The neuropathy is now affecting more than just my legs feet, arms and hands
it is working om my insides to. Or at least it feels that way. I eat and I don't eat much I have learned not to. It takes days for the food to digest and it never does move all the way through with out taking milk of Magnisia (its the only thig that works). I am going to a pain specialist now and he is no good I have spent a lot of money I do not have. I have to beg for pain meds and I have tried most but have yet to find one that really works. i am in pain so my of the time from the lymphedema and the peripheral neuropathy I am really hard to be around. My church family is about all I have left I need some one to help.
What type of Dr.should I be seeing for my Peripheral Neuropathy?
Question posted by boisepastrychef on 26 July 2010
Last updated on 14 November 2014
3 Answers
As to your digestion problem, eating yogurt once or twice daily might help your constipation. I eat it and it does help somewhat but I had to force myself to even try it and now I think it is very good. Another thing to take is Metamucil in powder or capsule form. Read the directions on the product for directions addressing your own situatiion. These products should be taken for at least 30 days to see if they help, otherwise you have wasted your money. Good luck and God bless.
I have the same feeling that my CIDP is affecting me internally. I take MiraLax (store brand) daily and it does well with BM's. I also am on pain meds for knee problems. I am seeing a new Neurologist in 2 weeks at the suggestion of my primary care Doctor to see if the new Neurologist thinks my neuropathy is causing some of my internal problems. I was told that I had CIDP in 1997 and none of the treatments tried have had any effect on slowing it down. I would suggest that you might consider a second opinion on your pain meds. One thing I have learned over these years is don't be afraid to get second opinions. Always, always keep your church family in your life. God is a great listener so I talk to Him frequently during each day through prayer. I will add you to my prayer list. May God bless you and give you comfort.
Thank you so much, I do have a wonderful church family and God has Blessed me threw all this in many ways with them. We have a prayer time called Soaking prayer, God works through the hand of many of us.
Now as far as getting my pain doc to give me the way in to a neurologist I tryed to get a second opinion and this dr. (mine) called the new Doc and told him I was just pill seeking and when I got there to see him, he would not see me. I had a neurologist about 15 yrs ago and I want to see him but I have to have the refural from him. God will have the answer. I have rheumatoid arthritis and need both knees replaced and a hip from the ostioarthritis that I have had sice I was 25. I have no Idea what I'm in for next because I'm adopted, I just know every day is a new adventure in trying to feel better.
God Bless You cb locke thanks again
My feet ,legs and lower back hurting chronically.please help
The doctor ia called a Neurologist, a doctor who specializes in diseases of the nerves. The neurologist (or your own doctor) will begin by taking a history of your symptoms and examining you for signs of muscle weakness, numbness, and impaired reflexes. You may need blood and urine tests to check for vitamin or metabolic deficiencies and the presence of any underlying disease or genetic defect that may be affecting your nerve function.
You may also be given an electromyography (EMG) test, which is used to assess nerve and muscle function and measure the electrical properties of the nerves. Using an EMG, physicians can often pinpoint the abnormal nerves and determine which part of their structure is damaged.
Nerve and muscle biopsies may also be performed and may provide valuable information about the type and cause of the neuropathy. A spinal tap, or lumbar puncture, is sometimes recommended to help identify infection or inflammation that might be associated with the neuropathy.
If anyone in your family has been diagnosed with peripheral neuropathy or has had similar symptoms, your doctor may want to review their medical records or examine them to look for potential hereditary links to your condition.
Hope to have answered your question to satisfaction, it is recommended that you see a Neurologist at the soonest convenience.
Very good answer Rajive.
Oh, Chris you are still awake? Take rest, go to sleep. Thanks
Be prepaired to become a pin cushion, because when they test for nerve damage, needles is what they use. After I had the test, the answer was nerve damage of course, and that there was no cure. My primary happened to mention ALPHA LIPOIC ACID sold nearly every where including drug stores OTC. This stuff stopped the spread of PN and I am somewhat more flexible also. Later I took NEURONTIN for the pain & this really helps.RW
I forgot to tell boise that his pain meds could constipate him BIG TIME! I took HYDROCODONE sp. for a while and the stuff locked me up to no avail! I dropped HY for prunes.
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