... dangerous?
Question posted by Anonymous on 13 Aug 2010
Last updated on 10 March 2018 by questioninco
... dangerous?
I have taken Lamictal for 15 years. My depression has been stable for 10 years. 5 years ago I developed chronic benign neutropenia. Recently my neutrophils plunged to very serious level - .5 and my spleen is enlarged. I made some connection this week and my immunologist said to stop it immediately and this would be the presumptive cause. obviously i can't do that, so I feel like i'm poisoning myself everyday. I have not had a psychiatrist since we moved 5 years ago. I live in a large metro area and spent 2.5 hours calling, trying to find one yesterday. They either are not accepting new patients or will not take new patients. I can't imagine being in a mental health crisis and having to navigate this. Has anyone else experienced this side effect. The immunologist recommended i try Ability, Cymbalta or Seroquel. I had tried all in the past with no positive result.
Hi Guys and gals,
I took Lamictal for a week I think and I got side effects and a bump on my arm. Stopped it right away and the bump was there for a few months. Glad I'm off it. I'm on Lithium, works great for me.
I am lactose intolerant to the point that I can't even have Ensure (that is supposedly Lactose free). I am on lamictal and just upped my dose to 100 mg at night. Every morning I get up sick. I went on to see what the ingredients are and it says "Lactose". Anyone know of an alternative med I could ask for? I called my doc, but of course they are closed due to it being the 4th... is my company the only place open today??
I have taken 250 mg/day for about 10 years. I was on Lithium for 15 years, had break-through problems and liver concerns. After lithium I was on a roller coaster of physcotic drugs which end with a manic episode and removal from work for six months. Lamictal worked for me and has kept me on the straigh and narrow, however... for about the last eight years I have been experiencing chronic lower back pain. I have a history of tight muscles and I both run and play soccer, so I attributed the back pain to other things. Recently I have read that others have experience lower back pain or other muscle related issues with Lamictal. My doctor says this med is the best to control my condition - Any one in a simalar situation? Any suggestions to lessen lower back pain?
Are you serious? I was thinking about calling my dr to write me a script because he wrote me one for risperodone and the side effects were scary. I was gonna ask for lamictal but after seeing your post I think I should change my mind Dont you?
When I received this information, I spoke to my Dr. and he told me it was dangerous for people who were just starting this medication , but for people who have been on it for a while it was ok.
I continued my treatment with Lamictal without a problem.
Take care,
Hi Maso, saw your own answer to your own question, had to read twice to see that you were actually asking a question. Anyway, besides the tegretal, lithium, halcion, benztropine, all of which have been around for awhile, there are some new mood altering drugs in the anti-depressant category that are helpful for bipolar symptomology. Since you do all your own research, I'm simply going to tell you that they are out there and depending on how extreme symptoms are, it is unknown whether these new drugs would be helpful for bipolar symptoms, it would all depend on the person taking them. I would imagine going from something like seroquel to an anti-depressant might be a stretch, but who knows, i've definitely seen some of the newer drugs advertised as being helpful for bipolar condition. BTW, i know Jimi's brother Leon, I won't say any more than that, but he could find his way to this site someday, you never know.
I got the same msg. you did from FDA, good to know these things, isn't it? Have a great weekend. Dede
Thank you for your concern and for caring enough to answer , this speaks very highly of you and I value it very much.
You are right I never ask, but we all need help once in a while, I take atypical antispychotics, seroquel and abilify, aslo klonopin (benzo as you know) depakene , topamax, etc.
But my comment is to thank you ... I want to be your friend... may I?
Of course, i would be honored to consider you my friend. Dede
maso, How is it dangerous?
your friend,
Received an email from the FDA stating that Lamictal could cause a type of meningitis – aseptic meningitis. Inflamation of the protective membranes in the brain and spinal cord.-
atypical antipsychotic I take seroquel
carbamazepine tegretol
oxcarbazepine trileptal
can not take lithium.
Here I am answering my own question!!! I guessed I am use to helping, got to help my self... ALL INPUT IS VALUABLE BY THE MEMBERS OUR COMMUNITY.
maso, My friend, you are so helpfull that ye answered your own question!
Too funny! Guess it just shows how helpfull you are!
I am crazy, and you are awesome.-
Answer: depakene 250mg!!!
maso, I dig your sense of humor my chilean man-friend!
Jimi Hendrix used that word a lot... I dig yours too mate..cheers!
Maso, Of course, you and sweetlemon had me laughing! I am glad you just answered your own question, but do be careful huh? keep me posted and ask away anytime! Fall Queen
You just put a smile on my face... thank you fallqueen.
I just got put on Lamictial, 5 weeks ago, 2 weeks at 50 mg and 3 wks at 100 mg. I f there is an alternative (other than depakote-not tolerable) let me know. All I have done since being put on lamictial is cry, no reason needed, just cry.Tige
Will do, maybe lithium, consult with your doctor for alternative mood satablizers, I will also look.OK=
Just told maso I have a script for risperodone for a mood stabilizer and after reading the side effects was thinking about calling the Dr and suggesting lamictal but after seeing this it seems the risperodone would be a better medicine. I will be on the .50 once a day. What is your opinion?
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