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Wellbutrin Questions (Page 2)

Displaying 387 questions associated with Wellbutrin.

Wellbutrin and agitation/anger outbursts? Anyone else?

I've been on 450 mg for several years. I have had alot of agitation and am short tempered. I don't know if its me or the medicine to be honest. Otherwise this medication really saved my life. Depression got me to the point I couldn't function and my life is just fine in that... read more

Has anybody experienced seizures with bupropion (wellbutrin)?

I am supposed to be starting out at 100 mg for first few days and increase to 200 mg if well tolerated. I ended up breaking the pills in half and only taking 50 mg for first two days because I am terrified of having a seizure. I am already feeling side effects on this low dose, jittery, tremors,... read more

Thoes taking name brand Wellbutrin from Direct Success; How's it working? Are you Feeling better?

I take Wellbutrin XL 300 mg. When I was switched from Brand name Wellbutrin to Par, Anchen, & Actavis generics I became more depressed, and had adverse reactions like unexplainable weight gain, Rashes, allergies, contact dermatitis to products that I had never been allergic to before ( I had... read more

My Wellbutrin seems to be making me more depressed! HELP?

I am 25 years old & have had depression for years, probably on & off since I was 11 or so. It became very apparent when my mom died 4 years ago (of the same cancer that killed my dad when I was 12). I started taking Celexa that same year when my mom was diagnosed. She (and my older brother)... read more

Has anyone tried Zoloft and Wellbutrin together for depression?

if so how did you feel?

Wellbutrin XL - Will the constant hunger ever end?

This is my third day on Bupropion HCL XL 150. I got on it for compulsive eating and slight depression. I am not very large, I am 5"9' and 150 lbs. For three days I have felt constantly hungry. I am not over eating, just eating when I need to. And I eat pretty healthy, a lot of fruits and... read more

Lamictal & Wellbutrin - anyone else taken this combination and what happened with your weight ?

I just started on lamictal . I am on a small dose but I also am very petitie. I also take wellbutrin xl 150 1x day. I am very worried about gaining weight on this medicine. Has anyone else been on this combination of medications and what have they noticed in general but also with their weight and... read more

Wellbutrin - Have any of you experienced sever canker sores or mouth ulcers on this medication?

My boyfriend has been on this medication for about a month and a half now and has experienced canker sores off and on. Recently, it has gotten worse. He now has sores all over his mouth and even on his tonsils. His tongue is all cut up as well. Have any of you experienced this? If so, what did you... read more

Wellbutrin - can you safely divide a pill, take half the dosage?

the dosage is 75mg and i only take pill as needed... it works for me, mainly for anxiety. trying to have the least amount of symtoms... zoning out. thanks

Has anyone gained or lost weight on BUPROPION XL 300mg (generic for W0ELLBUTRIN) ?

I was on Citalopram 40mg for 2 years and gained a total of 40 lbs. My doctor switched me to wellbutrin xl 150 mg but I saw no difference in my weight so she just upped my dose to 300mg. It has worked wonders with my anxiety though, as did the citalopram, but the weight gain and uncontrolled hunger... read more

Does Wellbutrin increase your sex drive?

Is an increased sex-drive while on Wellbutrin a common side-effect? Reading all this stuff about Wellbutrin and increased libidos makes me think it's some sort of Viagra. Anybody who doesn't have this side-effect?

Wellbutrin, has anyone experienced hard or rapid & irregular heartbeats, muscle back pain, insomnia?

Loss of appetite and cannot gain any weight? This all makes me anxious and the whole reason I went on it was for depression and anxiety! Anyone out there have any similiar symptoms or have an educated reason why I am having these side effects? Help!

Taking Wellbutrin and Prozac?

I have PTSD, depression and anxiety. I've been on Prozac for years and in March switched to Wellbutrin. I began having bad headaches, fuzzy thinking and just didn't feel right. I heard taking Prozac and Wellbutrin together can be more therapeutic together. Will taking Wellbutrin with... read more

Anyone experience heavy side effects during the first week or two on Wellbutrin?

I started Wellbutrin 4 days ago and I have been experiencing some weird side effects. I feel like my whole body is swirling and I get this heavy pressure in my ears and head. It feels like my forehead and eyes are being squashed together towards the end of the day. Also I am twitching and jerking... read more

Wellbutrin - How long until the insomnia wears off?

Hello, I am on my first week of Wellbutrin (generic) IR and am not sleeping well. Does this side-effect eventually wear off? Will I ever be able to sleep again? I took a half of a Trazodone the other night and it did NOTHING to help me sleep. They used to knock me out. Maybe I'll try a whole... read more

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