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What are the symptoms of a uti that has turned into a kidney infection?

4 Answers

happybrandee 1 Dec 2012

I've had this happen a few times, and everytime that I had a Kidney infection, I had severe pain in my back and in my belly, fever, nausea or vomiting, pain during urination (especially in my back and groin), and I would see blood at the end of urination (when you go to wipe or in the last few drops). You may not get all of the same symptoms that I had , but any of these symptoms could be a Kidney infection so you should be checked out as soon as you can. Hope you feel better!

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amaranthine 14 Aug 2015

Would constantly be bloated along with the rest of these symptoms be a symptom as well?

kaismama 30 Nov 2012

Tea colored urine can be blood in urine, you dont have to see bright red. Flank pain can mean kidney involvement. You can also have hazy urine with white sediment. I would see my dr.

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HeadStarter 30 Nov 2012

If the person is having frequent urges to urinate but not much happening or pain and burning while urinating are some signs of the UTI. Having chills (fighting an infection and fever), severe low back pain like feeling you got hit in back or stabbing pains. Blood in the urine is a very bad sign as normally you can have blood in the urine but is only detected by a culture for a UTI. A kidney infection is serious and should be treated accordingly. I would be seeing a urologist about now, if you even suspect it. Stay away from citrus fruits, sugary stuff and caffeine. Cranberry juice can help and I dilute mine with water. Peridium (not sure of spelling but it is O-T-C now) can help with the burning and will turn your urine orange or reddish orange. You can wear a pad to avoid staining your underwear.

Be well and take good care of YOU. Happy Holidays to you, too...


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Inactive 30 Nov 2012

Fever, nausea, pain in mid section or back, red blood in urine, vomiting, stomach problems, including cramps. You don't have to have all those symptoms, if you have fever and the pain is getting worse, or blood in urine, call your dr and go see him/her soon. Best of luck, patti

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urinary tract infection, infections, kidney infections, kidney

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