My mom has been taking 30 mg of Cymbalta daily for chronic pain since Jan. 2009. She said it doesn't help and wants to stop taking it, her doctor wants her to continue using it. I'm afraid she will stop it suddenly and have withdrawal symptoms and suffer more. She had problems with other depression and anxiety meds that she abruptly stopped in the past and went thru major withdrawal. Is there a right or wrong way to wean off the drug?
What is the correct way to discontinue use of Cymbalta?
Question posted by Anonymous on 12 Sep 2009
Last updated on 23 July 2013
27 Answers
Im sorry to hear about your mom. I got put on cymbalta but that only lasted 5 days because of the side effects. She will have to gradually wean off the drug. I read when you stop taking them suddenly there can be severe side effects from the withdrawl of them. Have her call a drug hot line and get a professinal opinion. Sorry I couldnt of been more help. Hang in there! Prayers your way!
I HOPE your Mom did NOT quit COLD TURKEY. I am being treated for Hypothyroidism (something I SELF DIAGNOSED and FINALLY found a Dr to listen to me & check it - my TSH level was 24.8!)
My PCP put me on 60mg of Cymbalta and told me "to go see a therapist" which I did because I still did not feel right and it was getting WORSE! The therapist told me to MAKE my PCP refer me to an Endocrinologist. She balked at the idea (guess she wanted my co-pay BAD) but gave me the referral. The Endo made slight adjustment to my meds & I IMMEDIATELY felt better. THEN, I had to go to a Psychiatrist about the Cymbalta. Turns out I should have NEVER been put ON IT! I was given 20mg Prozac and she lowered Cymbalta to 30mg. I am finished with the Cymbalta. She said the Prozac was to help with the Cymbalta withdrawl. The Prozac helped... I have had ONE BAD DAY where I stayed in bed all day. I finish the Prozac in 2 weeks. The Psychiatrist also gave me Xanax to help with the anxiety.
I would suggest that ANYBODY (especially women) have their thyroid checked BEFORE going on ANY antidepressants!!! I wish someone had told me this 25 years ago!!!
when discontinunig treatment with duloxetine gradual reduction in the dose rather than the abrupt cessation when ever possible .the use of liquid of the drug may facilitate more gradual tapering.
When discontinuing treatment with duloxetine, the manufacturer recommends a gradual reduction in the dose, rather than abrupt cessation, whenever possible. If intolerable symptoms occur following a decrease in the dose or upon discontinuation of treatment, then resuming the previously prescribed dose may be considered. Subsequently, the physician may continue decreasing the dose but at a more gradual rate. The use of a liquid form of the drug may facilitate more gradual tapering.
In MDD placebo-controlled clinical trials of up to nine weeks' duration, systematically evaluating discontinuation symptoms in patients taking duloxetine following abrupt discontinuation found the following symptoms occurring at a rate greater than or equal to 2% and at a significantly higher rate in duloxetine-treated patients compared to those discontinuing from placebo: dizziness, nausea, headache, paresthesia, vomiting, irritability, and nightmare.
The best way off this drug (been Cymbalta-free about 2 weeks now) is gradual weaning. I took 60mg a day for 21/2 years and had to stop due to insurance issues. I was scared of stopping b/c of all the bad withdrawal stories I've read. I started very slowly- one tab every other day for two weeks, then 1 tab every 3rd day for two weeks and one tab every 4 days for two weeks then 1 tab every 5 days for two weeks and then I got down to 1 pill every 7 days- by this time, the worst withdrawal symptoms were not severe (got bad brain zaps at first, flutter sensation in chest and really horrible dreams) I am switching back to Celexa tomorrow and take Klonopin for sleep.
Be advised that no matter how slow you come off Cymbalta, you still may get brain zaps, flutters, bad dreams and by the time you get to 1 cap every 7 days you will feel nauseous when you take it. I decided to stop completely when the nausea came-it was a tough withdrawal, but not as bad as it could have been if I hadn't done it super slow- best to luck to you and God Bless!
I don't know if there is a correct way. I am dealing with cold night sweats and stomach problems. This is the worst feeling I have ever had. Beware
I am so sorry to hear about your mom. First, she should NOT stop taking Cymbalta cold turkey. The withdrawals are terrible. I started taking Cymbalta back in November 2009 for depression. My doctor suggested Cymbalta. He said there was one that will make you gain weight and one that would not. Of course, I wanted the one that would not make me gain weight. My doctor started me with 30 ml for 2 wks to see how I handled it. I did fine. Then he increased my dosage to 60 ml. I'd been taking it and was feeling MUCH better. After feeling good for so long, back in March of this year, I decided I wanted to stop taking Cymbalta. I called my doctor and told him. I had one last perscription that would last me throughout the month of April. He told me a week before I finished that perscription to come and get a 30 day supply of the 30 ml because I needed to wean off of it. I also searched the web regarding withdrawals from Cymbalta.
When I started the 30 ml, I also included Omega 3, Acetyl L-Caritine, Ginkgo Biloba and Benedryl (4 every 4 hrs, per day for the brain zaps). I did ALOT of inhaling, holding my breath and exhaling slowly. Someone suggested this while I was researching Cymbalta withdrawals. It really helped. I didn't focus on being depressed or what would happen once I was off Cymbalta. Channel that energy to something positive. Speak whatever YOU want to happen, into existance.
Since the liver is the life force, the source for good health, I also included Robin Anthony's Renu Herbs Liver Cleanse + her Colon Cleanse. They detox the liver from accumulated waste and toxins.
Today is 07.25.2010, day 43 since I've been off Cymbalta. I'm taking no Benedryl because I no longer have the brain zaps (if you do experience a brain zap, inhale and exhale slowly or take 1 Benedryl) , I'm still taking the Omega-3, Ginkgo Biloba and other vitamins (C,D,E) and the Renu Herbs Liver Cleanse. I FEEL GREAT!
I TOO AM NOT A DR. I'm only stating what worked for ME. If your doctor REALLY care's for his/her patients, he/she will work with your mom to BE SURE she is properly weaned off Cymbalta.
Best of Luck and I hope your mom gets better FAST!
Be very careful anyone trying to come off of this drug, I have been coming off of it for awhile. I never had depression before I took this drug - My doctor gave it to me for Fibromyalgia , and it is ruining my LIFE ! My lips and face tingle and I am sooo mean every time I try to stop - I dont want to be on this med anymore ! When I am on it I care about nothing even thing I should care about. This pill should be illegal and honestly I belive one day it will be recalled. The symtoms of withdrawl on this medication is unbelievable anyone out there considering tkaing cymbalta do NOT take it even for fibromyalgia - it makes you crazy ! Good luck to anyone on this drug - TERRIBLE!!!
Taking yourself off of a drug such as Cymbalta is very dangerous, ever heard of a brain "misfiring"? Well, she will soon find out if she attempts to remove herself from the drug. A physician will have to take her off of it. Has she weighed the good and the bad together to see which is better?
I have Fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, arthritis, bipolar... the meds I am on are far better than not being on anything at all!!! I did allow a pain clinic physician to put me on methadone for about 8 or 9 months which I did withdraw from cold turkey.
In my own opinion, smoking weed is the best pain killer in the world!! it also kept my depression and manic episodes under control... I would rather smoke pot all day than to live off of opiates. as for the Cymbalta and abilify I am on... you will have to pry those from my cold dead hands!! Best drugs I have been on so far for the bipolar thing. not for pain though.
she does need to weigh the benefits against the drug symptoms and see what she thinks is best, but a physician will have to take her off of it... you can and will have brain mis-fires from taking yourself off such a drug.
Have the doctor wean her off,I dont know why he gave her cymbalta in the first place,If she is in real bad paim change it tp an opiate to start with.If I was your mom I would get an opiate right away and if the doctor says no say good bye.As long as your mom has paper work to show she is in pain get her on a good opiate not codeine 3 or propoxyphene those are as strong as aspirin.Good Luck.And if her quality of her lifeis worse than being addicted get an opiate it takes around 6 months or more to get an opiate habit and if she does get an opiate habit she can ween doctors P.S I would look for a differant doctor
Someone I am close to stopped taking their anti-depressent cold turkey and became uncharacteristically violent. Please don't take this risk. If her doctor refuses to help her come off the drug, find another doctor who is more willing to work with her. If she must stop taking it, she should wean herself off.
Hi. I went off Cymbalta to start Pristiq (which caused severe sweating issues) a few months ago. I also take Celebrex as an anti-inflammatory. Combining the fact that I was having trouble with the Drs office responding to my druggist's request to refill the Celebrex (was off it for a week), weaning (sorry if this is misspelled) off Cymbalta in 1 week then beginning Pristiq... I had a really bad time! I felt anxious, in pain, and symptoms I still cannot describe. The withdrawals were terrible! I have NEVER felt that way in my life. I've had quite a few surgeries (bone-related) and general since a bad car accident when I was 21. I'm now 54. The reason I tell you this is to give you a little bit of history. I've taken a lot of different meds in my life and never had a reaction going off ANYTHING as I did Cymbalta. Again, it could have been a combination of not having the Celebrex for a week, as well.
I would definately have your mother speak to her Dr and wean (again that spelling thing) off Cymbalta just as he/she prescribes, before starting something new. Definately express the withdrawal concerns. I wouldn't wish what I went through on my worst enemy. I just started taking Savella last night. It's fairly new and is used to treat fibromyalgia, but acts like medicines that are used to treat depression, so it says in the material. I wish you the very best. I hope my comment helped. This is the very first time I've ever got on any forums. I really felt compelled to respond. Sorry, you all, for the long disertation. God's Blessings.
Hello, sorry don't have your answer, But I too am actually in need to know. In July my Dr.(shrink) put me on Cymbalta , for depression and for help with the pain from Fibromyalgia with CFS, and my chronic back pain. because I was about to start in a withdrawal program from Oxycontin, by using Suboxone.
He felt that I should get a handle on the underlying pain before I had to deal with the pain of withdrawal. I agreed.. started at 60mg and was never so nauseous in my whole life. I quit it in 2days. Then in November he wanted me to try it again but at only 30mg. I did and I was fine, great actually. Not to say that I have not had episodes of depression but so far been able to get out. I would like to increase now to the 60mg It does however for me make me very sleepy and I take it now only in the late evening.
Why I am interested in the responses here is that I ran out of my prescription Dec 26 and my insurance has capped until Jan 1,2010 and can't afford it. Will I experience problems not taking it for 8 days ? Please advise
And to everyone out there.. For NO reason WHATEVER, don't allow your Dr. to prescribe OXYCONTIN. ! It has ruined my life I am an addict 5yrs now, thus the Suboxone program, wished I knew then what I know now.
at what point to you ask for a sub.program and wat does it do?i mean drug affect wise?
Did you take the oxycontin as prescribed?
Beside everything everybody told ya. I have tried just quitting many different types of anti-depressants in my 28 years of being diagnosed. That FACT is NEVER trying to quit them suddenly! It can cause ya to have deep depression and suicidal. You MUST TAPER DOWN Your Dose SLOWLY! This is based off my own experiences and I been all allot of different meds thru them years. Effexor really messed w/ my head when I came off it. I've been on Lexapro (10mg) for the last couple years and it has had less of the side effects than many of the others. I've been on Paxil, Prozac, Cymbalta, etc. about all the main ones and I been thru allot of with-draws I never what to feel again! Even though I still fight depression everyday, I know it would be worse w/o the help of an anit-depressant???
The problem is that physicians are quick to decide that the depression is causing the pain, when in all actuality the pain is causing the depression. I mean who wouldn't be depressed if they were in pain? I think that if you truly just suffered from depression first and then you were starting to experience some pain or discomfort maybe these types of drugs may work, but I have never met anyone who said that Effexor/Cymbalta helped their pain go away. Those types of medications have noreperephren (sp?) which really messed with all of my other medications and messed up my sleep cycle entirely. I did take Lexapro for a couple of years after getting off of the Effexor, but then found it to all of a sudden not work. They then put me on Celexa, which is working well for me. Everybody's chemistry is different so there is trial and error. It is nice to be on something though that if I miss a dose I don't feel like I actually took something else wrong.
That is what missing a dose of Effexor feels like. I kept thinking "what did I take" when it really was what I didn't take, the Effexor.
cymbalta has helped me a lot with the depression and some what with the fibro pain.I take norco and only seem to need it during weather change and when it is either damp/ cold or both.I have had brain surgery and am getting ready for another and one of the side effects is it helped with the chronic pain a lot, I have essential trmors even when I was a little kid and it ran in my family but for some reason the surgery to help my right hand has inproved the pain.I am getting ready to have the surgery again to stop the tremors on my left side.The surgery is called deep brain stimulation and it is covered by medicare. Oxycontin I am allergic to or something like it. If I take it it does not help the pain and I vomit a lot. The Norco(vicodin) helps and when I am not in pain I just donot take it. The only withdrawl symptom (i'm not sure I would even call it that) is my bowels clean out the next day or two if that.Good luck with your program and I hope it helps.
I was on it for 5 years stop it cold and never new any difference.
Hi 30mg of cymbalta is a low dose but you MUST wein off with directions fro your doctor. I say this to you as I in June decided to just stop taking my medication and I know you are talking about weining off but either way do it under a doctors care. I am a mess and have been since June. I have just started on Cymbalta to help straighten out the mess I got myself into by doing it myself. I can not emphasize enough about involving your doctor because in doing so he will be able to help with any of the prblems that may come with stopping the medication. Good Luck and Take Care.
the time that i tried to stop taking cymbalta i became very sick.Same way when i run out of pain dont ry cold turkey.
Related topics
Further information
- Cymbalta uses and safety info
- Cymbalta prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Cymbalta (detailed)
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