I have been taking Xarelto for 4 months
Can Xarelto cause abdominal bloating and fluid retention?
Question posted by karleen63 on 9 July 2013
Last updated on 24 October 2022
19 Answers
I was diagnosed AFib with RVR 2 months ago.
I'm very bloated from Xarelto, nauseaus stomach daily, and loss of taste... of course, tired and shortness of breath.
I thought maybe it was the Amiodarone, so stopped that.
Never had any of this, prior to taking. I'm not happy. I understand Eliquis same side effects - not good,
Yes. I share the same experience. Bloating, shortness of breath, stomach issues, and weight gain. Doctors look at me like I'm a little crazy, but did agree to change from eliquis to Xarelto due to these complaints. I see the doctor next month and hope to be taken off. Reading about permanent weight gain has me feeling troubled. This needs to be a reported side effect.
When I went into Afib the doctor put me on XARELTO . This drug caused me to bloat,abdomen distention, gas , swelling of legs and pain in joints!!! My prior history had NONE of this!!! Doctor put me on Eliquis and the same problems!!! Still another Pradaxa with the same result!!! Now back on 325mg enteric aspirin 2x a day till we figure this out!!! but side effects have never gone away!!! How can so many have the same problems and the FDA does not react??? Do we need a class action law suit!!!
Did taking aspirin help?
I’ve been on Rivaroxoban for approximately 18 months, at first I didn’t have any side effects apart from my periods were very heavy , to the point I could barely leave the house. Over the past year I’ve gained 2-3 stones, very bad stomach bloating, feeling sick, tiredness. The weight I’ve put on all seems to be lower abdomen and tops of my thighs, I’ve never really carried weight on either of these places before. After speaking with the doctor today he says I can go on aspirin, I was hoping these side effects would go but after reading the comments on here I’m scared I’ll permanently be like this.
Did taking aspirin help you?
I have been taking this drug for over 12 months following multiple pe’s after a operation. As I have a history of cancer so i have to take this for life.
I am very appreciative of everyone replying on here as medics have made me feel stupid by saying by taking xarelto does not make you put on weight. IT MOST CERTAINLY DOES! I have put on between 1 and 2 stones and have a large tummy going up from a size 12-14 to a size 16-18. Please complain as per the earlier message as unless we do they will do nothing about it.
I am grateful that this drug has given me a longer time to live but I wish the medics and drug company would accept that this is a bonefide side effect.
After second dose of eliquis (probably works in same way as Xarelto), i developed bloating and shortness of breath. Doctor and pharmacist said not a side effect. Kind of a major coincidence that it started 4 Hours after second dose. Doesn't matter how little i eat, as soon as i eat or drink anything, stomach bloats and i am yawning to catch a deep,breath.
28 year old male. I have been taking Xarelto for 5 weeks now after PE. I have gained almost 10 lbs in this time! I hate it! Does the weight come off after stopping medication? Thx
I have been on this horrible drug Xarelto since May 2018 due to a PE from smoking and taking birth control, and I've gained over 100pounds on it it's Oct 31st, 2018. I have never been this heavy in my life. I get taken off of it tomorrow but after reading the comments of not being able to get the weight off, I am so scared! This drug should be banned it does more harm than good in the long run. I am absolutely sick to stomach right now, I can't believe no one has been able to get the weight off
My doctor switched me from Warfarin to Xarelto after I had another PE in January, 5 months ago. Since then I have gained 25 pounds, and my stomach is so bloated, descended and hard, that I have to eat very small meals or be in excruciating stomach and back pain. I don't know if related, but I now have trouble with food getting stuck in my esophagus. My GI doctor is doing an upper GI on me Monday and he said he will probably stretch my esophagus. So much trouble eating, I was just in ER this week, they found my Potassium levels dangerously low that I had to get an IV of Potassium. I have my GI doctor telling me my esophagus problems are not going to go away unless I lose weight! How? I have lost 9 lbs in 2 weeks because I can't eat! My back and stomach pain too bad to exercise, plus I'm just plain to week. I've asked my doctor if Xarelto could be cause, and he doesn't believe so! Do I have to die before someone listens! I'm scared to death. I'm afraid my stomach is going to rupture! Help!
I would discuss with your doctor about changing over to Eliquis instead of Xarelto since you are having this problem. If you do not get any satisfaction from your current doctor then I would look for a hematologist. If your current doctor is a hematologist then I would seek out a second & third opinion or find a different hematologist.
Also, you and all of the above commenters that have weight gain need to report this condition, side effect, to the FDA at their MedWatch: The FDA Safety Information and Adverse Event Reporting Program, using the MedWatch Voluntary Reporting Form for Consumer/Patient - Form 3500B. Once the FDA threshold is met they will require the manufacturers to specifically study this issue with additional tests. So make sure that you and all of the above commenters, "Report Away, As Soon As Possible".
I had a DVT as well as multiple PEs I was put on xarelto 2 1/2 months ago. I really have not changed my diet but I have gained around 18lbs. I have been exercising and dieting but nothing I do helps take weight off. My knees and hips and ankles ache, not sure if it is the added weight or medication. Have other blood thinners caused this ? Doctors keep telling me blood thinners don’t cause weight gain. I am very frustrated.
I had shoulder reconstructive surgery; and, got a blood clot. I have never been heavy, except during pregnancy. After 5 months n Xarelto, I gained almost 20 lbs. since I stopped taking it, I can’t lose more than 2 lbs.—And, that is with normal, healthy eating; and, regular exercise. I am so depressed about this bloating. I wish I knew how to get rid of it, it’s horrible and so is Xarelto!
I have been on xarelto now for over 2 years & now for the rest of my life..I have gained almost 19 kilos... I eat healthy and small amounts... but I do like a couple of wines in the evening... great thing about Xarelto... However my Dr also put me on Extine 20 mgs which is for anxiety... I thought maybe this was the reason for my gain... which I have read horrific stories of weight gain... I am now trying to wen of this medication, with horrible side effects, especially the electric nerve shocks..which are horrid... however I find a glass of wine helps... I am stunned to read everyone on this page has had weight gain from Xarelto... its horrible-on the flipside Xarelto saved my life
I still bloat horribly to this day and I have been off it for 2 years. It's like it changed something permanently. Drs will Deny it but I'm sure like everything else the benefits outweigh everything so their not going to tell u. I live with it even though some days it's difficult to breath I get so bloated.
I have been on the xarelto for almost 4 years now, had no issue from the start even though I lost weight and all was good, however I suddenly gained weight of 12kg which I can’t get off.
I work out hard almost daily and not eating carbs for the last 1 month but my weight around my belly area still on and I can’t get it off.
Is this the drug causing it?
Yes, I had my PE 3 years ago never any problems. When I got released from the hospital I went home and that's when the bloating started and continues to this day. I took it for 6 months and have not been on it
I thought maybe it was a food allergy and have eliminated certain foods but nothing has helped. I just want my stomach back! I also gained weight while on it.
I'm male and 77 yrs old ... I took xarelto for three months and stopped them 16 days ago ... during the three months my stomach was bloated and my weight increased seven kilos ... my weight has reduced by four kilos but my stomach is still bloated and uncomfortable ... I walk four kms every morning and am 175 cms tall with my weight normally at 79 kilos ... I'd had a pulmonary embolism and am now on aspirin ...
Related topics
fluid retention, abdominal distension, xarelto
Further information
- Xarelto uses and safety info
- Xarelto prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Xarelto (detailed)
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