer to your question, the Nexium, in my opinion is no longer working for you.
You must see a GI doctor to have tests taken (I had them done... endoscopy & colonoscopy and swallowing tests) to be sure nothing serious is going on such as ulcers, etc.
I am taking Zantac but it doesn't always help... the acid reflux keeps bothering me too and I am working hard on my food intake, exercise since I am overweight which doesn't help and eating small amounts of food all day long. My doctor wants me to have the surgery where the hiatel hernia is tucked into a part of your stomach so I need to make a decision... he says I will no longer have to take any medication if I have that done since it helps stop the acid reflux.
Hope this helps. So sorry you are feeling bad and I do understand the feeling.
Aquarius Anne
Thank you AquariusAnne for your reply. I will follow up with my doctor, just needed to find some relief until I can get in to see him. I already know that my iron is low and had my suspicions it might be the nexium causing this. Best wishes with your decision ahead of you.
These forums are a very good source of info and it also shows that each person is different in how their body responds to different medications. I've been on Nexium for about 5 yrs or so now and have not had too many problems. I do take a Zantac in the evenings several times a week, if needed and it helps. I have a physical exam once a year with a full lab blood work done. I've never had anything negative turn up on the lab results (like B12 or Vitamin D, etc). Anyone having problems with the meds they are on now should always consult with their doctor to see if maybe a different med will be more effective. I had to change meds several times before getting to Nexium. Who knows, Nexium may not work for me forever and I'll keep researching different treatments. Oh, BTW, want to mention here that if anyone is having any chest pain from Hiatal Hernia, you may want to talk to your doctor about prescribing a low dosage of Nortriptylene.
This is actually an antidepressant but, in low dosages has been effective to greatly reduce chest pain from hiatal hernias. It has all but eliminated my chest pain. Hope this helps.
Related topics
Further information
- Nexium uses and safety info
- Nexium prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Nexium (detailed)
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