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Tizanidine Questions

Displaying 47 questions associated with Tizanidine.

What is Miderizone used for?

I'm currently taking both tizanidine and gabapentin before bed and am suffering horrible side?

... effects continuing through the next day: feel like i am floating, mentally slow, slurring speech and off balance. has anyone else experienced this??

Why can't I sleep while taking TiZANidine?

I Have recently been prescribed TiZANidine for bad muscle spasms. And since starting the prescription, If I take one before bed, I can not sleep. It keeps me up all night with just a thousand thoughts running through my head. I've tried reading up on it and everything I read, everyone claims... read more

Which is stronger 10mg Cyclobenzaprine hydrochloride or 4mg Tizanidine?

I fractured 7 vertebrate recently, then a few days ago, I sprained my ankle. I am on pain meds as well as 4 mg Tizanidine 4x/day. When I first fractured my vertebrate a few months ago they gave me flexoril (10mg's). I am not completely sure if I notice a difference between the two (been on... read more

What are the ingredients in Zanaflex/Tizanidine HCL 4 MG Tablets?

I was told it was a combination of Xanax and Flexeril. I would really like to know because my Dr. recently put me on it.

Tizanidine - is it considered a narcotic?

Can muscle relaxers such as tizanidine or flexeril cause arms and legs to jerk or move uncontrolabl?

I only take a muscle relaxer (Tiznaidine) at night before I go to bed. I notice that my arm and legs jerk or move uncontrolably. In the mornings I even have trouble holding on to my coffee cup. I have spilled my coffee a few times. I looked at the side affects for this drug and did not see this one... read more

Tizanidine - Has anyone noticed weight gain while taking zanaflex?

I have been taking 4mg of tizanidine at night since October and have gained 12 lbs or so since then! It is the only thing I can think of that is different. I also take Cymbalta and Tramadol but have been taking those for several years and no weight gain. Thanks!

Is tizanidine hcl 4mg tab prescribed for treating symptoms caused by restless leg syndrome?

Is tizanidine hcl 4mg tab often prescribed for symptoms and treatment of restless leg syndrome?

I failed a drug screen test while taking tizanidine?

I failed a drug screen test, it showed up as anfetamines (sorry, I do not take it or know how to spell it). I have only taken medication that my Doctor prescribes, and they do not belive me. What do I do?

Does tizanidine make anyone real flustered and hot?

Im never hot always seem to be cold but it seems since I hurt my shoulder I just cant keep cool and I sweat and get real cranky. Is this normal?

When does tizanidine(zanaflex) 4mg expire?

Tizanidine - Will this medicine act the same as tramadol?

Such as seratonin

Does tizanidine 4mg help with restless leg?

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