have had a uti for the last two years multiple doses of antibiotics just taking flomax
Urinary Tract Infection - have chronic uti just drinking lots of water how long til it gets better?
Question posted by COINSESR on 19 Jan 2015
Last updated on 30 March 2015 by rosy_flower05
3 Answers
I've been struggling with UTI's off and on for the past 3 years. They seemed to have calmed down last year, but whenever I'd feel a weird feeling after urinating, then that's when I knew to chug a whole bottle of water and after 10 minutes or so, I'd feel a relief. So for a whole year I blamed it on dehydration and on myself for not drinking enough water. I still did my research and found that cranberry juice is really good in "preventing" UTI's. I quote because although it is good, I read many articles that boldly state it is good to PREVENT one. I added cranberry juice along with drinking water and it surely helped. But just this January my whole perspective about UTI being triggered solely on dehydration changed. After being intimate with my bf, I woke up the next morning with a UTI. I was shocked because I urinated right after intercourse. I'm big on cleanliness, we bathed before intercourse and after.
I even go as far as always washing my hands before using the bathroom. Idk if it's OCD, but I feel that our hands are always exposed to germs and not washing your hands before using the bathroom and then wiping yourself with toilet paper you touched with unclean hands is not good lol... Anyways, I was drinking water and cranberry juice too. I went to the doctor and surely I had a UTI. I was given some meds, which helped. However, I have been struggling with UTI's off and on since then with not much success from meds. I read cranberry supplements work and vitamin c supplements too because they help make the urine more acidic, makes the walls of your bladder more slippery and prevents bacteria from sticking. I had a recent UTI almost two weeks ago, and a friend of mine told me to drink orange juice because it would make my urine more acidic. So along with the orange juice, I drank water, I was taking cystex, and a few cups of cranberry juice and it worked! I won't say to substitute it for a doctor's prescription, but to help prevent those horrible UTI's or an "in the meantime till I go see a doctor" method. I've been doing that and I can say it helped. I honestly think it was more the orange juice because I'm not a fan of it and normally stay away from it, but man was I gulping it down more than anything else, and I felt more relief than when I was only drinking cranberry juice. If you try it, I hope and pray it works for you too!!!
Ever been checked for interstitial cystitis?
Drink some cranberry juice along with the water.
Related topics
flomax, urinary tract infection, infections, dosage, chronic, antibiotics, urinary tract
Further information
- Flomax uses and safety info
- Flomax prescribing info & package insert (for Health Professionals)
- Side effects of Flomax (detailed)
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