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Wellbutrin Questions (Page 25)

Displaying 383 questions associated with Wellbutrin.

Bupropion - Side effects of intermittent Wellbutrin use?

My understanding is that Wellbutrin (bupropion) works only if one takes it consistently. Does anyone use it sporadically, more like based on what you feel like that day? My husband gets prescriptions for a daily dose of 450mg, but doesn't take it on regular basis. I don't know why his... read more

How does Wellbutrin work for anxiety?

Has Wellbutrin helped at all with your anxiety?

I am on Wellbutrin for over a month still have bad side effects!! Just does not agree with me.

My doctor is taking me off from 150XL down to 75mg to wean me off. The 75 mg makes me so speedy I didn’t sleep. I am trying to get off. Has anyone else had this happen? I’m afraid to take it tomorrow. I am afraid to just stop

Paxil - Zoloft and Wellbutrin is it safe?

Is it safe to take Zoloft and Wellbutrin together?

Celexa - I've been depressed for about a year due to stress/parenting?

I've taken Wellbutrin before (about 5 years ago) and remember it helped. I don't remember any weight issues at the time. my Ob/Gyn recommends I try Celexa but I've gained about 15 pounds during this depression and really don't want to risk any additional weight gain. I usually... read more

Wellbutrin for energy and seasonal affective disorder, how effective?

I am currently weaning off my Paxil, because it have lead to conditions that have a huge impact on my health. My PCP recently said I’m pre-diabetic; I actually crave for so much carbs and sugar. I also had gotten a sleep study and found out that I average only 4% REM sleep. The Paxil has... read more

Wellbutrin - taking generic Wellbutrin 150 miligrams XL, once daily.

How long do the side effects last? Particularly my stomach issues. I have been on it for 10 days.

Can Wellbutrin XL 300mg cause drowsiness in some people?

My dosage has been increased from 150mg to 300mg. Once I take the dose in the morning, I have to take a nap soon after. Has anyone else experienced this? From what I've read, it generally has the opposite effect.

Has anyone weaned off Wellbutrin after being on it for 5+ years?

I'm trying to eventually get off all prescription medications. I'm transitioning from clonazepam to diazepam and then will stop the diazepam after a while. But I have also been on Wellbutrin for the last 5 years. I'd really like to wean off that and wondering if anyone else has done... read more

Can I take Zofran with Wellbutrin?

Does Wellbutrin XL (bupropion) interact with (i.e. lower effectiveness of) Lo Loestrin Fe?

I’ve been on Lo Loestrin Fe for 11 months now, and it exacerbated my anxiety and depressive symptoms. My doctor got me on Wellbutrin but I’m concerned it will lower the effectiveness of Lo Loestrin Fe?

Abilify - Do these meds work? I am at a loss?

Anyone take Abilify, Lamictal & Wellbutrin for BPD, PTSD, major depressive disorder and anxiety? I'm currently on Wellbutrin & Lamictal, but I still get angry, anxious, paranoid and depressed. I also and so tired during the day. I function but I feel sluggish and want to lie down. I... read more

Can anyone help. Does anyone have any advice please on Wellbutrin/bupropion?

I've been on most of the SSRI's (they make me wired and more anxious) and 2 SNRI's (which are great but cause me to sweat buckets), and I've just started on Wellbutrin. I'm 2 weeks in and it's been a very very tough 2 weeks, I can cry at the drop of a hat, and the... read more

When will Wellbutrin kick in?

Today is my eighth day taking Wellbutrin. I have had mild depression and moderate anxiety. I am hoping that this medication will help with both. My first few days I felt very energized, optimistic, motivated, and overall better. These last two or three days I have felt very down and sad, almost... read more

Why do I sweat profusely on Wellbutrin take only in am?

Take only in morning . But I sweat all day long sometimes please help me

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